Source code for scripts.helpers.parsers

PokeGambler - A Pokemon themed gambling bot for Discord.
Copyright (C) 2021 Harshith Thota

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RestructuredText and Parameter parsers

import re
from functools import cached_property
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional

from ..base.enums import OptionTypes

[docs]class Options(dict): """ A dictionary with attribute access. """ def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Optional[str]: return self.get(name) def __setattr__(self, name: str, value: str) -> None: self[name] = value
[docs]class Directive: """ A simple Class which corresponds to reStructureText directive. :param argument: The argument of the directive. :type argument: Optional[str] """ def __init__(self, argument: Optional[str] = None): self.role_pattern = re.compile( r':.+:`(.+)`' ) self.argument = argument self.options = Options() self.lines = [] self.children = [] def __getattr__(self, name: str): return ( self.options.get(name) if name not in dir(self) else self.__dict__[name] ) @property def line_string(self) -> str: """ Converts the lines of the directive into a single string. :return: The string of the lines. :rtype: str """ if self.__class__.__name__ == 'Rubric': line_str = '\n'.join( child.to_string() if isinstance(child, Directive) else child for child in self.children ) else: line_str = '\n'.join(self.lines) if ctx = line_str = self.role_pattern.sub( r'\|\|\1\|\|', line_str ) line_str = self.role_pattern.sub( ctx.split('.')[-1], line_str ) return line_str
[docs] def to_string(self) -> str: """ Converts the directive into a string represenation meant for usage in Discord Embeds. :param ext: The extension for markdown. :type ext: Optional[str] :return: The string representation of the directive. :rtype: str """ cls_name = self.__class__.__name__ emoji_dict = { 'Note': ':information_source:', 'Warning': ':warning:', 'Tip': ':bulb:' } if cls_name == 'Rubric': return self.line_string if cls_name == 'Code': if not self.argument: ext = '' elif self.argument == 'coffee': ext = 'scss' else: ext = self.argument return f"```{ext}\n{self.line_string}\n```" if cls_name == 'Admonition': return f":information_source: **{self.argument}**" + \ f"```\n{self.line_string}\n```" if cls_name in emoji_dict: return f"{emoji_dict[cls_name]} **{cls_name}**\n" + \ f"```\n{self.line_string}\n```" return ""
[docs]class Param: """ A simple Class which corresponds to function parameters. :param name: The name of the parameter. :type name: str :param description: The description of the parameter. :type description: str """ # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods,too-many-instance-attributes def __init__( self, name: str, description: Optional[str] = None ): = name self.description = description self.type = None self.default = None self.choices = None self.min_value = None self.max_value = None self.autocomplete = False self._parse_pattern = re.compile( r'[ld]i[sc]t\[(.+)\]', re.IGNORECASE ) self._vals_pattern = re.compile( r'(?P<name>[^#]+)(?:#(?P<description>.+)#)?:\s' r'(?P<type>[a-zA-Z_\[\]]+)' r'(?:\s=\s(?P<default>[^\]]+))?' ) self._discord_pattern = re.compile( r':class:`discord\.(.+)`' ) self._optional_pattern = re.compile( r'Optional\[(.+)\]' ) self._list_pattern = re.compile( r'\[(.+)\]' ) def __repr__(self) -> str: cleaned_type = self._discord_pattern.sub( r'\1', self._optional_pattern.sub(r'\1', self.type) ) required = 'Optional' not in str(self.type) return f'Param(name={}, type={cleaned_type}, ' \ f'description={self.description}, ' \ f'default={self.default}, ' \ f'required={required})' def __setattribute__(self, name: str, value: Any) -> None: setattr(self, name, value) if name == 'choices': self.__resolve_choices()
[docs] def parse(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Resolves the parameter type into attributes using regular expressions. :return: The resolved parameters. :rtype: Dict[str, Any] """ if == 'message': return [] parsed = { attr: getattr(self, attr) for attr in ( 'name', 'description', 'type', 'default', 'autocomplete' ) } parsed["autocomplete"] = parsed["autocomplete"] == 'True' self.__resolve_special_types(parsed) parsed['required'] = 'Optional' not in parsed['type'] parsed['type'] = OptionTypes[ self._optional_pattern.sub(r'\1', parsed['type']) ] parsed['description'] = parsed.get( 'description' ) or 'Please enter a value.' if parsed.get('default') is not None: if parsed['default'] == 'None': parsed['default'] = None elif parsed['type'] == OptionTypes.INTEGER: parsed['default'] = int(parsed['default']) elif parsed['type'] == OptionTypes.NUMBER: parsed['default'] = float(parsed['default']) elif parsed['type'] == OptionTypes.BOOLEAN: parsed['default'] = parsed['default'] == 'True' parsed['description'] += f" Default is {parsed['default']}." operation = str if parsed['type'] == OptionTypes.INTEGER: operation = int elif parsed['type'] == OptionTypes.NUMBER: operation = float if parsed['type'] in (OptionTypes.INTEGER, OptionTypes.FLOAT): for attr in ('min_value', 'max_value'): if getattr(self, attr) is not None: parsed[attr] = operation(getattr(self, attr)) parsed['type'] = parsed['type'].value if self.choices is not None: self.__resolve_choices(operation) parsed['choices'] = self.choices return parsed
def __resolve_choices(self, operation=None): if isinstance(self.choices, list): return choice_str = self._list_pattern.sub(r'\1', self.choices) self.choices = [ { "name": choice.strip(), "value": ( operation(choice.strip()) if operation else choice.strip() ) } for choice in choice_str.split(',') if choice.strip() ] def __resolve_special_types(self, parsed: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """ Handler for discord types like User, Member, Channel, etc. """ parsed['type'] = self._discord_pattern.sub(r'\1', parsed['type']) if 'Member' in parsed['type']: parsed['type'] = parsed['type'].replace('Member', 'User')
[docs]class CustomRstParser: """ | A barebones reStructuredText parser using Regex. | Can also be used in Context Manager mode. .. note:: Might be switched to an AST based one in the future. .. rubric:: Example .. code:: python >>> from scripts.utils.parsers import CustomRstParser >>> with open('README.rst') as f: ... data = >>> # As an object. >>> parser = CustomRstParser() >>> parser.parse(data) >>> print( ... parser.sections[0].to_string() ... ) >>> # As a context manager. >>> with CustomRstParser() as parser: ... parser.parse(data) ... print( ... parser.sections[0].to_string() ... ) >>> assert parser.sections == [] """ def __init__(self): param_patts = [ re.compile( fr':(?P<attr>{attr})\s(?P<name>[^:]+):(?:\s(?P<value>.+))?$' ) for attr in ( 'param', 'type', 'default', 'choices', 'min_value', 'max_value', 'autocomplete' ) ] self._patterns = [ re.compile( r'^\.\. (?P<directive>\w+)\:\:(?:\s(?P<argument>.+))?$' ), re.compile( r':(?P<option>\w+):(?:\s(?P<value>.+))?$' ) ] + param_patts + [ re.compile(r'\s{4}.+') ] self._tab_space = 8 #: Meta :class:`Directive` #: #: .. tip:: #: #: There's usually only one Meta directive per docstring. self.meta = None #: All the parsed :class:`Directive`. self.directives = [] #: All the parsed :class:`Param`. self.params = {} #: Rubric sections containing child :class:`Directive`. self.sections = [] #: Additional lines before Params. = "" def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): = "" self.directives = [] self.params = {} self.sections = [] @cached_property def parsed_params(self) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Returns a list of parsed parameters. :return: The parsed params. :rtype: List[Dict[str, Any]] """ return [ param.parse() for param in self.params.values() if != 'message' ] @property def param_names(self) -> List[str]: """Returns a list of parsed parameter names. :return: The parsed params. :rtype: List[str] """ return [ param['name'] for param in self.parsed_params ]
[docs] def parse(self, text: str): """ Parses the given text and updates the internal sections, directives and parameters. :param text: The reST text (docstrings) to parse. :type text: str """ for line in text.splitlines(): ( dir_matches, options, param, *param_attrs ) = [ for pattern in self._patterns[:-1] ] if dir_matches: self.__handle_directives(dir_matches) elif param: param = param.groupdict() self.params[param['name']] = Param( param['name'], self.__clean_line( param.get('value') ) ) elif any(param_attrs): for attr in param_attrs: if attr: attr = attr.groupdict() setattr( self.params[attr['name']], attr['attr'], attr['value'] ) elif options and self.directives: options = options.groupdict() self.directives[-1].options.update({ options['option']: self.__clean_line( options.get('value') ) }) elif line and ( self.directives or self.sections or self.meta ): self.__handle_line(line) elif line: += self.__clean_line(line)
def __handle_line(self, line): pre_dedent_line = line.replace(' ', '', self._tab_space) if self._patterns[-1].search(pre_dedent_line): if self.directives: self.directives[-1].lines.append( self.__clean_line(line) ) else: self.meta.options[ self.meta.options.keys()[-1] ] += f" {self.__clean_line(line)}" else: self.sections[-1].children.append( self.__clean_line(line) ) @staticmethod def __clean_line(line: str) -> str: return ( None if not line else line.lstrip(' ' * 4) ) def __handle_directives(self, dir_matches): dir_matches = dir_matches.groupdict() self.directives.append( type( dir_matches['directive'].title(), (Directive, ), {} )( self.__clean_line( dir_matches.get('argument') ) ) ) if dir_matches['directive'].title() == 'Rubric': self.sections.append( self.directives[-1] ) elif dir_matches['directive'].title() == 'Meta': self.meta = self.directives[-1] elif self.sections: self.sections[-1].children.append( self.directives[-1] )