Source code for scripts.base.handlers

PokeGambler - A Pokemon themed gambling bot for Discord.
Copyright (C) 2021 Harshith Thota

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.

Module which extends to allow for custom application commands.

# pylint: disable=no-member, too-many-lines

from __future__ import annotations

import inspect
import itertools
from typing import (
    TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Coroutine,
    Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union

import discord
from cachetools import TTLCache
from discord.app_commands import Choice
from discord.http import Route

from scripts.base.enums import OptionTypes

from ..helpers.parsers import CustomRstParser
from ..helpers.utils import get_modules
from .components import (
    AppCommand, ContextMenu, GuildEvent,
    GuildEventType, SlashCommand

    from bot import PokeGambler

[docs]class OverriddenChannel: """ A modified version of :class:`discord.TextChannel` which overrides :meth:`discord.TextChannel.send` to suppress stray deferred ephemeral messages. :param parent: The original interaction class. :type parent: :class:`discord.Interaction` """ def __init__(self, parent: discord.Interaction): self.parent = parent = def __getattr__(self, item: str) -> Any: return self.__dict__.get( item, getattr(, item) ) def __str__(self) -> str: return str( def __eq__(self, other: OverriddenChannel) -> bool: return ==
[docs] async def send(self, *args, **kwargs): """ :meth:`discord.TextChannel.send` like behavior for :class:`~scripts.base.handlers.OverriddenChannel`. """ msg = await*args, **kwargs) return msg
[docs]class CustomInteraction: """ An overrided class of :class:`discord.Interaction` to provide hybrid behavior between interaction and Message. :param interaction: The original interaction class. :type interaction: :class:`discord.Interaction` """ def __init__(self, interaction: discord.Interaction): self.interaction = interaction = interaction.user = OverriddenChannel(interaction) def __getattr__(self, item: str) -> Any: return self.__dict__.get( item, getattr(self.interaction, item) ) def __str__(self) -> str: return str(self.interaction) def __eq__(self, other: CustomInteraction) -> bool: return ==
[docs] async def reply(self, *args, **kwargs): """ :meth:`discord.Message.reply` like behavior for Interactions. """ try: await self.interaction.response.send_message( *args, **kwargs ) msg = await self.interaction.original_message() except discord.InteractionResponded: msg = await self.interaction.followup.send( *args, **kwargs ) return msg
[docs] async def add_reaction(self, reaction: str): """:meth:`discord.Message.add_reaction` like behavior for Interactions. :param reaction: The reaction to add. :type reaction: :class:`str` """ # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from ..base.views import EmojiButton emoji_btn = EmojiButton(reaction) payload = { "content": '\u200B', "view": emoji_btn, "ephemeral": True } try: await self.interaction.response.send_message( **payload ) except discord.InteractionResponded: await self.interaction.followup.send( **payload )
[docs]class CommandListing(list): """An extending hybrid list to hold instances of :class:`~.components.AppCommand`. Supports accessing a command by name. :param handler: The command handler object. :type session: Union[SlashHandler, ContextHandler] """ def __init__(self, handler: Union[SlashHandler, ContextHandler]): list.__init__(self) self.handler = handler def __iter__(self) -> List[AppCommand]: for item in super().__iter__(): if isinstance(item, AppCommand): yield item def __getitem__(self, item: str) -> AppCommand: return next( ( command for command in self if == item ), None ) def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: AppCommand) -> None: if isinstance(value, dict): value = AppCommand.from_dict(**value) super().__setitem__(key, value) def __contains__(self, item: Union[AppCommand, Dict]) -> bool: if isinstance(item, dict): item = self.Component.from_dict(**item) return any( == for command in self ) # pylint: disable=invalid-name @property def Component(self) -> Type[AppCommand]: """Returns the component class of the handler. :return: The component class of the handler. :rtype: Type[AppCommand] """ return self.handler.component_class
[docs] def append(self, command: Union[AppCommand, Dict]): """Transform/Ensure that the command is a :class:`~.components.AppCommand` and append it to the list. :param command: The command to add to the list. :type command: Union[:class:`~.components.AppCommand`, Dict] """ if isinstance(command, dict): command = self.Component.from_dict(command) super().append(command)
[docs] def remove(self, command: Union[str, Dict, AppCommand]): """ | Remove a command from the list. | Supports lookups by name and ID. :param command: The command to remove from the list. :type command: Union[str, Dict, :class:`~.components.AppCommand`] """ for index, item in enumerate(self): if any([ isinstance(command, str) and == command, isinstance(command, dict) and == command['id'], isinstance( command, AppCommand ) and ==, ]): del self[index] return
@property def names(self) -> List[str]: """ :return: Stored command names. :rtype: List """ return [ for command in self]
[docs] async def refresh(self, fresh=False, **kwargs): """ Refreshes the command list. """ if fresh: self.clear() route = self.handler.get_route('GET', **kwargs) commands = await self.handler.http.request(route) for command in commands: if command['type'] in self.Component.types(): if 'options' in command: for option in command['options']: option['autocomplete'] = option.get( 'autocomplete', False ) if command['name'] not in self.names: self.append( self.handler.component_class.from_dict(command) )
[docs]def command_to_dict( command: Callable, local: Optional[bool] = False ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Convert a command to a dictionary. :param command: Command to convert. :type command: Callable :param local: Whether to use local or official server. :type local: Optional[bool] :return: Dictionary representation of the command. :rtype: Dict[str, Any] """ description = command.__doc__.split("\n")[0] with CustomRstParser() as rst_parser: rst_parser.parse(command.__doc__) meta = rst_parser.meta options = rst_parser.parsed_params desc = meta.description if len(desc) <= 100: description = desc options = sorted(options, key=lambda x: -x['required']) # Fix for Discord API not supporting Default Option for option in options: option.pop('default', None) cmd_name = command.__name__.replace("cmd_", "") if local: cmd_name += "_" return { "name": cmd_name, "description": description, "type": 1, "options": options }
[docs]class SlashHandler: """ | Class which handles custom slash commands. | It is an extension of's http module. """ def __init__(self, ctx: PokeGambler): self.ctx = ctx self.http = ctx.http self.component_class = SlashCommand self.registered = CommandListing(self) self.official_roles = {} self.update_counter = 0
[docs] async def add_slash_commands(self, **kwargs): """Add all slash commands to the guild/globally. :param kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to the route. :type kwargs: Dict """ if not any([ self.ctx.is_prod, self.ctx.is_local ]): return if not self.official_roles: self.official_roles = { for role in self.ctx.get_guild( self.ctx.official_server ).roles } current_commands = [] for module in get_modules(self.ctx): current_commands.extend( getattr(module, attr) for attr in dir(module) if ( attr.startswith("cmd_") and "no_slash" not in dir( getattr(module, attr) ) ) ) current_commands = sorted( list(set(current_commands)), key=current_commands.index ) await self.__sync_commands(current_commands, **kwargs) for command in current_commands: await self.register_command(command, **kwargs) msg = f"Succesfully synced {len(self.registered)} slash commands." if not self.update_counter: msg = 'No commands require sync.' self.ctx.logger.pprint(msg, color='green')
[docs] async def delete_command( self, command: Union[SlashCommand, Dict], **kwargs ): """Deletes a Slash command to the guild/globally. :param command: The Command object/dictionary to delete. :type command: Union[:class:`~.components.SlashCommand`, Dict] :param kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to the route. :type kwargs: Dict[str, Any] """ if isinstance(command, SlashCommand): cmd = command.to_dict() route_kwargs = { "method": "DELETE", "endpoint": cmd['id'] } if self.ctx.is_prod: route_kwargs["guild_id"] = self.ctx.official_server kwargs |= route_kwargs route = self.get_route(**kwargs) try: await self.http.request(route) if cmd['name'] in self.registered.names: self.registered.remove(cmd['name']) self.ctx.logger.pprint( f"Unregistered command: {cmd['name']}", color='yellow' ) except discord.HTTPException as excp: self.ctx.logger.pprint( excp, color='red' )
[docs] async def get_command(self, command: str) -> AppCommand: """Gets the Command Object from its name. :param command: The command name :type command: str :return: The corresponding Slash Command object. :rtype: :class:`~.components.SlashCommand` """ return next( ( cmd for cmd in self.registered if == command ), None )
[docs] def get_route(self, method="POST", **kwargs): """Get the route for the query based on the kwargs. :param method: HTTP Method to use. :type method: str :param kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to the route. :type kwargs: Dict[str, Any] """ path = f"/applications/{}" if kwargs.get('guild_id'): path += f'/guilds/{kwargs["guild_id"]}' path += '/commands' if kwargs.get('endpoint'): path += f'/{kwargs["endpoint"]}' return Route( method=method, path=path, **kwargs )
[docs] async def parse_response( self, interaction: discord.Interaction ) -> Tuple[Callable, Dict[str, Any]]: """Parse the response from the server. :param interaction: Interaction to parse. :type interaction: :class:`discord.Interaction` :return: Parsed command method and additional details. :rtype: Tuple[Callable, Dict[str, Any]] """ # await interaction.response.defer() interaction = CustomInteraction(interaction) data = kwargs = { 'message': interaction, 'args': [], 'mentions': [] } method = None cmd = f'cmd_{data["name"]}' if self.ctx.is_local: cmd = cmd.rstrip('_') for com in get_modules(self.ctx): if com.enabled: method = getattr(com, cmd, None) if method: break with CustomRstParser() as rst_parser: rst_parser.parse(method.__doc__) param_names = rst_parser.param_names for opt in data.get('options', {}): if opt['name'] in param_names: if opt['type'] == OptionTypes.USER.value: getter = interaction.guild.get_member alt_getter = self.ctx.get_user elif opt['type'] == OptionTypes.CHANNEL.value: getter = interaction.guild.get_channel alt_getter = self.ctx.get_channel elif opt['type'] == OptionTypes.ROLE.value: getter = interaction.guild.get_role alt_getter = None elif opt['type'] == OptionTypes.ATTACHMENT.value: getter = None alt_getter = None opt['value'] = discord.Attachment( data=data['resolved']['attachments'][opt['value']], # pylint: disable=protected-access state=interaction._state ) else: getter = None if getter: opt['value'] = self.__get_entity( int(opt['value']), getter, alt_getter ) kwargs[opt['name']] = opt['value'] return (method, kwargs)
[docs] async def register_command( self, command: Callable, **kwargs ): """Register a Slash command to the guild/globally. :param command: Command to register. :type command: str :param kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to the route. :type kwargs: Dict """ cmd_name = command.__name__.replace('cmd_', '') if self.ctx.is_local: cmd_name += '_' if cmd_name in self.registered.names and self.__params_matched( command, cmd_name ): return {} self.update_counter += 1 self.ctx.logger.pprint( f"[{self.update_counter}] Registering the command: {cmd_name}", color='blue' ) payload = self.__prep_payload(command) if not payload: return {} if hasattr(command, "os_only") and self.ctx.is_prod: route = self.get_route(guild_id=self.ctx.official_server) elif self.ctx.is_local: route = self.get_route(**kwargs) else: route = self.get_route() if any( hasattr(command, perm) for perm in ( 'admin_only', 'owner_only' ) ) and self.ctx.is_prod: route = self.get_route(guild_id=self.ctx.official_server) payload["default_member_permission"] = "0" try: resp = await self.http.request(route, json=payload) self.registered.remove(cmd_name) self.registered.append(resp) return resp except discord.HTTPException as excp: self.ctx.logger.pprint( str(excp).splitlines()[-1], color='red' ) self.ctx.logger.pprint( f"{command}\n{payload}", color='red' ) return {}
def __params_matched(self, command, cmd_name): params = {} with CustomRstParser() as rst_parser: rst_parser.parse(command.__doc__) if rst_parser.params: params = { key: { field: val for field, val in param.parse().items() if all([ val is not None, # Fix for Discord API not supporting Default option field != 'default' ]) } for key, param in rst_parser.params.items() if key != 'message' } registered_cmd_params = self.registered[cmd_name].parameters return params == registered_cmd_params def __prep_payload(self, command: Callable) -> Dict: """Prepare payload for slash command registration. :param command: Command to register. :type command: Callable :return: Payload for slash command registration. :rtype: Dict """ if getattr(command, "disabled", False): return {} if not command.__doc__: return {} return command_to_dict( command, local=self.ctx.is_local ) async def __sync_commands(self, current_commands, **kwargs): if not self.ctx.is_local: await self.registered.refresh(fresh=True) await self.registered.refresh(**kwargs) pad = '' if not self.ctx.is_local else '_' cmds = [ cmd.__name__.replace('cmd_', '') + pad for cmd in current_commands ] for command in self.registered: if not in cmds: await self.delete_command(command, **kwargs) @staticmethod def __get_entity(val, getter, alt_getter=None): id_ = int(val) alt_getter = alt_getter or getter return getter(id_) or alt_getter(id_)
[docs]class ContextHandler: """Class which handles context menus. .. warning:: Currently does not support autosync. :param ctx: The pokegambler client. :type ctx: :class:`bot.PokeGambler` """ def __init__(self, ctx: PokeGambler): self.ctx = ctx self.http = ctx.http self.component_class = ContextMenu self.registered = CommandListing(self) self.update_counter = 0
[docs] async def delete_command( self, command: Union[ContextMenu, Dict], **kwargs ): """Deletes a Context Menu command. :param command: The Command object/dictionary to delete. :type command: Union[:class:`~.components.ContextMenu`, Dict] :param kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to the route. :type kwargs: Dict[str, Any] """ if isinstance(command, ContextMenu): cmd = command.to_dict() route_kwargs = { "method": "DELETE", "endpoint": cmd['id'] } kwargs |= route_kwargs route = self.get_route(**kwargs) try: await self.http.request(route) if cmd['name'] in self.registered.names: self.registered.remove(cmd['name']) self.ctx.logger.pprint( f"Unregistered command: {cmd['name']}", color='yellow' ) except discord.HTTPException as excp: self.ctx.logger.pprint( excp, color='red' )
[docs] async def execute( self, interaction: discord.Interaction ) -> Callable: """Parse the data into :class:`.components.ContextMenu` and executes its callback. :param interaction: Interaction to parse. :type interaction: :class:`discord.Interaction` :return: Parsed command method. :rtype: Callable """ await interaction.response.defer() interaction = CustomInteraction(interaction) command = self.registered[['name']] await command.callback(message=interaction)
[docs] def get_route(self, method="POST", **kwargs): """Get the route for the query. :param method: HTTP Method to use. :type method: str """ path = f"/applications/{}/commands" if kwargs.get("endpoint"): path += f"/{kwargs['endpoint']}" return Route( method=method, path=path )
[docs] async def register_command( self, callback: Callable, type_: Optional[int] = 2 ) -> ContextMenu: """ Register a context menu command. :param callback: The callback which gets executed upon interaction. :type callback: Callable :param type_: The type of the context menu command. :type type_: Optional[int] :return: The registered context menu command. :rtype: :class:`~.components.ContextMenu` """ if not self.registered: await self.registered.refresh() cmd_name = callback.__name__.title().replace('Cmd_', '') if cmd_name in self.registered.names: if not self.registered[cmd_name].callback: self.registered[cmd_name].callback = callback return {} session = self.http payload = { "name": cmd_name, "type": type_ } route = Route( 'POST', f"/applications/{}/commands", json=payload ) self.ctx.logger.pprint( f"Registering the command: {payload['name']}", color='blue' ) try: resp = await session.request(route, json=payload) self.update_counter += 1 self.registered.append( ContextMenu.from_dict( {**resp, "callback": callback} ) ) self.ctx.logger.pprint( f"Succesfully registered: {payload['name']}", color='green' ) return self.registered[-1] except discord.HTTPException as excp: self.ctx.logger.pprint( excp, color='red' ) return None
[docs] async def register_all(self): """ Registers all the decorated Context Menu commands. """ for module in get_modules(self.ctx): for cmd in dir(module): if cmd.startswith('cmd_') and hasattr( getattr(module, cmd), 'ctx_command' ): await self.register_command(getattr(module, cmd)) msg = f"Registered {len(self.registered)} commands." if not self.update_counter: msg = "No new context menu commands found." self.ctx.logger.pprint(msg, color='green')
[docs]class AutocompleteHandler: """Autocomplete handler for commands. :param ctx: The pokegambler client. :type ctx: :class:`bot.PokeGambler` """ def __init__(self, ctx: PokeGambler): self.ctx = ctx self.commands = {} self.cache = TTLCache(maxsize=10, ttl=60)
[docs] def register( self, cmd: Coroutine, callback_dict: Dict[str, Callable[ [discord.Interaction], List[Any] ]] ): """Register a command with its choices. :param cmd: The command to register. :param callback_dict: The callback dictionary. """ cmd_dict = command_to_dict(cmd, local=self.ctx.is_local) cmd = SlashCommand.from_dict(cmd_dict) self.commands[cmd] = callback_dict
[docs] def unregister(self, cmd: SlashCommand): """Unregister a command. :param cmd: The command to unregister. :type cmd: :class:`~scripts.base.components.SlashCommand` """ self.commands.pop(cmd, None)
[docs] async def parse( self, interaction: discord.Interaction ) -> List[Choice]: """Get the choices for a command. :param interaction: The interaction to parse. :type interaction: :class:`discord.Interaction` :return: The choices for the command. :rtype: List[:class:`discord.app_commands.Choice`] """ cmd = SlashCommand.from_dict( ) if cmd not in self.registered: return [] focused_opt = next( ( opt for opt in cmd.options if opt.get('focused', False) ), None ) if not focused_opt: return [] # Reset on empty input if focused_opt.get('value', '') == '': self.cache.pop( (cmd, focused_opt,, None ) focused_opt = choices = self.cache.get( (cmd, focused_opt, ) if not choices: callable_ = self.commands[cmd][focused_opt] if inspect.iscoroutinefunction(callable_): choices = await callable_(interaction) else: choices = callable_(interaction) if len(choices) > 20: choices = iter(choices) self.cache[ (cmd, focused_opt, ] = choices choice_list = [ Choice( name=elem['name'], value=elem['value'] ) for elem in itertools.islice(choices, 20) ] await interaction.response.autocomplete(choice_list) return choice_list
@property def registered(self) -> List[SlashCommand]: """Get the registered commands. :return: The registered commands. :rtype: List[:class:`~scripts.base.components.SlashCommand`] """ return list(self.commands)
[docs]class GuildEventHandler: """Class which handles guild events. :param ctx: The pokegambler client. :type ctx: :class:`bot.PokeGambler` """ def __init__(self, ctx: PokeGambler): self.ctx = ctx self.http = ctx.http
[docs] async def list_events(self, guild_id: Union[int, str]) -> List[GuildEvent]: """List all the events for a guild. :param guild_id: The guild id. :type guild_id: Union[int, str] :return: The list of events. :rtype: List[:class:`~scripts.base.components.GuildEvent`] """ route = Route( method="GET", path=f"/guilds/{guild_id}/scheduled-events" ) try: resp = await self.http.request(route) return [ GuildEvent.from_dict(event) for event in resp ] except discord.HTTPException as excp: self.ctx.logger.pprint( excp, color='red' ) return None
[docs] async def register_event( self, guild_id: Union[int, str], event: GuildEvent ) -> GuildEvent: """Register a guild event. :param guild_id: The guild id. :type guild_id: Union[int, str] :param event: The event to register. :type event: :class:`~scripts.base.components.GuildEvent` :return: The registered event. :rtype: :class:`~scripts.base.components.GuildEvent` """ route = Route( method="POST", path=f"/guilds/{guild_id}/scheduled-events" ) if not isinstance(event, GuildEvent): event = self.dict_to_event(event) try: resp = await self.http.request(route, json=event.to_payload()) return GuildEvent.from_dict(resp) except discord.HTTPException as excp: self.ctx.logger.pprint( excp, color='red' ) return None
[docs] @staticmethod def dict_to_event(event: Dict) -> GuildEvent: """Convert a dict to a :class:`.components.GuildEvent` :param event: The dict to convert. :type event: Dict :return: The converted event. :rtype: :class:`~scripts.base.components.GuildEvent` """ if "start" in event: event["scheduled_start_time"] = event.pop("start") if "end" in event: event["scheduled_end_time"] = event.pop("end") text_channel = event.pop("text_channel", None) voice_channel = event.pop("voice_channel", None) gevent = GuildEvent.from_dict(event) if text_channel: gevent.set_text_channel(str(text_channel)) elif voice_channel: gevent.set_voice_channel(str(voice_channel)) elif ( gevent.entity_type == GuildEventType.EXTERNAL and ( not gevent.entity_metadata or not gevent.entity_metadata.get('location') ) ): gevent.entity_metadata = { 'location': "Here" } return gevent