Source code for scripts.commands.admincommands

PokeGambler - A Pokemon themed gambling bot for Discord.
Copyright (C) 2021 Harshith Thota

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.

Administration Commands

# pylint: disable=unused-argument, too-many-lines

from __future__ import annotations
import asyncio

import json
import os
import re
from dataclasses import MISSING, fields
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, Optional, Type

import discord
from dotenv import load_dotenv

from ..base.items import Item, Tradable, Treasure
from ..base.modals import CallbackReplyModal
from ..base.models import Blacklist, Inventory, Model, Profiles
from import PremiumShop, Shop
from ..base.views import BaseView, CallbackButton, SelectConfirmView
from ..helpers.utils import dedent, get_embed, is_admin, is_owner
from ..helpers.validators import (
    HexValidator, ImageUrlValidator,
    IntegerValidator, ItemNameValidator,
from .basecommand import (
    Commands, admin_only, alias, check_completion, defer,
    ensure_item, get_profile, model, os_only

    from discord import Message


[docs]class AdminCommands(Commands): """ Commands that deal with the moderation tasks. .. note:: Only Admins and Owners will have access to these. """ # pylint: disable=no-self-use
[docs] @admin_only async def cmd_announce( self, message: Message, ping: Optional[discord.Role] = None, **kwargs ): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` :param ping: The role to ping when the announcement is made. :type ping: Optional[:class:`discord.Role`] .. meta:: :description: Send an announcement. .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /announce .. rubric:: Description ``🛡️ Admin Command`` Make PokeGambler send an announcement in the announcement channel. """ async def callback(modal, interaction): content = modal.results[0] if ping: content = f"Hey {ping.mention}\n{content}" chan = message.guild.get_channel( int(os.getenv("ANNOUNCEMENT_CHANNEL")) ) msg = await chan.send(content=content) await msg.publish() return { "embed": get_embed( title="Sent Announcement" ) } modal = CallbackReplyModal( title='Announcement', callback=callback ) modal.add_long( 'Enter the message.', placeholder="Markdown is supported." ) await message.response.send_modal(modal) await modal.wait()
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
[docs] @admin_only @model(Profiles) @alias("chips+") async def cmd_add_chips( self, message: Message, user: discord.User, amount: int, purchased: Optional[bool] = False, deduct: Optional[bool] = False, **kwargs ): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` :param user: The user whom the chips are being added to. :type user: :class:`discord.User` :param amount: The amount of chips to add. :type amount: int :min_value amount: 10 :param purchased: Whether Pokebonds were purchased instead of chips. :type purchased: Optional[bool] :default purchased: False :param deduct: Whether to deduct the amount from the user's balance. :type deduct: Optional[bool] :default deduct: False .. meta:: :description: Add chips to a user's balance. :aliases: chips+ .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /add_chips user:@user amount:chips [purchased:True/False] [deduct:True/False] .. rubric:: Description ``🛡️ Admin Command`` Adds {pokechip_emoji} to a user's account. Use the purchased option in case of Pokebonds. .. rubric:: Examples * To give 50 {pokechip_emoji} to user ABCD#1234 .. code:: coffee :force: /add_chips user:@ABCD#1234 amount:50 * To add 50 exchanged {pokebond_emoji} to user ABCD#1234 .. code:: coffee :force: /add_chips user:ABCD#1234 amount:50 purchased:True * To deduct 500 {pokechip_emoji} from user ABCD#1234 .. code:: coffee :force: /add_chips user:@ABCD#1234 amount:500 deduct:True """ profile = await get_profile(self.ctx, message, user) if not profile: return valid = await MinValidator( min_value=10, message=message, on_null={ "title": "Invalid Amount", "description": "Specify how many chips to add." } ).validate(amount) if not valid: return bonds = purchased and is_owner(self.ctx, if deduct: profile.debit(amount, bonds=bonds) else:, bonds=bonds) await message.add_reaction("👍")
[docs] @admin_only @os_only @model([Blacklist, Profiles]) @alias("bl") async def cmd_blacklist_user( self, message: Message, user: discord.Member, reason: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs ): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` :param user: The user to blacklist. :type user: :class:`discord.Member` :param reason: The reason for blacklisting the user. :type reason: Optional[str] .. meta:: :description: Blacklist a user from using PokeGambler. :aliases: bl .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /blacklist_user user:@user [reason:reason] .. rubric:: Description ``🛡️ Admin Command`` Blacklists a user from using PokeGambler until pardoned. Use the Reason option to provide a reason for the blacklist. .. rubric:: Examples * To blacklist user ABCD#1234 from using PokeGambler .. code:: coffee :force: /blacklist_user user:@ABCD#1234 * To blacklist user ABCD#1234 from using PokeGambler for spamming .. code:: coffee :force: /blacklist_user user:@ABCD#1234 reason:Spamming """ if any([ is_admin(user), is_owner(self.ctx, user) ]): await message.reply( embed=get_embed( "You cannot blacklist owners and admins!", embed_type="error", title="Invalid User" ) ) return await Blacklist( user,, reason=reason ).save() await message.add_reaction("👍")
[docs] @admin_only @model(Profiles) @alias("usr_pr") async def cmd_user_profile( # pylint: disable=no-self-use self, message: Message, user: discord.User, **kwargs ): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` :param user: The user whose profile is being requested. :type user: :class:`discord.User` .. meta:: :description: Get the complete profile of a user. :aliases: usr_pr .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /user_profile user:@user .. rubric:: Description ``🛡️ Admin Command`` Get the complete profile of a user, including their loot information. .. rubric:: Examples * To get the complete profile of user ABCD#1234 .. code:: coffee :force: /user_profile user:@ABCD#1234 """ profile = await get_profile(self.ctx, message, user) if not profile: return data = profile.full_info if not data: return content = f'```json\n{json.dumps(data, indent=3, default=str)}\n```' await message.reply(content)
[docs] @admin_only @os_only @model([Blacklist, Profiles]) @alias("pardon") async def cmd_pardon_user( self, message: Message, user: discord.Member, **kwargs ): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` :param user: The user to pardon. :type user: :class:`discord.Member` .. meta:: :description: Pardons a blacklisted user. :aliases: pardon .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /pardon_user user:@user .. rubric:: Description ``🛡️ Admin Command`` Pardons a blacklisted user so that they can use PokeGambler again. .. rubric:: Examples * To pardon user ABCD#1234 .. code:: coffee :force: /pardon user:@ABCD#1234 """ if any([ is_admin(user), is_owner(self.ctx, user) ]): await message.reply( embed=get_embed( "Owners and Admins are never blacklisted.", embed_type="error", title="Invalid User" ) ) return if not Blacklist.is_blacklisted(str( await message.reply( embed=get_embed( "User is not blacklisted.", embed_type="error", title="Invalid User" ) ) return Blacklist(user, await message.add_reaction("👍")
[docs] @admin_only @os_only @model(Profiles) @alias("rst_usr") async def cmd_reset_user( # pylint: disable=no-self-use self, message: Message, user: discord.User, **kwargs ): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` :param user: The user whose profile is being reset. :type user: :class:`discord.User` .. meta:: :description: Completely resets a user's profile. :aliases: rst_usr .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /reset_user user:@user .. rubric:: Description ``🛡️ Admin Command`` Completely resets a user's profile to the starting stage. .. rubric:: Examples * To reset user ABCD#1234 .. code:: coffee :force: /reset_user user:@ABCD#1234 """ profile = await get_profile(self.ctx, message, user) if not profile: return profile.reset() await message.add_reaction("👍")
[docs] @admin_only @os_only @model(Profiles) @check_completion @alias("upd_usr") async def cmd_update_user( self, message: Message, user: discord.User, **kwargs ): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` :param user: The user whose profile is being updated. :type user: :class:`discord.User` .. meta:: :description: Updates a user's profile. :aliases: upd_usr .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /update_user user:@user .. rubric:: Description ``🛡️ Admin Command`` Updates a user's profile. .. rubric:: Examples * To update user ABCD#1234 .. code:: coffee :force: /update_user user:@ABCD#1234 """ profile = await get_profile(self.ctx, message, user) if not profile: return async def oneshotview(view, interaction): chosen = None for child in view.children: if child.custom_id == 'custom_id', None ): chosen = child child.disabled = True await interaction.message.edit(view=view) if chosen is None: await interaction.response.send_message( embed=get_embed( "You need to choose an option.", embed_type="error", title="Invalid Choice" ) ) return modal = CallbackReplyModal( title="Update User" ) field_dict = self.__upd_usr_field_dict(message) chosen_fields = field_dict[chosen.label] for field_name in chosen_fields: modal.add_short( text=field_name, required=False ) async def modal_callback(modal, interaction): to_update = {} updates = [] invalids = {} for child in modal.children: if child.value: validator = chosen_fields[child.label][1] if validator is not None: validator.error_embed_title = \ f"Invalid Value for {child.label}" cleaned = await validator.cleaned( child.value ) if cleaned is None: invalids[ chosen_fields[child.label][0] ] = ( validator.error_embed_desc or "Enter a valid value." ) continue to_update[chosen_fields[child.label][0]] = cleaned else: to_update[chosen_fields[child.label][0]] = child.value updates.append(f"**{child.label}**") if chosen.label == "Currency": curr_bal = profile.balance if increment := int(to_update.get("won_chips", 0)) + ( int(to_update.get("pokebonds", 0)) * 10 ): new_bal = curr_bal + increment to_update["balance"] = new_bal profile.update(**to_update) field_str = ", ".join(updates) if field_str: emb = get_embed( f"Succesfully updated the fields: {field_str}." ) elif invalids: emb = get_embed( title="Invalid Values", content="The following fields were invalid.", embed_type="error", fields=invalids ) else: emb = get_embed( "No fields were updated.", embed_type="warning" ) return {"embed": emb} modal.add_callback(modal_callback) await interaction.response.send_modal(modal) return btn_view = await self.__upd_usr_send_buttons(message, oneshotview) await btn_view.dispatch(self) return
[docs] @admin_only @os_only @model(Model) @defer async def cmd_censor_uids( self, message, user: discord.User, **kwargs ): """Censor the IDs of a user from the database. Replaces the user ID with "REDACTED". :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` :param user: The user whose IDs need to be censord. :type user: :class:`discord.User` .. meta:: :description: Censor a user by their ID :aliases: del_uids .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /censor_uids user:@User .. rubric:: Description ``👑 Owner Command`` Censors the IDs of a user from the database. .. rubric:: Examples * To censor a user ABC#1234: .. code:: coffee :force: /censor_uids user:@ABC#1234 """ if num_censored := Model.censor_uids(user): await message.reply( embed=get_embed( content=f"Censord {num_censored} IDs" ) ) else: await message.reply( embed=get_embed( content="No IDs to censor" ) )
[docs] @check_completion @admin_only @os_only @model(Item) @alias("item+") async def cmd_create_item( self, message: Message, premium: Optional[bool] = False, **kwargs ): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` :param premium: Whether or not the item is premium. :type premium: Optional[bool] :default premium: False .. meta:: :description: Creates a PokeGambler world [Item] \ and saves it in the database. :aliases: item+ .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /create_item [premium:True/False] .. rubric:: Description ``🛡️ Admin Command`` Creates a PokeGambler world Item and saves it in the database. .. seealso:: :class:`~scripts.base.items.Item` .. note:: * Chests cannot be created using this. * RewardBoxes and Lootbags are yet to be implemented. * Owner(s) can create Premium items using the Premium option. .. rubric:: Examples * To create a non premium item .. code:: coffee :force: /create_item * To create a premium item .. code:: coffee :force: /create_item premium:True """ def get_desc(cls): cls_patt = re.compile(r':class:`(.+)`') cleaned_doc = dedent(cls_patt.sub(r'\1', cls.__doc__)) first_sentence = cleaned_doc.split('.', maxsplit=1)[0] return f"{first_sentence[:49]}." if premium and not is_owner(self.ctx, await message.reply( embed=get_embed( "You need to be an owner to create a premium item.", embed_type="error", title="Premium Item Creation" ) ) return categories = {} self.__create_item_populate_categories(Item, categories, curr_recc=0) async def callback(view, interaction): catogclass = categories[view.value] labels = self.__item_get_labels(message, catogclass) if premium and "price" in labels: labels["price (pokebonds)"] = labels.pop("price") elif "price" in labels: labels["price (pokechips)"] = labels.pop("price") async def modal_callback(modal, interaction): details, invalids = await self.__item_get_details(modal, labels) if invalids: return { "embed": get_embed( "All fields must be filled out correctly.", embed_type="error", fields=invalids ) } if premium: details["premium"] = True if "price (pokebonds)" in details: details["price"] = details.pop("price (pokebonds)") if "price (pokechips)" in details: details["price"] = details.pop("price (pokechips)") item = self.__create_item__item_factory( category=catogclass, **details ) # pylint: disable=no-member return { "embed": get_embed( f"Item **{}** with ID `{item.itemid}` has been " "created succesfully.", title="Succesfully Created" ) } modal = CallbackReplyModal( title="Create Item", callback=modal_callback ) for label in labels: modal.add_short( text=label, required=True ) await interaction.response.send_modal(modal) choice_view = SelectConfirmView( placeholder="Choose the Item Category", options={ catog: get_desc(cls) for catog, cls in sorted(categories.items()) }, check=lambda x: ==, callback=callback ) await message.reply( content="What Item would you like to create?", view=choice_view ) await choice_view.dispatch(self)
[docs] @admin_only @os_only @ensure_item @model([Item, Tradable]) @alias("upd_itm") async def cmd_update_item( self, message: Message, itemid: str, modify_all: Optional[bool] = False, **kwargs ): # sourcery skip: remove-unnecessary-cast """ :param message: The message which triggered the command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` :param itemid: The ID of the item to update. :type itemid: str :param modify_all: Whether or not to modify all copies of the item. :type modify_all: Optional[bool] :default modify_all: False .. meta:: :description: Updates an existing Item in the database. :aliases: upd_itm .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /update_item itemid:Id [modify_all:True/False] .. rubric:: Description ``🛡️ Admin Command`` Updates an existing Item/all copies of the Item in the database. .. tip:: Check :class:`~scripts.base.items.Item` for available parameters. .. note:: Category & Premium status change is not yet supported. .. rubric:: Examples * To update a Golden Cigar with ID 0000FFFF .. code:: coffee :force: /update_item itemid:0000FFFF * To update all copies of the item with ID 0000FFFF .. code:: coffee :force: /update_item itemid:0000FFFF modify_all:True """ item: Item = kwargs.get("item") if not item: return labels = self.__item_get_labels(message, item.category_class) async def modal_callback(modal, interaction): details, invalids = await self.__item_get_details(modal, labels) if invalids: return { "embed": get_embed( "All fields must be filled out correctly.", embed_type="error", fields=invalids ) } item.update( **details, modify_all=modify_all ) if issubclass(item.__class__, Tradable): Shop.refresh_tradables() PremiumShop.refresh_tradables() return { "embed": get_embed( f"Item **{}** with ID `{item.itemid}` has been " "updated succesfully.", title="Succesfully Updated" ) } modal = CallbackReplyModal( title="Update Item", callback=modal_callback ) for label in labels: placeholder = str(getattr(item, label, 'Enter a value...')) if len(placeholder) > 100: placeholder = 'Enter a value...' modal.add_short( text=label, required=False, placeholder=placeholder ) await message.response.send_modal(modal)
[docs] @admin_only @os_only @ensure_item @model(Item) @alias("item-") async def cmd_delete_item( self, message: Message, itemid: str, **kwargs ): """ :param message: The message which triggered the command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` :param itemid: The item ID to delete. :type itemid: str .. meta:: :description: Deletes an Item from the database. :aliases: item- .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /delete_item itemid:Id .. rubric:: Description ``🛡️ Admin Command`` Delete an item from the database. If the item was in anyone\'s inventory, it will be gone. .. rubric:: Examples * To delete a Golden Cigar with ID 0000FFFF .. code:: coffee :force: /delete_item itemid:0000FFFF """ item: Item = kwargs.get("item") if item.premium and not is_owner(self.ctx, await message.reply( embed=get_embed( "Only owners can delete a premium item.", embed_type="error", title="Forbidden" ) ) return item.delete() await message.add_reaction("👍")
[docs] @admin_only @os_only @defer @ensure_item @model([Inventory, Item, Profiles]) @alias("item_all") async def cmd_distribute_item( self, message: Message, itemid: str, **kwargs ): """ :param message: The message which triggered the command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` :param itemid: The item ID to distribute. :type itemid: str .. meta:: :description: Distributes an item to everyone. :aliases: item_all .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /distribute_item itemid:Id .. rubric:: Description ``🛡️ Admin Command`` Distributes an item to everyone who is not blacklisted. .. rubric:: Examples * To distribute a Golden Cigar with ID 0000FFFF .. code:: coffee :force: /distribute_item itemid:0000FFFF """ item: Item = kwargs["item"] if item.premium and not is_owner(self.ctx, await message.reply( embed=get_embed( "Only the owners can give Premium Items.", embed_type="error", title="Forbidden" ) ) return ids = Profiles.get_all(ids_only=True) official_guild = self.ctx.get_guild( int(self.ctx.official_server) ) count = 0 import pymongo # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel for uid in ids: if not uid: continue user = official_guild.get_member(int(uid)) if not user: continue while True: try: Inventory(user).save(item.itemid) break except pymongo.errors.DuplicateKeyError: await asyncio.sleep(0.1) continue count += 1 await message.reply( embed=get_embed( f"{count} users have been given the item **{}**.", title="Succesfully Distributed" ) )
[docs] @admin_only @os_only @model([Inventory, Item]) @alias("usr_itm") async def cmd_give_item( self, message: Message, user: discord.User, itemid: str, **kwargs ): """ :param message: The message which triggered the command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` :param user: The user to give the item to. :type user: :class:`discord.User` :param itemid: The ID of the item to give. :type itemid: str .. meta:: :description: Gives an item to a user. :aliases: usr_itm .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /give_item user:@User itemid:Id .. rubric:: Description ``🛡️ Admin Command`` Gives an item to a user. .. note:: Creates a new copy of existing item before giving it to the user. .. rubric:: Examples * To give a Golden Cigar with ID 0000FFFF to ABCD#1234 .. code:: coffee :force: /give_item user:ABCD#1234 itemid:0000FFFF """ if not Item.get(itemid): await message.reply( embed=get_embed( "Make sure those IDs are correct.", embed_type="error", title="Invalid Input" ) ) return item = Item.from_id(itemid, force_new=True) # pylint: disable=no-member if ( item.premium and not is_owner(self.ctx, ): await message.reply( embed=get_embed( "Only the owners can give Premium Items.", embed_type="error", title="Forbidden" ) ) return inv = Inventory(user) await message.add_reaction("👍")
@staticmethod def __create_item__item_factory( category: Type[Item], name: str, **kwargs ) -> Item: cls_name = ''.join( word.title() for word in name.split(' ') ) item_cls = type(cls_name, (category, ), kwargs) return item_cls(**kwargs) def __create_item_populate_categories( self, catog: Type[Item], categories: Dict, curr_recc: int ): for subcatog in catog.__subclasses__(): if all([ subcatog.__name__ != 'Treasure', not issubclass(subcatog, Treasure), getattr( subcatog, '__module__', None ) == "scripts.base.items" ]): categories[subcatog.__name__] = subcatog curr_recc += 1 self.__create_item_populate_categories( subcatog, categories, curr_recc ) @staticmethod async def __item_get_details(modal, labels): details = {} invalids = {} for child in modal.children: validator = labels[child.label]['validator'] if validator and child.value: value = await validator.cleaned(child.value) if not value: invalids[child.label] = ( validator.error_embed_desc or "Enter a Valid value." ) else: details[child.label] = value elif child.value: details[child.label] = child.value return details, invalids @staticmethod def __item_get_labels(message, catogclass): labels = { "name": { "validator": ItemNameValidator( message=message, notify=False ) } } | { { "validator": None } for field in fields(catogclass) if all([ field.default is MISSING, != 'category' ]) } labels['asset_url']['validator'] = ImageUrlValidator( message=message, notify=False ) if issubclass(catogclass, Tradable): labels["price"] = { "validator": MinValidator( message=message, min_value=1, notify=False ) } for key, value in labels.items(): if value['validator']: value['validator'].error_embed_title = \ f"Invalid Input for {key.title()}." return labels def __upd_usr_field_dict(self, message): field_dict = { "Currency": { "Pokechips": ( "won_chips", IntegerValidator( message=message, notify=False ) ) }, "Other": { "Name": ("name", None), "Matches Won": ( "num_wins", IntegerValidator( message=message, notify=False ) ), "Matches Played": ( "num_matches", IntegerValidator( message=message, notify=False ) ), "Background": ( "background", ImageUrlValidator( message=message, notify=False ) ), "Embed Color": ( "embed_color", HexValidator( message=message, notify=False ) ) } } if is_owner(self.ctx, field_dict["Currency"]["Pokebonds"] = ( "pokebonds", IntegerValidator( message=message, notify=False ) ) return field_dict async def __upd_usr_send_buttons(self, message, callback): btn_view = BaseView( check=lambda intcrn: == ) btn_view.add_item( CallbackButton( label='Currency', style=discord.ButtonStyle.primary, callback=callback ) ) btn_view.add_item( CallbackButton( label="Other", style=discord.ButtonStyle.secondary, callback=callback ) ) await message.reply( embed=get_embed( "Which field would you like to update?", title="Update User" ), view=btn_view ) return btn_view