Source code for scripts.helpers.imageclasses

PokeGambler - A Pokemon themed gambling bot for Discord.
Copyright (C) 2021 Harshith Thota

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.

This module is a compilation of Image Generation Classes.

# pylint: disable=arguments-differ, too-many-arguments

from __future__ import annotations
import os
import random
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from io import BytesIO
from typing import (
    Dict, Generator, List,
    Optional, Tuple, TYPE_CHECKING

from PIL import (
    Image, ImageDraw,
    ImageEnhance, ImageFont
from ..base.items import Gladiator

    from bot import PokeGambler

[docs]class AssetGenerator(ABC): """ The Abstract Base Class for Image Generation tasks. :param asset_path: The path to the assets folder. :type asset_path: str """ def __init__(self, asset_path: str = "assets"): self.asset_path = asset_path self.pokechip = os.path.join(asset_path, "pokechip.png") ) self.pokebond = os.path.join(asset_path, "pokebond.png") )
[docs] @abstractmethod def get(self, **kwargs): """ Every Image Generation class should have a get method. """
[docs] @staticmethod def get_font(font, txt: str, bbox: List[int]) -> ImageFont: """Shrinks the font size until the text fits in bbox. :param font: The font to be used. :type font: :class:`PIL.ImageFont.ImageFont` :param txt: The text to be written. :type txt: str :param bbox: The bounding box to be used. :type bbox: List[int] :return: The font object. :rtype: :class:`PIL.ImageFont.ImageFont` """ fontsize = font.size while font.getsize(txt)[0] > bbox[0]: fontsize -= 1 font = ImageFont.truetype(font.path, fontsize) return font
[docs] def imprint_text( self, canvas: ImageDraw.Draw, txt: str, start_pos: Tuple, bbox: Tuple, fontsize: int = 40 ): """Pastes Center aligned, font corrected text on the canvas. :param canvas: The canvas to be used. :type canvas: :meth:`PIL.ImageDraw.Draw` :param txt: The text to be written. :type txt: str :param start_pos: The starting position of the text. :type start_pos: Tuple[int, int] :param bbox: The bounding box to be used. :type bbox: Tuple[int, int, int, int] :param fontsize: The font size to be used. :type fontsize: int """ font = ImageFont.truetype( os.path.join(self.asset_path, "Exo-ExtraBold.ttf"), fontsize ) font = self.get_font(font, txt, bbox) width, height = font.getsize(txt) pos = ( (bbox[0] - width) / 2 + start_pos[0], (bbox[1] - height) / 2 + start_pos[1] ) canvas.text(pos, txt, fill=(255, 255, 255), font=font)
[docs]class BadgeGenerator(AssetGenerator): """ Badgestrip Image Generation Class """ def __init__(self, asset_path: str = "assets"): super().__init__(asset_path) self.badges = { badge: os.path.join( asset_path, "basecards", "badges", f"{badge}.png" ) ) for badge in ["champion", "emperor", "funder", "dealer"] } self.badgestrip = os.path.join( asset_path, "basecards", "badges", "badgestrip.png" ) )
[docs] def get( self, badges: Optional[List] = None ) -> Image.Image: """ Returns a strip having the mentioned badges. :param badges: The badges to be used. :type badges: List[str] :return: The strip having the mentioned badges. :rtype: :class:`PIL.Image.Image` """ badgestrip = self.badgestrip.copy() if not badges: return badgestrip badge_dict = { "funder": (40, 200), "champion": (370, 200), "emperor": (687, 200), "dealer": (1020, 200) } for badge in badges: badgestrip.paste( self.badges[badge], badge_dict[badge], self.badges[badge] ) return badgestrip
[docs]class BoardGenerator(AssetGenerator): """ The Board Generator for Wackamole minigame. """ def __init__(self, asset_path: str): super().__init__(asset_path=asset_path) self.mole ='RGB', (250, 250), (0, 0, 0)) self.mole.paste( self.pokechip.resize((250, 250)).convert('RGB') ) self.boards = [] self.board_names = [] for board in sorted(os.listdir( os.path.join(asset_path, "basecards", "boards") )): self.board_names.append( board.split(".jpg")[0].title() ) self.boards.append( os.path.join( asset_path, "basecards", "boards", board ) ) )
[docs] def get( self, level: Optional[int] = 0 ) -> Tuple[str, Image.Image]: """Returns a Board image with a random tile \ replaced with a pokechip. :param level: The level of the board., default is 0. :type level: Optional[int] :return: The board image and the board name. :rtype: Tuple[str, :class:`PIL.Image.Image`] """ pos = ( random.randint(0, level + 2), random.randint(0, level + 2) ) tile_w, tile_h = (250, 250) board_img = self.boards[level].copy() board_img.paste( self.mole, (pos[0] * tile_w, pos[1] * tile_h) ) letter = ('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G')[pos[0]] num = pos[1] + 1 rolled = f"{letter}{num}" return (rolled, board_img)
[docs] def get_board( self, level: Optional[int] = 0 ) -> Tuple[str, Image.Image]: """Returns a Wackamole board of given difficulty level. :param level: The level of the board., default is 0. :type level: Optional[int] :return: The board image and the board name. :rtype: Tuple[str, :class:`PIL.Image.Image`] """ return ( self.board_names[level], self.boards[level].copy() )
[docs] @staticmethod def get_valids( level: Optional[int] = 0 ) -> Tuple[Generator, Generator]: """Returns a list of possible tile names for \ given difficulty level. :param level: The level of the board., default is 0. :type level: Optional[int] :return: The row and column values. :rtype: Tuple[Generator, Generator] """ return ( ( f"{chr(65+i)}" for i in range(level + 3) ), ( str(j) for j in range(1, level + 4) ) )
[docs]class GladitorMatchHandler(AssetGenerator): """ Gladiator Match handler class """ def __init__(self, asset_path: str = "assets"): super().__init__(asset_path) self.font = ImageFont.truetype( os.path.join(asset_path, "Exo-ExtraBold.ttf"), 140 ) self.arena = os.path.join(asset_path, "duel", "arena.jpg") ) self.bloods = [ os.path.join(asset_path, 'duel', 'bloods', fname) ).convert('RGBA') for fname in os.listdir( os.path.join(asset_path, 'duel', 'bloods') ) ] self.glad_x_offset = 270 self.hp_bar = os.path.join(asset_path, "duel", "hp_bar.png") ) self.color_bars = [ 'RGBA', (134, 728), color=(254, 0, 0, 255) # RED_BAR ), 'RGBA', (134, 728), color=(254, 240, 0, 255) # YELLOW_BAR ), 'RGBA', (134, 728), color=(60, 254, 0, 255) # GREEN_BAR ) ]
[docs] def get( self, gladiators: List[Gladiator] ) -> Tuple[Image.Image, int, int]: """Handles a duel match between Gladiators. Returns an image and damages dealt by each gladiator per round. :param gladiators: The list of gladiators. :type gladiators: List[:class:`~scripts.base.items.Gladiator`] :return: The image and the damages dealt. :rtype: Tuple[:class:`PIL.Image.Image`, int, int] """ canvas = self.__prepare_arena([ for glad in gladiators ]) old_hp1 = old_hp2 = 300 for (glad1, hp1), (glad2, hp2) in zip( self.__fight(gladiators[0]), self.__fight(gladiators[1]) ): canvas.paste(glad1, (500, 675), glad1) canvas.paste(glad2, (2340, 675), glad2) dmg1 = old_hp2 - hp2 dmg2 = old_hp1 - hp1 old_hp1 = hp1 old_hp2 = hp2 yield canvas.copy(), dmg1, dmg2 if max(0, hp1) * max(0, hp2) == 0: break
def __add_blood( self, gladiator_sprite: Image.Image, damage: int ): """ Applies bleeding effect to Gladiator sprite. """ blood = self.__get_blood(damage=damage) bld_w, bld_h = blood.size bbox = gladiator_sprite.getbbox() glad_w = bbox[2] - bbox[0] glad_h = bbox[3] - bbox[1] pos = ( random.randint(self.glad_x_offset, glad_w - bld_w), random.randint(0, glad_h - bld_h) ) gladiator_sprite.paste(blood, pos, blood) def __fight(self, gladiator: Gladiator) -> Tuple[Image.Image, int]: # sourcery skip: use-named-expression """ Makes the provider gladiator take damage and returns a tuple of damaged gladiator image and remaining hitpoint. """ fresh = True if fresh: fresh = False glad = gladiator.image glad.paste(self.hp_bar, (0, 0), self.hp_bar) hitpoints = 300 fresh_glad = glad.copy() green_bar = self.color_bars[-1] fresh_glad.paste(green_bar, (833, 187), green_bar) yield fresh_glad, 300 while hitpoints >= 0: dmg = self.__get_damage() hitpoints -= dmg self.__add_blood(glad, dmg) final_glad = self.__update_hitpoints(glad, hitpoints) yield final_glad, hitpoints def __get_blood(self, damage: int) -> Image.Image: """ Returns corresponding blood image for the damage done. """ return self.bloods[int(damage // 50)] @staticmethod def __get_damage(): """ Returns a random amount of damage. """ return int( min( max(random.gauss(50, 100), 25), 300 ) ) def __prepare_arena(self, players: List[str]) -> Image.Image: """ Sets up the initial arena. """ canvas = self.arena.copy() board = ImageDraw.Draw(canvas) gn_pad1, gn_pad2 = [ int((1000 - self.font.getsize(plyr)[0]) / 2) for plyr in players ] board.text( (500 + gn_pad1, 463), players[0], font=self.font, fill=(255, 255, 255) ) board.text( (2340 + gn_pad2, 463), players[1], font=self.font, fill=(255, 255, 255) ) return canvas def __update_hitpoints(self, gladiator: Image.Image, hitpoints: int): """ Update the HP Bar of the gladiator sprite. """ bar_ht = int((728 / 300) * hitpoints) final_glad = gladiator if bar_ht > 0: clrbar = self.color_bars[int((hitpoints / 300) * 3)].resize( (134, bar_ht) ) final_glad = gladiator.copy() final_glad.paste(clrbar, (833, 187 + (728 - bar_ht)), clrbar) return final_glad
[docs]class LeaderBoardGenerator(AssetGenerator): """ Leaderboard Image Generation Class """ def __init__(self, asset_path: str = "assets"): super().__init__(asset_path) self.leaderboard = os.path.join( asset_path, "basecards", "leaderboard", "lb.jpg" ) ) self.rankcard = os.path.join( asset_path, "basecards", "leaderboard", "rankcard.png" ) ) self.rankcard_no_head = os.path.join( asset_path, "basecards", "leaderboard", "rankcard_no_heading.png" ) ) # pylint: disable=invalid-overridden-method
[docs] async def get( self, ctx: PokeGambler, data: Dict ) -> Image.Image: """Returns the leaderboard image. :param ctx: The PokeGambler client object. :type ctx: :class:`bot.PokeGambler` :param data: The data to be used to generate the leaderboard. :type data: Dict :return: The leaderboard image. :rtype: :class:`PIL.Image.Image` """ poslist = [ (41, 435), (1371, 435), (41, 950), (1371, 950) ] leaderboard = self.leaderboard.copy() for idx, user_data in enumerate(data): rankcard = await self.get_rankcard(ctx, data=user_data) leaderboard.paste(rankcard, poslist[idx]) leaderboard = leaderboard.resize( (int(leaderboard.size[0] / 2), int(leaderboard.size[1] / 2)) ) return leaderboard
[docs] async def get_rankcard( self, ctx: PokeGambler, data: Dict, heading: bool = False ) -> Image.Image: """Generates a Rank Card for a user. :param ctx: The PokeGambler client object. :type ctx: :class:`bot.PokeGambler` :param data: The data to be used to generate the rank card. :type data: Dict :param heading: Whether or not to include the rank card heading. :type heading: bool :return: The rank card image. :rtype: :class:`PIL.Image.Image` """ pos_dict = { "name": { "start_pos": (799, 310), "bbox": (397, 144) }, "rank": { "start_pos": (643, 310), "bbox": (112, 114) }, "num_wins": { "start_pos": (1240, 242), "bbox": (276, 122) }, "num_matches": { "start_pos": (1240, 398), "bbox": (276, 122) }, "balance": { "start_pos": (1559, 310), "bbox": (320, 144) } } base = ( self.rankcard.copy() if heading else self.rankcard_no_head.copy() ) canvas = ImageDraw.Draw(base) for key, pos in pos_dict.items(): txt = str(data[key]) self.imprint_text( canvas, txt, pos["start_pos"], pos["bbox"], 60 ) avatar_byio = BytesIO() if user := ctx.get_user(int(data["user_id"])): await ( user.avatar or user.default_avatar ).with_size(512).save(avatar_byio) else: await ctx.user.default_avatar.with_size(512).save(avatar_byio) avatar = (402, 402) ).convert('RGBA') base.paste(avatar, (131, 196), avatar) if any([ int(data["rank"]) >= 4, int(data["rank"]) == 0 ]): hexagon = "black" else: hexagon = ["gold", "silver", "bronze"][int(data["rank"]) - 1] hexagon = os.path.join( self.asset_path, "basecards", "leaderboard", "hexagons", f"{hexagon}.png" ) ) rankcard = Image.alpha_composite(base, hexagon) if not heading: rankcard = rankcard.crop( (0, 70, 1920, 725) ).resize( (1280, 437), Image.ANTIALIAS ).convert("RGB") else: rankcard = rankcard.resize((1280, 530), Image.ANTIALIAS) return rankcard
[docs]class ProfileCardGenerator(AssetGenerator): """ ProfileCard Image Generation Class """ def __init__(self, asset_path: str = "assets"): super().__init__(asset_path) self.font = ImageFont.truetype( os.path.join(asset_path, "Exo-ExtraBold.ttf"), 36 ) self.profilecard = os.path.join(asset_path, "basecards", "profilecard.jpg") ) self.profileframe = os.path.join(asset_path, "basecards", "profileframe.png") ) self.badges = { badge: os.path.join( asset_path, "basecards", "badges", "100x100", f"{badge}.png" ) ) for badge in ["champion", "emperor", "funder", "dealer"] }
[docs] def get( self, name: str, avatar: Image.Image, balance: str, num_played: str, num_won: str, badges: Optional[List[Image.Image]] = None, blacklisted: bool = False, background: Image.Image = None ) -> Image.Image: """Returns the profile card for a user. :param name: The user\'s name. :type name: str :param avatar: The user\'s avatar. :type avatar: :class:`PIL.Image.Image` :param balance: The user\'s current balance. :type balance: str :param num_played: The number of matches the user has played. :type num_played: str :param num_won: The number of matches the user has won. :type num_won: str :param badges: The badges the user has earned. :type badges: Optional[List[:class:`PIL.Image.Image`]] :param blacklisted: Whether or not the user is blacklisted. :type blacklisted: bool :param background: The user\'s background image. :type background: :class:`PIL.Image.Image` :return: The profile card :rtype: :class:`PIL.Image.Image` """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals if background: profilecard = background.convert('RGBA') profilecard.paste( self.profileframe, (0, 0), self.profileframe ) profilecard.convert('RGB') else: profilecard = self.profilecard.copy() profilecard.paste( avatar.resize((280, 280)).convert('RGB'), (603, 128) ) canvas = ImageDraw.Draw(profilecard) params = [ { "txt": name, "start_pos": (220, 112), "bbox": (280, 56) }, { "txt": num_played, "start_pos": (220, 292), "bbox": (280, 56) }, { "txt": num_won, "start_pos": (220, 340), "bbox": (280, 56) }, { "txt": balance, "start_pos": (220, 177), "bbox": (210, 56) } ] for param in params: canvas.text( param["start_pos"], param["txt"], fill=(0, 0, 0), font=self.get_font( self.font, param["txt"], param["bbox"] ) ) profilecard = profilecard.convert('RGBA') if all([ badges, not blacklisted ]): for idx, badge in enumerate(badges): profilecard.paste( self.badges[badge], (25 + (120 * idx), 400), self.badges[badge] ) chip_pos = (220 + self.font.getsize(balance)[0] + 20, 159) chip = self.pokechip.resize((80, 80), Image.ANTIALIAS) profilecard.paste(chip, chip_pos, chip) profilecard = profilecard.convert('RGB') if blacklisted: profilecard = self.__add_bl_effect(profilecard) return profilecard
def __add_bl_effect(self, profilecard: Image.Image) -> Image.Image: """ Adds a Blacklisted label on profilecard. Also desaturates and darkens the image. """ for task in ["Brightness", "Color"]: enhancer = getattr(ImageEnhance, task)(profilecard) profilecard = enhancer.enhance(0.25) text_layer ='RGBA', profilecard.size, (0, 0, 0, 0)) canvas = ImageDraw.Draw(text_layer) canvas.text( (50, 205), "BLACKLISTED", fill=(255, 255, 255, 255), font=ImageFont.truetype(self.font.path, 130) ) profilecard.paste( text_layer.rotate(-20), (0, 0), text_layer.rotate(-20) ) return profilecard
[docs]class WalletGenerator(AssetGenerator): """ BalanceCard Image Generation Class """ def __init__(self, asset_path: str = "assets"): super().__init__(asset_path) self.asset_path = asset_path self.font = ImageFont.truetype( os.path.join(asset_path, "Exo-ExtraBold.ttf"), 32 ) self.wallet = os.path.join(asset_path, "basecards", "wallet.png") )
[docs] def get(self, data: Dict) -> Image.Image: """Returns the balance card for a user. :param data: The user's data. :type data: Dict :return: The balance card :rtype: :class:`PIL.Image.Image` """ wallet = self.wallet.copy() canvas = ImageDraw.Draw(wallet) params = [ { "txt": data["won_chips"], "start_pos": (620, 100), "bbox": (255, 70), "fontsize": 54 }, { "txt": data["pokebonds"], "start_pos": (620, 235), "bbox": (255, 70), "fontsize": 54 }, { "txt": data["balance"], "start_pos": (620, 390), "bbox": (255, 70), "fontsize": 54 } ] for param in params: self.imprint_text(canvas, **param) return wallet