Source code for scripts.commands.tradecommands

PokeGambler - A Pokemon themed gambling bot for Discord.
Copyright (C) 2021 Harshith Thota

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.

Trade Commands Module

# pylint: disable=too-many-locals, too-many-lines
# pylint: disable=unused-argument

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import re
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from typing import (
    List, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING, Tuple,
    Type, Union, Dict

import discord
from bson import ObjectId

from ..base.enums import CurrencyExchange
from ..base.handlers import CustomInteraction
from ..base.items import Chest, Item, LegendaryChest, Lootbag, Rewardbox
from ..base.modals import CallbackReplyModal
from ..base.models import (
    Blacklist, Exchanges, Inventory, Loots,
    Profiles, Trades, Transactions
from import (
    BoostItem, PremiumBoostItem,
    PremiumShop, Shop, Title
from ..base.views import (
    CallbackButton, CallbackButtonView, ConfirmView,
    ConfirmOrCancelView, LinkView, SelectConfirmView

from ..helpers.utils import (
    EmbedFieldsConfig, dedent, dm_send,
    get_embed, get_formatted_time, get_modules,
    is_admin, is_owner
from ..helpers.validators import (
    ChainValidator, HexValidator,
    MaxLengthValidator, MinLengthValidator,
    MaxValidator, MinValidator

from .basecommand import (
    Commands, alias, check_completion,
    dealer_only, defer, ensure_item, model,
    os_only, suggest_actions

    from discord import Embed, Member, Message

[docs]class TradeCommands(Commands): """ Commands that deal with the trade system of PokeGambler. Shop related commands fall under this category as well. """ verbose_names: Dict[str, str] = { 'Rewardbox': 'Reward Boxe', 'Giftbox': 'Gift Boxe' } redeem_lock: Dict[Tuple[str, int], str] = {}
[docs] @defer @model([Profiles, Loots, Inventory]) async def cmd_buy( self, message: Message, itemid: str, quantity: Optional[int] = 1, **kwargs ): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` :param itemid: The ID of the item to buy. :type itemid: str :param quantity: The quantity of the item to buy. :type quantity: Optional[int] :min_value quantity: 1 :default quantity: 1 .. meta:: :description: Buy an item from the Shop. .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /buy itemid:Id [quantity:number] .. rubric:: Description Buys an item from the Shop. You can provide a quantity to buy multiple items. To see the list of purchasable items, check the :class:``. .. rubric:: Examples * To buy a Loot boost with ID boost_lt .. code:: coffee :force: /buy itemid:boost_lt * To buy 10 items with ID 0000FFFF .. code:: coffee :force: /buy itemid:0000FFFF quantity:10 """ shop, item = await self.__buy_get_item(message, itemid.lower()) if item is None: return status = shop.validate(, item, quantity) if status != "proceed": await message.reply( embed=get_embed( status, embed_type="error", title="Unable to Purchase item." ) ) return success = await self.__buy_perform(message, quantity, item) if not success: return spent = item.price * quantity if item.__class__ in [BoostItem, PremiumBoostItem]: tier = Loots( spent *= (10 ** (tier - 1)) curr = self.chip_emoji if item.premium: spent //= 10 curr = self.bond_emoji ftr_txt = None if isinstance(item, Title): ftr_txt = "Your nickname might've not changed " + \ "if it's too long.\nBut the role has been " + \ "assigned succesfully." quant_str = f"x {quantity}" if quantity > 1 else '' await message.reply( embed=get_embed( f"Successfully purchased **{item}**{quant_str}.\n" "Your account has been debited: " f"**{spent}** {curr}", title="Success", footer=ftr_txt, color=Profiles('embed_color') ) )
[docs] @os_only @check_completion @model(Profiles) @alias("cashin") async def cmd_deposit( self, message: Message, **kwargs ): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` .. meta:: :description: Deposit other pokebot credits. :aliases: deposit .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /deposit .. rubric:: Description Deposit other currencies to exchange them for Pokechips. """ pokebot, quantity = await self.__get_inputs(message) if pokebot is None: return req_msg, admin = await self.__admin_accept( message, pokebot, quantity ) if admin is None: return chips = CurrencyExchange[].value * quantity thread = await self.__get_thread(message, pokebot, req_msg) await self.__handle_transaction( message, thread, admin, pokebot, chips )
[docs] @model(Item) @ensure_item @alias(['item', 'detail']) async def cmd_details( # pylint: disable=no-self-use self, message: Message, itemid: str, **kwargs ): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` :param itemid: The ID of the item to get details for. :type itemid: str .. meta:: :description: Check the details of an Item. :aliases: item, detail .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /details itemid:Id .. rubric:: Description Check the details of a PokeGambler item, like * Description * Price * Category .. rubric:: Examples * To check the details of an Item with ID 0000FFFF .. code:: coffee :force: /details itemid:0000FFFF """ item = kwargs["item"] await message.reply(embed=item.details)
[docs] @alias("rates") async def cmd_exchange_rates( # pylint: disable=no-self-use self, message: Message, pokebot: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs ): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` :param pokebot: The name of the Pokebot to get the rates for. :type pokebot: Optional[str] .. meta:: :description: Check the exchange rates of pokebot credits. :aliases: rates .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /exchange_rates [pokebot:Name] .. rubric:: Description Check the exchange rates for different pokebot credits. .. rubric:: Examples * To check the exchange rates for all the bots .. code:: coffee :force: /exchange_rates * To check the exchange rates for PokeTwo .. code:: coffee :force: /rates pokebot:pokétwo """ enums = CurrencyExchange if pokebot: res = enums[pokebot] if res is not enums.DEFAULT: enums = [res] rates_str = '\n'.join( f"```fix\n1 {} Credit = {bot.value} Pokechips\n```" for bot in enums if bot is not CurrencyExchange.DEFAULT ) await message.reply( embed=get_embed( rates_str, title="Exchange Rates" ) )
[docs] @dealer_only @model([Profiles, Trades]) @alias(["transfer", "pay"]) async def cmd_give( self, message: Message, chips: int, user: discord.Member, **kwargs ): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` :param chips: The amount of chips to transfer. :type chips: int :min_value chips: 10 :param user: The user to transfer the chips to. :type user: :class:`discord.Member` .. meta:: :description: Transfer credits to other users. :aliases: transfer, pay .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /give chips:Amount user:@User .. rubric:: Description Transfer some of your own {pokechip_emoji} to another user. .. warning:: If you're being generous, we respect you. But if found abusing it, you will be blacklisted. .. rubric:: Examples * To give user ABCD#1234 500 chips .. code:: coffee :force: /give chips:500 user:ABCD#1234 """ if error_tuple := self.__give_santize(message, user, chips): await message.reply( embed=get_embed( error_tuple[1], embed_type="error", title=error_tuple[0] ) ) return author_prof = Profiles( mention_prof = Profiles(user) if author_prof.get("balance") < chips: await self.handle_low_balance(message, author_prof) return author_prof.debit(chips) Trades(, user, chips ).save() await message.reply( embed=get_embed( f"chips transferred: **{chips}** {self.chip_emoji}" f"\nRecipient: **{user}**", title="Transaction Successful", color=author_prof.get('embed_color') ) )
[docs] @model(Inventory) async def cmd_ids( self, message: Message, item_name: str, **kwargs ): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` :param item_name: The name of the item to get IDs for. :type item_name: str .. meta:: :description: Check IDs of your items. .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /ids item_name:Name .. rubric:: Description Get a list of IDs of an item you own using its name. .. rubric:: Examples * To get the list of IDs for the Common Chest .. code:: coffee :force: /ids item_name:Common Chest """ ids = Inventory( ).from_name(item_name.title()) if not ids: await message.reply( embed=get_embed( f'**{item_name}**\nYou have **0** of those.', title=f"{}'s Item IDs", color=Profiles('embed_color') ) ) return embeds = self.__ids_get_embeds(message, item_name, ids) await self.paginate(message, embeds)
[docs] @model(Inventory) @alias('inv') async def cmd_inventory(self, message: Message, **kwargs): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` .. meta:: :description: Check your inventory. :aliases: inv .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /inventory .. rubric:: Description Check your inventory for collected Chests, Treasures, etc. """ inv = Inventory( catog_dict, net_worth = inv.get() emb = get_embed( "Your personal inventory categorized according to item type.\n" "You can get the list of IDs for an item using " f"`/ids item_name`.\n" "\n> Your inventory's net worth, excluding Chests, is " f"**{net_worth}** {self.chip_emoji}.", title=f"{}'s Inventory", color=Profiles('embed_color') ) for idx, (catog, items) in enumerate(catog_dict.items()): catog_name = self.verbose_names.get(catog, catog) unique_items = [] for item in items: if item['name'] not in ( itm['name'] for itm in unique_items ): item['count'] = [ itm['name'] for itm in items ].count(item['name']) unique_items.append(item) unique_str = "\n".join( f"『{item['emoji']}』 **{item['name']}** x{item['count']}" for item in unique_items ) emb.add_field( name=f"**{catog_name}s** ({len(items)})", value=unique_str, inline=True ) if idx % 2 == 0: emb.add_field( name="\u200B", value="\u200B", inline=True ) await message.reply(embed=emb)
[docs] @defer @model([Loots, Profiles, Chest, Inventory]) @suggest_actions([ ("profilecommands", "loot"), ("profilecommands", "daily") ]) async def cmd_open( self, message: Message, itemid: Optional[str] = None, item_name: Optional[str] = None, quantity: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs ): # pylint: disable=no-member """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` :param itemid: The ID of the item to open. :type itemid: Optional[str] :param item_name: The name of the item to open. :type item_name: Optional[str] :param quantity: The number of items to open. :type quantity: Optional[int] :min_value quantity: 1 .. meta:: :description: Open a Treasure Chest, Lootbag or Reward Box. .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /open (itemid:Id or item_name:Name) [quantity:Number] .. rubric:: Description Opens any of these that you own * Treasure :class:`~scripts.base.items.Chest` * :class:`~scripts.base.items.Lootbag` * :class:`~scripts.base.items.Rewardbox` There are 3 different chests and scale with your tier. Here's a drop table .. code:: py ╔════╦═════════╦═════════╦════════════╗ ║Tier║  Chest  ║Drop Rate║ Pokechips  ║ ╠════╬═════════╬═════════╬════════════╣ ║  1 ║ Common  ║   66%   ║  34 - 191  ║ ║  2 ║  Gold   ║   25%   ║ 192 - 1110 ║ ║  3 ║Legendary║    9%   ║1111 - 10000║ ╚════╩═════════╩═════════╩════════════╝ Lootbags are similar to Chests but they will contain items for sure. They can either be Normal or Premium. Premium Lootbag will contain a guaranteed Premium Item. All the items will be of a separate category. Reward Boxes are similar to Lootbags but the items are fixed. .. rubric:: Examples * To open all Common Chests .. code:: coffee :force: /open item_name:common chest * To open 3 Gold Chests .. code:: coffee :force: /open item_name:gold chest quantity:3 * To open a lootbag/reward box with ID 0000AAAA .. code:: coffee :force: /open itemid:0000AAAA """ openables = self.__open_get_openables( message, itemid, item_name, quantity ) if not openables: await message.reply( embed=get_embed( "Make sure you actually own this Item.", embed_type="error", title="Invalid Chest/Lootbag ID" ), view=kwargs.get('view') ) return await self.__open_handle_rewards(message, openables)
[docs] @model([Transactions, Inventory, Profiles]) @check_completion async def cmd_redeem( self, message: Message, code: str, **kwargs ): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` :param code: The code to redeem. :type code: str .. meta:: :description: Redeem the webshop code for rewards. .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee :force: /redeem code:Code .. rubric:: Description Redeem the webshop code for rewards. .. rubric:: Examples * To redeem the code `0000AAAA` .. code:: coffee :force: /redeem code:0000AAAA """ transaction = await self.__redeem_get_transaction(message, code) if not transaction: return emb = self.__redeem_get_embed(transaction) confirm_view = self.__redeem_get_confirm_view( message, transaction, code ) await message.reply( embed=emb, view=confirm_view )
[docs] @model(Profiles) async def cmd_redeem_chips( self, message: Message, chips: int, **kwargs ): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` :param chips: The chips of chips to redeem. :type chips: int :min_value chips: 10 .. meta:: :description: Convert pokebonds to pokechips. .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /redeem_chips chips:amount .. rubric:: Description Redeem your pokebonds as x10 pokechips. .. rubric:: Examples * To redeem 500 pokechips .. code:: coffee :force: /redeem_chips chips:500 """ if chips % 10 != 0: await message.reply( embed=get_embed( "The number of chips must be a multiple of 10.", embed_type="error", title="Invalid chips" ) ) return profile = Profiles( if profile.get("pokebonds") < chips // 10: await message.reply( embed=get_embed( f"You cannot afford that many chips.\n" f"You'll need {chips // 10} {self.bond_emoji} for that.", embed_type="error", title="Insufficient Balance" ) ) return profile.debit(chips // 10, bonds=True) await message.reply( embed=get_embed( f"Succesfully converted **{chips // 10}** {self.bond_emoji}" f" into **{chips}** {self.chip_emoji}", title="Redeem Succesfull", color=profile.get('embed_color') ) )
[docs] @model([Profiles, Item, Inventory]) async def cmd_sell( self, message: Message, itemid: Optional[str] = None, item_name: Optional[str] = None, quantity: Optional[int] = 1, **kwargs ): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` :param itemid: The ID of the item to sell. :type itemid: Optional[str] :param item_name: The name of the item to sell. :type item_name: Optional[str] :param quantity: The quantity of the item to sell. :type quantity: Optional[int] :min_value quantity: 1 :default quantity: 1 .. meta:: :description: Sells item from inventory. .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /sell (itemid:Id or item_name:Name) [quantity:value] .. rubric:: Description Sells a :class:`~scripts.base.items.Tradable` from your inventory to the PokeGambler Shop. You can either provide a name or an itemid. If name is provided, you can sell multiples by specifying quantity. .. note:: :class:`~scripts.base.items.Tradable` items aren't yet implemented. .. note:: Quantity option is ignored if itemid is provided. Only one is sold. .. rubric:: Examples * To sell an item with ID 0000FFFF .. code:: coffee :force: /sell itemid:0000FFFF * To sell 10 Gears (Tradables) .. code:: coffee :force: /sell item_name:Gear quantity:10 """ # pylint: disable=no-member inventory = Inventory( if itemid is None: item = inventory.from_id(itemid) if not item: await message.reply( embed=get_embed( "You do not possess that Item.", embed_type="error", title="Invalid Item ID" ) ) return new_item = Item.from_id(itemid) if not new_item.sellable: await message.reply( embed=get_embed( "You cannot sell that Item.", embed_type="error", title="Invalid Item type" ) ) return deleted = inventory.delete(itemid, 1) elif item_name is None: new_item = Item.from_name(item_name) deleted = inventory.delete( item_name, quantity, is_name=True ) else: await message.reply( embed=get_embed( "You should mention either an Item ID or a name.", embed_type="error", title="Invalid Item" ) ) return if deleted == 0: await message.reply( embed=get_embed( "Couldn't sell anything cause no items were found.", embed_type="warning", title="No Items sold" ) ) return bonds = False curr = self.chip_emoji gained = new_item.price * quantity if new_item.premium: gained //= 10 curr = self.bond_emoji bonds = True profile = Profiles( gained, bonds=bonds ) Shop.refresh_tradables() await message.reply( embed=get_embed( f"Succesfully sold `{deleted}` of your listed item(s).\n" "Your account has been credited: " f"**{gained}** {curr}", title="Item(s) Sold", color=profile.get('embed_color') ) )
[docs] @defer @model([Item, Profiles]) @suggest_actions([ ("tradecommands", "shop") ]) async def cmd_shop( self, message: Message, category: Optional[str] = None, premium: Optional[bool] = False, **kwargs ): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` :param category: The category of items to display. :type category: Optional[str] :param premium: Whether to display premium items. :type premium: Optional[bool] :default premium: False .. meta:: :description: Access the PokeGambler Shop. .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /shop [category:Name] [premium:True/False] .. rubric:: Description Used to access the PokeGambler :class:``. If a category is provided, list of items will be shown. Otherwise a list of categories will be displayed. To access the secret shop, use the Premium option. .. note:: You need to own PokeBonds to access the Premium Shop. .. rubric:: Examples * To view the shop categoies .. code:: coffee :force: /shop * To view the shop for Titles .. code:: coffee :force: /shop category:Titles * To view the Premium shop for Gladiators .. code:: coffee :force: /shop category:Gladiators premium:True """ shop = Shop profile = Profiles( if premium: shop = PremiumShop if profile.get("pokebonds") == 0: await message.reply( embed=get_embed( "This option is available only to users" " who purchased PokeBonds.", embed_type="error", title="Premium Only" ), view=LinkView( url="", label="Buy Pokebonds", emoji=self.bond_emoji ) ) return shop.refresh_tradables() categories = shop.categories shop_alias = shop.alias_map if category and category.title() not in shop_alias: cat_str = "\n".join( f"+ {catog}" if shop.categories[catog].items else f"- {catog} (To Be Implemented)" for catog in sorted( categories, key=lambda x: -len(shop.categories[x].items) ) ) await message.reply( embed=get_embed( "That category does not exist. " f"Try one of these:\n```diff\n{cat_str}\n```", embed_type="error", title="Invalid Category" ), view=kwargs.get("view") ) return if not category: embeds = self.__shop_get_catogs(shop, profile) else: emb = self.__shop_get_page( shop, category.title(), ) embeds = [emb] if kwargs.get("premium"): for emb in embeds: emb.set_image( url="" "874623706339618827/874627340523700234/pokebond.png" ) await self.paginate(message, embeds)
[docs] @model([Inventory, Item]) async def cmd_use( self, message: Message, ticket: str, **kwargs ): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` :param ticket: The ID of the ticket to use. :type ticket: str .. meta:: :description: Use a consumable ticket. .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /use ticket:id .. rubric:: Description Use a consumable ticket and trigger it's related command. .. rubric:: Examples * To use the Background Change ticket with ID FFF000 .. code:: coffee :force: /use ticket:FFF000 """ valid = await HexValidator( message=message, on_error={ 'title': "Invalid Ticket ID", 'description': "You need to enter a valid ticket ID." }, on_null={ 'title': "No Ticket ID specified", 'description': "You need to enter a ticket ID." } ).validate(ticket) if not valid: return ticket = Inventory( # pylint: disable=no-member if ( not ticket or "Change" not in ): if ticket is None: content = "You don't have that ticket." else: content = "That is not a valid ticket." await dm_send( message,, embed=get_embed( content, embed_type="error", title="Invalid Ticket" ) ) return for module in get_modules(self.ctx): for cmd in dir(module): command = getattr(module, cmd) if hasattr(command, "__dict__") and command.__dict__.get( "ticket" ) == await command(message, **kwargs) return await dm_send( message,, embed=get_embed( "This ticket cannot be used yet.\n" "Stay tuned for future updates.", embed_type="warning", title="Not Yet Usable" ) )
[docs] @os_only @check_completion @model(Profiles) @alias("cashout") async def cmd_withdraw( self, message: Message, **kwargs ): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` .. meta:: :description: Withdraw other pokebot credits. .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /withdraw .. rubric:: Description Exchange Pokechips as other pokemon bot credits. """ pokebot, quantity = await self.__get_inputs( message, mode="withdraw" ) if pokebot is None: return req_msg, admin = await self.__admin_accept( message, pokebot, quantity, mode="withdraw" ) if admin is None: return thread = await self.__get_thread(message, pokebot, req_msg) await self.__handle_transaction( message, thread, admin, pokebot, quantity, mode="withdraw" )
async def __admin_accept( self, message, pokebot, quantity, mode="deposit" ): admins = discord.utils.get(message.guild.roles, name="Admins") confirm_view = ConfirmView( check=lambda intcn: any([ is_admin(intcn.user), is_owner(self.ctx, intcn.user) ]), timeout=600 ) req_msg = await content=admins.mention, embed=get_embed( title=f"New {mode.title()} Request", content=f"**{}** has requested to {mode} " f"**{quantity:,}**『{}』credits." ), view=confirm_view ) await confirm_view.dispatch(self) if confirm_view.value is None: if confirm_view.notify: await dm_send( message,, embed=get_embed( "Looks like none of our Admins are free.\n" "Please try again later.", embed_type="warning", title="Unable to Start Transaction." ) ) return req_msg, None return req_msg, confirm_view.user async def __get_inputs(self, message, mode="deposit"): def get_rate(bot: Member) -> int: rate = CurrencyExchange[].value return f"Exchange Rate: x{rate} Pokechips" already_exchanged = Exchanges( ).get_daily_exchanges(mode.title()) bounds = (1000, 2_500_000 - already_exchanged) if mode == "withdraw": bounds = (10000, 250_000 - already_exchanged) if bounds[1] < bounds[0]: remaining = ( ( hour=0, minute=0, second=0, ) + timedelta(days=1)) - ).total_seconds() rem_str = get_formatted_time(remaining) await dm_send( message,, embed=get_embed( "You have maxed out for today.\n" f"Try again after {rem_str}.", embed_type="warning", title="Unable to Start Transaction." ) ) return None, None async def create_modal(view, interaction): async def modal_callback(modal, intcn): proceed = await ChainValidator( intcn, { MinValidator: { "message": intcn, "min_value": bounds[0], "dm_user": True }, MaxValidator: { "message": intcn, "max_value": bounds[1], "dm_user": True } } ).validate(modal.results[0]) if not proceed: modal.results = [None] else: return { "embed": get_embed( content="Our admins have been notified.\n" "Please wait till one of them accepts" " or retry after 10 minutes.", title="Request Registered." ) } if view.value is None: return pokename = str(view.value).split('#', maxsplit=1)[0] amount_modal = CallbackReplyModal( callback=modal_callback, title=f"Exchange Amount for {pokename} Credits", timeout=120 ) amount_modal.add_short( f"How much do you want to {mode}?", placeholder=f"Min: {bounds[0]:,}, Max: {bounds[1]:,}" ) await interaction.response.send_modal( amount_modal ) await amount_modal.wait() return amount_modal.results[0] pokebots = discord.utils.get( message.guild.roles, name="Pokebot" ).members choices_view = SelectConfirmView( placeholder="Choose the Pokebot from this list", options={ bot: get_rate(bot) for bot in pokebots }, check=lambda x: ==, callback=create_modal ) await dm_send( message,, content="Which pokemon themed bot's credits" " do you want to exchange?", view=choices_view ) await choices_view.dispatch(self) pokebot = choices_view.value if not pokebot or not choices_view.callback_result: return None, None quantity = int(choices_view.callback_result.replace(',', '')) return pokebot, quantity # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments async def __handle_transaction( self, message, thread, admin, pokebot, chips, mode="deposit" ): confirm_or_cancel = ConfirmOrCancelView(timeout=None) await thread.send( embed=get_embed( title="Starting the transaction." ), content=f"**User**: {}\n" f"**Admin**: {admin.mention}", view=confirm_or_cancel ) await confirm_or_cancel.dispatch(self) if confirm_or_cancel.value: content = ( None if mode == "deposit" else f"{}, check your balance" " using the `/balance` command." ) getattr( Profiles(, "credit" if mode == "deposit" else "debit" )(chips) Profiles(admin).credit(int(chips * 0.1)) Exchanges(, admin, pokebot, chips, mode.title() ).save() await dm_send( message, admin, embed=get_embed( title=f"Credited {int(chips * 0.1):,} chips to" " your account." ) ) else: content = "Transaction cancelled." await thread.send( content=content, embed=get_embed( title=f"Closing the transaction for {}." ) ) await thread.edit( archived=True, locked=True ) @staticmethod async def __get_thread(message, pokebot, req_msg): tname = f"Transaction for {}" thread = await name=tname, message=req_msg ) await req_msg.delete() await thread.add_user( await thread.add_user(pokebot) return thread async def __buy_get_item( self, message, itemid ) -> Tuple[Shop, Item]: shop = Shop shop.refresh_tradables() try: item = shop.get_item(itemid, force_new=True) if not item: shop = PremiumShop shop.refresh_tradables() item = shop.get_item(itemid, force_new=True) if not item: await message.reply( embed=get_embed( "This item was not found in the Shop.\n" "Since the Shop is dynamic, maybe it's too late.", embed_type="error", title="Item not in Shop" ) ) return shop, None if all([ isinstance(item, Title), != self.ctx.official_server ]): official_server = self.ctx.get_guild(self.ctx.official_server) await message.reply( embed=get_embed( f"You can buy titles only in [『{official_server}』]" "(", embed_type="error", title="Cannot buy Titles here." ) ) return shop, None return shop, item except (ValueError, ZeroDivisionError): await message.reply( embed=get_embed( "The provided ID seems to be of wrong format.\n", embed_type="error", title="Invalid Item ID" ) ) return shop, None async def __buy_perform(self, message, quantity, item): task = message=message, quantity=quantity, ctx=self.ctx ) res = (await task) if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction( ) else task if res != "success": await message.reply( embed=get_embed( f"{res}\nYour account has not been charged.", embed_type="error", title="Purchase failed" ) ) return False return True @staticmethod def __give_santize(message, user, chips): error_tuple = () if not user: error_tuple = ( "No user mentioned.", "Please mention whom you want to give it to." ) elif not chips: error_tuple = ( "Invalid amount.", "Please provide a valid amount. (Min 10 chips)" ) elif == error_tuple = ( "Invalid user.", "Nice try mate, but it wouldn't have made a difference." ) elif error_tuple = ( "Bot account found.", "We don't allow shady deals with bots." ) elif Blacklist.is_blacklisted(str( error_tuple = ( "Blacklisted user.", "That user is blacklisted and cannot receive any chips." ) return error_tuple @staticmethod def __ids_get_embeds(message, item_name, ids): embeds = [] for idx in range(0, len(ids), 10): cnt_str = f'{idx + 1} - {min(idx + 11, len(ids))} / {len(ids)}' emb = get_embed( f'**{item_name}**『{cnt_str}』', title=f"{}'s Item IDs", footer="Use 『/details itemid』" "for detailed view.", color=Profiles('embed_color') ) for id_ in ids[idx:idx+10]: emb.add_field( name="\u200B", value=f"**{id_}**", inline=False ) embeds.append(emb) return embeds @staticmethod def __open_get_openables( message: Message, itemid: str, item_name: str, quantity: int ) -> List[Item]: if itemid is not None: openable = Inventory( ).from_id(itemid) return [openable] if openable else [] if item_name is None: return [] lb_name = item_name.title() chest_name = lb_name.replace( 'Chest', '' ).strip() chest_patt = re.compile( fr"{chest_name}.*Chest", re.IGNORECASE ) if any( chest_patt.match(chest.__name__) for chest in Chest.__subclasses__() ): chests = Inventory( ).from_name(fr"{chest_name}.*Chest") if not chests: return [] openables = [ Item.from_id(itemid) for itemid in chests ] else: bags = Inventory( ).from_name(lb_name) openables = [ Item.from_id(itemid) for itemid in bags ] if not openables or openables[0].category not in ( "Rewardbox", "Lootbag" ): return [] return ( openables[:quantity] if quantity is not None else openables ) async def __open_handle_rewards( self, message: Message, openables: List[Union[Chest, Lootbag, Rewardbox]] ) -> str: chips = sum( openable.chips for openable in openables ) profile = Profiles( loot_model = Loots( earned = loot_model.get("earned") loot_model.update( earned=(earned + chips) ) content = f"You have recieved **{chips}** {self.chip_emoji}." items = [] for openable in openables: embedded_items = None if == "Legendary Chest": embedded_items = LegendaryChest.get_items(openable.itemid) if openable.category == 'Lootbag': embedded_items = Lootbag.get_items(openable.itemid) if openable.category == 'Rewardbox': embedded_items = Rewardbox.get_items(openable.itemid) if embedded_items: items.extend(embedded_items) if items: item_str = '\n'.join( f"**『{item.emoji}{item} x{items.count(item)}**" for item in set(items) ) content += f"\nAnd woah, you also got:\n{item_str}" inv = Inventory( for embedded_items in items: inv.delete([ openable.itemid for openable in openables ]) quant_str = f"x{len(openables)} " if len(openables) > 1 else '' await message.reply( embed=get_embed( content, title=f"Opened {quant_str}{openables[0].name}", color=profile.get('embed_color') ) ) def __redeem_get_confirm_view(self, message, transaction, code): async def claim_callback(view, intcn, **kwargs): async def balance_callback(view, intcn, **kwargs): await self.ctx.profilecommands.cmd_balance( CustomInteraction(intcn) ) async def inventory_callback(view, intcn, **kwargs): await self.ctx.tradecommands.cmd_inventory( CustomInteraction(intcn) ) buttons = [] checklist = [] if transaction.webitem.meta.get('has_currency'): profile = Profiles( # pylint: disable=no-member won_chips = profile.won_chips pokebonds = profile.pokebonds balance = profile.balance profile.update( won_chips=won_chips + ( transaction.webitem.reward_pokechips * transaction.quantity ), pokebonds=pokebonds + ( transaction.webitem.reward_pokebonds * transaction.quantity ), balance=( balance + ( transaction.webitem.reward_pokechips * transaction.quantity ) + ( transaction.webitem.reward_pokebonds * transaction.quantity * 10 ) ) ) buttons.append( CallbackButton( callback=balance_callback, label="Check Balance" ) ) checklist.append('`Balance`') if transaction.webitem.meta.get('is_bundle'): inventory = Inventory( inventory.bulk_insert([ item['item'].itemid for item in transaction.webitem.reward_items for _ in range(item['quantity']) for _ in range(transaction.quantity) ]) buttons.append( CallbackButton( callback=inventory_callback, label="Open Inventory" ) ) checklist.append('`Inventory`') self.redeem_lock[ (code, ] = "You have already claimed this code." transaction.redeem() btn_view = CallbackButtonView( buttons=buttons, check=lambda intcn: ==, ) check_msg = ( checklist[0] if len(checklist) == 1 else ' and '.join(checklist) ) await CustomInteraction(intcn).reply( embed=get_embed( content="You have successfully claimed your rewards.\n" f"Check your {check_msg}.", ), view=btn_view ) confirm_view = CallbackButtonView( buttons=[ CallbackButton( callback=claim_callback, label="Claim", ) ], check=lambda intcn: == ) return confirm_view @staticmethod def __redeem_get_embed(transaction): fields = {} emb_config_map = {} webitem = transaction.webitem if webitem.meta['has_currency']: if pokechips := webitem.reward_pokechips: fields['Pokechips'] = pokechips * transaction.quantity emb_config_map['Pokechips'] = { 'highlight_lang': 'py' } if pokebonds := webitem.reward_pokebonds: fields['Pokebonds'] = pokebonds * transaction.quantity emb_config_map['Pokebonds'] = { 'highlight_lang': 'py' } if webitem.meta['is_bundle']: fields['Items'] = '\n'.join( f"【{item['item'].name}】 x {item['quantity'] * transaction.quantity}" for item in webitem.reward_items ) emb_config_map['Items'] = { 'inline': False, 'highlight': True, 'highlight_lang': 'py' } name = f'【{}】' if transaction.quantity > 1: name += f'x {transaction.quantity}' emb = get_embed( title=f"{name} - Claim Your Rewards", content="You can claim all these items.", # image=webitem.image, fields=fields, fields_config=EmbedFieldsConfig( highlight=True, field_config_map=emb_config_map ) ) return emb async def __redeem_get_transaction(self, message, code): if (code, in self.redeem_lock: await message.reply( embed=get_embed( title="Duplicate Claim Request", content=self.redeem_lock[(code,], embed_type="warning" ) ) return self.redeem_lock[ (code, ] = "You have a pending claim request." validator_kwargs = { "message": message, "on_error": { 'title': "Invalid Claim Code", 'description': "You need to enter a valid claim code." }, "on_null": { 'title': "No Claim Code specified", 'description': "You need to enter a claim code." } } validator_spec = { HexValidator: validator_kwargs, MinLengthValidator: { **validator_kwargs, 'min_length': 24 }, MaxLengthValidator: { **validator_kwargs, 'max_length': 24 } } valid = await ChainValidator( message, validator_spec ).validate(code) if not valid: return transactions = Transactions( _id=ObjectId(code) ) if not transactions: await message.reply( embed=get_embed( title="Invalid Claim Code", content="You need to enter a valid claim code.", embed_type="error" ) ) return transaction = transactions[0] if transaction.redeemed: await message.reply( embed=get_embed( content="This claim code has already been redeemed.", embed_type='error' ), view=LinkView( url="", label="Visit Store", emoji=self.bond_emoji ) ) return return transaction @staticmethod def __shop_get_catogs(shop, profile): categories = { key: catog for key, catog in sorted( shop.categories.items(), key=lambda x: len(x[1].items), reverse=True ) if catog.items } catogs = list(categories.values()) embeds = [] for i in range(0, len(catogs), 3): emb = get_embed( "**To view the items in a specific category:**\n" "**`/shop category`**", title="PokeGambler Shop", footer="All purchases except Tradables " "are non-refundable.", color=profile.get('embed_color') ) for catog in catogs[i:i+3]: emb.add_field( name=str(catog), value=f"```diff\n{dedent(catog.description)}\n" "To view the items:\n" f"/shop {}\n```", inline=False ) embeds.append(emb) return embeds def __shop_get_page( self, shop: Type[Shop], catog_str: str, user: Member ) -> Embed: shopname = re.sub('([A-Z]+)', r' \1', shop.__name__).strip() categories = shop.categories catog = categories[shop.alias_map[catog_str]] user_tier = Loots(user).tier if shop.alias_map[catog_str] in [ "Tradables", "Consumables", "Gladiators" ]: shop.refresh_tradables() if len(catog.items) < 1: emb = get_embed( f"`{} {shopname}` seems to be empty right now.\n" "Please try again later.", embed_type="warning", title="No items found", thumbnail="" f"twemoji/master/assets/72x72/{ord(catog.emoji):x}.png" ) else: profile = Profiles(user) balance = ( f"`{profile.get('pokebonds'):,}` {self.bond_emoji}" if shop is PremiumShop else f"`{profile.get('won_chips'):,}` {self.chip_emoji}" ) emb = get_embed( f"**To buy any item, use `/buy itemid`**" f"\n**You currently have: {balance}**", title=f"{catog} {shopname}", no_icon=True, color=profile.get('embed_color') ) for item in catog.items: itemid = f"{item.itemid:0>8X}" if isinstance( item.itemid, int ) else item.itemid price = item.price curr = self.chip_emoji if item.premium: price //= 10 curr = self.bond_emoji if shop.alias_map[catog_str] == "Boosts": price *= (10 ** (user_tier - 1)) emb.add_field( name=f"『{itemid}』 _{item}_ " f"{price:,} {curr}", value=f"```\n{item.description}\n```", inline=False ) # pylint: disable=undefined-loop-variable emb.set_footer(text=f"Example:『/buy {itemid}』") return emb