Source code for scripts.commands.gamblecommands

PokeGambler - A Pokemon themed gambling bot for Discord.
Copyright (C) 2021 Harshith Thota

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.

Gambling Commands Module

# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, too-many-locals
# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes, unused-argument

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import math
import random
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional

import discord

from ..base.models import Boosts, Flips, Loots, Matches, Moles, Profiles
from import BoostItem
from ..base.views import GambleCounter, MultiSelectView, SelectView
from ..helpers.checks import user_rctn
from ..helpers.imageclasses import BoardGenerator
from ..helpers.utils import (
    get_embed, get_enum_embed,
from ..helpers.validators import (
    ChainValidator, MaxValidator,

from .basecommand import (
    Commands, alias, check_completion,
    dealer_only, model

    from discord import Message

[docs]class GambleCommands(Commands): """ | Gamble Commands are the core commands for PokeGambler. | Currently, the only available command is the Gamble command itself. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.registered = [] self.conv_table = { f"{i}": i for i in range(2, 11) } | { "0": 0, "A": 1, "J": 11, "Q": 12, "K": 13, "Joker": 100 } self.suits = [ "joker", "spade", "heart", "club", "diamond" ] self.rules = { "lower_wins": "Lower number card wins" } self.boardgen = BoardGenerator(self.ctx.assets_path)
[docs] @check_completion @dealer_only @model([Profiles, Matches, Loots]) @alias(["deal", "roll"]) async def cmd_gamble( self, message: Message, fee: Optional[int] = 50, lower_wins: Optional[bool] = False, max_players: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs ): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` :param fee: The fee to be charged for the gamble. :type fee: Optional[int] :default fee: 50 :min_value fee: 50 :param lower_wins: Whether or not the lower number card wins. :type lower_wins: Optional[bool] :default lower_wins: False :param max_players: The maximum number of players allowed. :type max_players: Optional[int] .. meta:: :description: The core command of the bot - Gamble. :alises: [deal, roll] .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /gamble [fee:chips] [lower_wins:True/False] [max_players:number] .. rubric:: Description ``🎲 Dealer Command`` Roll random pokemon themed cards for a fee and winner takes it all. If a fee is not specified, defaults to 50 {pokechip_emoji}. To make the lower card win, use the option lower_wins. .. note:: A small transaction fees will be levyed before crediting the winner. This fee scales with number of players, if above 15. .. rubric:: Examples * To gamble with default settings .. code:: coffee :force: /gamble * To gamble for 1000 {pokechip_emoji} .. code:: coffee :force: /gamble fee:1000 * To gamble in lower_wins mode .. code:: coffee :force: /gamble lower_wins:True """ kwargs.pop("mentions", []) kwargs |= { "fee": fee, "lower_wins": lower_wins, "max_players": max_players } gamble_channel, hot_time = await self.__gamble_register( message, **kwargs ) if len(self.registered) <= 1: await embed=get_embed( "This match has been cancelled due to lack of players.", embed_type="warning", title="Not enough players!" ) ) await self.__gamble_cleanup(gamble_channel, delay=10.0) return try: joker_chance = 0.2 if hot_time else 0.05 num_cards = len(self.registered) dealed_deck, closed_decks = self.__gamble_get_decks( num_cards, joker_chance ) profiles = self.__gamble_charge_player(dealed_deck, fee) for deck, (player, card) in zip(closed_decks, dealed_deck.items()): joker_found = await self.__gamble_handle_roll( message, deck, player, card, gamble_channel, dealed_deck ) if joker_found: break winner, is_joker = await self.__gamble_handle_winner( dealed_deck, gamble_channel, profiles, lower_wins, fee ) Matches(,, participants=profiles, winner=winner, lower_wins=lower_wins, deal_cost=fee, by_joker=is_joker ).save() finally: await self.__gamble_cleanup( gamble_channel, delay=30.0, completed=True )
[docs] @model([Flips, Profiles]) @alias(["flip", "chipflip", "flips"]) @check_completion async def cmd_quickflip( self, message: Message, amount: Optional[int] = 50, **kwargs ): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` :param amount: The amount to use for the flip. :type amount: Optional[int] :default amount: 50 :min_value amount: 50 :max_value amount: 9999 .. meta:: :description: Head/Tails coinflip for PokeGambler. .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /quickflip [amount:chips] .. rubric:: Description .. role:: spoiler :class: spoiler A quick way to x2 your pokechips :spoiler:`(or halve it)`. If no amount is specified, 50 chips will be used by default. Minimum 50 chips and maximum 9999 chips can be used. .. rubric:: Examples * To flip for 50 {pokechip_emoji} .. code:: coffee :force: /flip * To flip for 1000 {pokechip_emoji} .. code:: coffee :force: /flip amount:1000 """ profile = Profiles( amount = await self.__flip_input_handler( message, amount, profile, min_chips=50, max_chips=9999 ) if amount is None: return valids = ["Heads", "Tails"] choices_view = SelectView( heading="Choose an option", options={ opt: "" for opt in valids }, no_response=True, check=lambda x: == ) opt_msg = await message.reply( embed=get_embed( title=f"**Place your bet for {amount}** {self.chip_emoji}", footer=f"⚠️ You'll either get {amount * 2} or " f"lose {amount} pokechips", image="" "840469669332516904/843077878816178186/blinker.gif", color=profile.get("embed_color") ), view=choices_view ) await choices_view.dispatch(self) if choices_view.result is None: return choice = valids.index(choices_view.result) idx = random.randint(0, 1) img = [ "" "874627863960252466/logochip.png", "" "874627865520504842/pokechip.png" ][idx] msg = f"PokeGambler choose {valids[idx]}.\n" if choice == idx: amt_mult = 1 + ( 0.1 * Boosts( ).get("flipster") ) boosts = BoostItem.get_boosts(str( amt_mult += boosts['boost_flip']['stack'] * 0.1 tot_amt = amount + int(amount * amt_mult) msg += f"You have won {tot_amt} {self.chip_emoji}" title = "Congratulations!" color = 5023308 * amt_mult)) won = True else: msg += f"You have lost {amount} {self.chip_emoji}" title = "You Lost!" color = 14155786 profile.debit(amount) won = False Flips(, amount, won ).save() emb = get_embed(msg, title=title, image=img, color=color) await opt_msg.edit(embed=emb, view=None)
[docs] @model(Matches) async def cmd_matches( self, message: Message, quantity: Optional[int] = 10, verbose: Optional[bool] = False, **kwargs ): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` :param quantity: The number of matches to show. :type quantity: Optional[int] :default quantity: 10 :min_value quantity: 1 :max_value quantity: 50 :param verbose: Whether to show the full match details. :type verbose: Optional[bool] :default verbose: False .. meta:: :description: Lists latest gamble matches. .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /matches [quantity:number] [verbose:True/False] .. rubric:: Description Lists out the results of latest gamble matches. If no quantity is given, defaults to 10. If verbose option is used, lists the mode and if joker spawned. .. rubric:: Examples * To list latest matches .. code:: coffee :force: /matches * To list latest 5 matches .. code:: coffee :force: /matches quantity:5 * To see if Joker spawned in last 5 matches .. code:: coffee :force: /matches quantity:5 verbose:True """ matches = Matches.get_matches(limit=quantity) embeds = [] for match in matches: started_by = match["started_by"]["name"] played_at = match["played_at"] pot = match["deal_cost"] * len(match['participants']) parts = "\n".join( plyr["name"] or "Unknown" for plyr in match["participants"] ) parts = f"```py\n{parts}\n```" winner = match["winner"] emb = get_embed( f"Match started by: **{started_by}**\n" f"Played on: **{played_at}**\n" f"Amount in pot: **{pot}** {self.chip_emoji}", title="Recent Matches" ) emb.add_field( name="Participants", value=parts, inline=True ) winner_name = winner['name'] if winner else 'Not in Server' emb.add_field( name="Winner", value=f"**```{winner_name}```**", inline=True ) emb.add_field( name="\u200B", value="\u200B", inline=True ) if verbose: emb.add_field( name="Lower Wins", value=f"```py\n{match['lower_wins']}\n```", inline=True ) emb.add_field( name="Joker Spawned", value=f"```py\n{match['by_joker']}\n```", inline=True ) emb.add_field( name="\u200B", value="\u200B", inline=True ) if winner := self.ctx.get_user(winner['id']): emb.set_image( url=winner.display_avatar.with_size(256) ) embeds.append(emb) await self.paginate(message, embeds)
[docs] @model([Moles, Profiles]) @alias(["mole", "whack", "moles"]) @check_completion async def cmd_whackamole( self, message: Message, difficulty: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs ): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` :param difficulty: The level at which you wanna play. :type difficulty: Optional[int] :default difficulty: None :min_value difficulty: 1 :max_value difficulty: 5 .. meta:: :description: A minigame where you guess chip location. :aliases: mole, whack, moles .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /mole [difficulty:level] .. rubric:: Description .. code:: py Find the hidden chip for a chance to win a jackpot. If no amount is specified, 50 chips will be used by default. Minimum 50 chips and maximum 9999 chips can be used. You can choose difficulty level (default 1) and rewards will scale. ╔═══════╦═══════╦══════╦════════╗ ║ Level ║ Board ║ Cost ║ Reward ║ ╠═══════╬═══════╬══════╬════════╣ ║   1   ║  3x3  ║   50 ║   x3   ║ ║   2   ║  4x4  ║  100 ║   x4   ║ ║   3   ║  5x5  ║  150 ║   x10  ║ ║   4   ║  6x6  ║  200 ║   x50  ║ ║   5   ║  7x7  ║  250 ║   x100 ║ β•šβ•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•©β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•©β•β•β•β•β•β•β•©β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β•β• .. rubric:: Examples * To play with the default difficulty (level 1) .. code:: coffee :force: /mole * To play the extreme mode (level 5) .. code:: coffee :force: /mole difficulty:5 """ boards = [ f"{i + 3}x{i + 3}" for i in range(5) ] costs = [50, 100, 150, 200, 250] multipliers = [3, 4, 10, 50, 100] if not difficulty: choice_view = SelectView( heading="Select the Level", options={ (i + 1): f"Board: {boards[i]}\t" f"Cost: {costs[i]}\t" f"Reward Multiplier: x{multipliers[i]}" for i in range(5) }, no_response=True, check=lambda x: == ) level_inp = await message.reply( "Which difficulty do you wanna play in?", view=choice_view ) await choice_view.dispatch(self) if not choice_view.result: return await level_inp.delete() level = choice_view.result else: level = difficulty level -= 1 letters, numbers = self.boardgen.get_valids(level) cost = costs[level] multiplier = multipliers[level] profile = Profiles( if profile.get("balance") < cost: await message.reply("\u200B") await self.handle_low_balance( message,, private=False, ) return board, board_img = self.boardgen.get_board(level) multi_select_view = MultiSelectView( kwarg_list=[ { "heading": "Select the Column", "options": { letter: "" for letter in letters } }, { "heading": "Select the Row", "options": { number: "" for number in numbers } } ], check=lambda x: == ) emb = get_embed( title=f"**Difficulty: {level + 1} ({board})**", content="```\nChoose a tile.\n```", image=f"attachment://{board}.jpg" ) emb.add_field( name="Cost", value=f"**{cost} {self.chip_emoji}**" ) opt_msg = await message.reply( embed=emb, file=img2file(board_img, f"{board}.jpg"), view=multi_select_view ) await multi_select_view.dispatch(self) if not multi_select_view.results: return choice = "".join( sorted( multi_select_view.results, reverse=True ) ) rolled, board_img = self.boardgen.get(level) await opt_msg.delete() if choice == rolled: content = "**Congratulations! You guessed it correctly.**\n" + \ f"{cost * multiplier} {self.chip_emoji} " + \ "have been added in your account." color = 5023308 * multiplier) won = True else: content = "**Uhoh! You couldn't guess it right this time.**\n" + \ f"{cost} {self.chip_emoji} " + \ "have been taken from your account." color = 14155786 profile.debit(cost) won = False Moles(, cost, level, won ).save() await message.reply( embed=get_embed( content=content, color=color, image=f"attachment://{rolled}.jpg" ), file=img2file(board_img, f"{rolled}.jpg"), view=multi_select_view )
async def __flip_input_handler( self, message, amount, profile, min_chips, max_chips ): if amount: proceed = await ChainValidator( message, { MinValidator: { "message": message, "min_value": min_chips }, MaxValidator: { "message": message, "max_value": max_chips } } ).validate(amount) if not proceed: return None amount = int(amount) else: amount = min_chips if profile.get("balance") < amount: await message.reply("\u200B") await self.handle_low_balance( message,, private=False, ) return None return amount async def __gamble_announce_winner( self, gamble_channel, dealed_deck, winner, fee, profiles ): profile = profiles[winner] data = profile.get() bal = data["balance"] num_wins = data["num_wins"] won_chips = data["won_chips"] transaction_rate = 0.1 + 0.05 * math.floor( max( 0, len(self.registered) - 12 ) / 3 ) incr = int( (fee * len(dealed_deck.items())) * (1 - transaction_rate) ) bal += incr num_wins += 1 if num_wins == 25: loot_table = Loots(winner) loot_table.update(tier=2) elif num_wins == 100: loot_table = Loots(winner) loot_table.update(tier=3) won_chips += incr profile.update( balance=bal, num_wins=num_wins, won_chips=won_chips ) title = f"The winner is {winner}!" is_joker = [ player for player, card in dealed_deck.items() if card["card_num"] == "Joker" ] if is_joker: title += " (by rolling a Joker)" winner_embed = get_embed( f"{incr} pokechips have been added to their balance.", title=title, footer="10% pokechips from the pot deducted as transaction fee." ) await gamble_channel.send(embed=winner_embed) return bool(is_joker) def __gamble_charge_player(self, dealed_deck, fee): profiles = {} for player, _ in dealed_deck.items(): profiles[player] = profile = Profiles(player) data = profile.get() bal = data["balance"] num_matches = data["num_matches"] won_chips = data["won_chips"] bal -= fee won_chips -= fee num_matches += 1 profile.update( balance=bal, num_matches=num_matches, won_chips=won_chips ) self.registered.remove(player) return profiles async def __gamble_cleanup( self, gamble_thread, delay=30.0, completed=False ): await asyncio.sleep(delay) if gamble_thread: if completed: await gamble_thread.edit( archived=True, locked=True ) else: await gamble_thread.delete() gamblers = self.__get_gambler_role(gamble_thread) await gamble_thread.parent.set_permissions( gamblers, send_messages=True ) self.registered = [] def __gamble_get_decks(self, num_cards, joker_chance): dealed_deck = { self.registered[i]: card for i, card in enumerate( num_cards=num_cards, joker_chance=joker_chance ) ) } closed_decks = [ for i in range(num_cards, 0, -1) ] return dealed_deck, closed_decks async def __gamble_handle_roll( self, message, deck, player, card, gamble_channel, dealed_deck ): closed_fl = img2file(deck, "closed.png") card_fl = img2file( card["card_img"], f"{card['card_num']}{card['suit']}.jpeg" ) closed_msg = await gamble_channel.send( content=f"{player.mention}, react with πŸ‘€ within 10 seconds.", file=closed_fl ) await closed_msg.add_reaction("πŸ‘€") try: await self.ctx.wait_for( "reaction_add", check=lambda rctn, usr: user_rctn( message, player, rctn, usr, chan=gamble_channel, emoji="πŸ‘€" ), timeout=10 ) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await gamble_channel.send( embed=get_embed( f"{player.mention}, you didn't react in time." ) ) await closed_msg.delete() dealed_deck[player].update({ "card_num": "0", "card_img": }) return await closed_msg.delete() await gamble_channel.send( content=f"{player.mention}, here's your card:", file=card_fl ) if card["card_num"] == "Joker": return "Joker" async def __gamble_handle_winner( self, dealed_deck, gamble_channel, profiles, lower_wins, fee ): embed = get_enum_embed( [ f"{player} rolled a γ€Ž{card['card_num']} {card['suit']}』." for player, card in dealed_deck.items() ], title="Roll Table" ) players = sorted( dealed_deck.items(), key=lambda x: ( self.conv_table[ x[1]["card_num"] ], -self.suits.index( x[1]["suit"] ) ), reverse=True ) if lower_wins: players = players[::-1] idx = 0 # Push all non-reactors to the bottom. while self.conv_table[players[0][1]['card_num']] == 0: players.append(players.pop(0)) idx += 1 # Rare case where no one reacts if idx == len(players): break winner = next( ( player[0] for player in players if player[1]["card_num"] == "Joker" ), None ) if winner is None: winner = players[0][0] rolled = [ dealed_deck[player]["card_img"] for player in [ pl[0] for pl in players ] ] rolled_deck =, reverse=True) rolled_fl = img2file(rolled_deck, "rolled.jpg") embed.set_image(url="attachment://rolled.jpg") await gamble_channel.send(embed=embed, file=rolled_fl) # Return is_joker for saving into DB return ( winner, await self.__gamble_announce_winner( gamble_channel, dealed_deck, winner, fee, profiles ) ) async def __gamble_register(self, message: Message, **kwargs): fee = kwargs["fee"] max_players = max(2, int(kwargs.pop("max_players", 12) or 12)) gamblers = self.__get_gambler_role( await gamblers, send_messages=False ) try: # Interaction Messages can't be used for creating threads. gamble_thread = await name="gamble-here", message=message ) except discord.HTTPException: msg = await"Starting Gamble....") gamble_thread = await name="gamble-here", message=msg ) rules = ', '.join( self.rules[key] for key in kwargs if key in self.rules ) or 'None' desc = ( f"**Entry Fee**: {fee} {self.chip_emoji} " "(Non-refundable unless match fails)\n" f"**Custom Rules**: {rules}\n" "**Transaction Rate**: `<tr>%` " "(will increase by 5% per 3 players if more than 12)\n" ) admins = [ role for role in message.guild.roles if == "admins" ][0] hot_time = False if admins in hot_time = True desc += "**:fire: Hot Time is active! " + \ "The chance to get Joker is increased to `20%`!**\n" else: desc += "Chance to get Joker: 5%" register_embed = get_embed( desc, title="A new match is about to start!", footer="React with βž• (within 30 secs) " "to be included in the match." ) gamble_view = GambleCounter( self, gamble_thread, register_embed, fee, max_players ) first_embed = register_embed.copy() first_embed.description = first_embed.description.replace("<tr>", "10") # Isolate the ping since it gets silenced on edit. cnt_msg = await content=f"Hey {gamblers.mention}" ) emb_msg = await embed=first_embed, view=gamble_view ) await gamble_view.dispatch(self) self.registered = gamble_view.registration_list await cnt_msg.delete() await emb_msg.delete() return gamble_thread, hot_time @staticmethod def __get_gambler_role(channel): return [ role for role in channel.guild.roles if == "gamblers" ][0]