Source code for bot

PokeGambler - A Pokemon themed gambling bot for Discord.
Copyright (C) 2021 Harshith Thota

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.

The Main Module which serves as the brain of the code.

# pylint: disable=no-member

from collections import namedtuple
from contextlib import suppress
import difflib
import importlib
from io import BytesIO
import os
import sys
import traceback
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Callable

import aiohttp
import discord
from discord import InteractionType, Message, Interaction
from discord.ext import tasks
from discord.http import _set_api_version
from dotenv import load_dotenv
import topgg

from scripts.base.cardgen import CardGambler
from scripts.base.models import (
    Blacklist, CommandData, Inventory,
    Nitro, Profiles, Checkpoints
from scripts.base.items import Item
from import PremiumShop, Shop
from scripts.base.handlers import AutocompleteHandler, ContextHandler, SlashHandler
from scripts.base.views import MoreInfoView

from scripts.helpers.logger import CustomLogger
# pylint: disable=cyclic-import
from scripts.helpers.utils import (
    dm_send, get_ascii, get_commands,
    get_formatted_time, get_modules,
    prettify_discord, get_embed, parse_command,
    get_rand_headers, is_owner, online_now


[docs]class PokeGambler(discord.AutoShardedClient): """ PokeGambler: A Discord Bot using pokemon themed cards for gambling. Subclass of :class:`discord.Client` which serves as the base for PokeGambler bot. :param error_log_path: Path to the error log file. :type error_log_path: str :param assets_path: Path to the assets folder. :type assets_path: str .. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes def __init__(self, **kwargs): intents = discord.Intents.all() # pylint: disable=assigning-non-slot intents.presences = False # Use Gateway v9 until April 15th to allow text commands. if > datetime(2022, 4, 15): intents.message_content = False else: _set_api_version(9) super().__init__(intents=intents) self.version = "v1.6.0" self.error_log_path = kwargs["error_log_path"] self.assets_path = kwargs["assets_path"] self.__update_configs() # Defaults self.active_channels = [] self.ready = False self.start_time = self.owner = None self.sess = None self.owner_mode = False self.cooldown_users = {} self.cooldown_cmds = {} self.loot_cd = {} self.pending_cmds = {} self.views = {} with open('', encoding='utf-8') as depr_fl: self.depr_notice = # Classes #: The :class:`~scripts.helpers.logger.CustomLogger` for PokeGambler. self.logger = CustomLogger( self.error_log_path ) #: The :class:`~scripts.base.cardgen.CardGambler` for Gamble matches. = CardGambler(self.assets_path) #: :class:`topgg.client.DBLClient` for handling votes and stats. #: #: .. tip:: Check out PokeGambler's ``_ page. self.topgg = topgg.DBLClient( self, os.getenv('TOPGG_TOKEN') ) #: The :class:`~scripts.base.handlers.SlashHandler` for handling #: slash commands. self.slasher = SlashHandler(self) #: The :class:`~scripts.base.handlers.ContextHandler` for handling #: context commands. self.ctx_cmds = ContextHandler(self) #: The :class:`~scripts.base.handlers.AutocompleteHandler` for #: handling command option autocomplete. self.autocompleter = AutocompleteHandler(self) # Commands for module in os.listdir("scripts/commands"): if module.endswith(""): module_type = module.split("")[0] self.load_commands(module_type) # Bot Base # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
[docs] async def on_message(self, message: Message): """Called when a :class:`discord.Message` is created and sent. .. note:: This requires :attr:`discord.Intents.messages` to be enabled. :param message: The message which triggered the event. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` """ # Guild and Channel Checks if message.guild is None: await self.__no_dm_cmds(message) return if self.__bl_wl_check(message): return # Controller if message.content.lower().startswith( self.prefix.lower() ): proceed = await self.__pre_command_checks(message) if not proceed: return res = self.__get_method(message) method, cmd, args, option_dict, closest = res if not method: cmd_name = cmd.replace('cmd_', self.prefix) cmd_err_msg = f"Command `{cmd_name}` does not exist!" if closest: cmd_err_msg += f"\nDid you mean `{closest}`?" await embed=get_embed( cmd_err_msg, embed_type="error", title="Invalid Command" ) ) return if cmd_cd := getattr(method, "cooldown", None): on_cmd_cd = await self.__handle_cmd_cd(message, method, cmd_cd) if on_cmd_cd: return kwargs = { "message": message, "args": args, "mentions": [], **option_dict } if message.mentions: kwargs["mentions"] = message.mentions if cmd != "cmd_invite": tldr, desc, changes = self.depr_notice.split("\n\n") changes = changes.replace("%prefix%", self.prefix) deprec_embed = get_embed( content=tldr, embed_type="warning", title="Migrating completely to Slash Commands..." ) more_info_embed = deprec_embed.copy() more_info_embed.description = f"""**```fix\n{desc}\n```**""" more_info_embed.add_field( name="Changelist", value=f"""**```md\n{changes}\n```**""", inline=False ) more_info_embed.add_field( name="Reference Link", value="" "/articles/4404772028055", inline=False ) more_info_view = MoreInfoView(embed=more_info_embed) await message.reply(embed=deprec_embed, view=more_info_view) self.loop.create_task( more_info_view.dispatch(module=self.normalcommands) ) await self.__exec_command(method, kwargs)
[docs] async def on_interaction(self, interaction: Interaction): """ | Called when an interaction happened. | This currently happens due to slash command invocations \ or components being used. :param interaction: The interaction data. :type interaction: :class:`discord.Interaction` """ if interaction.type not in ( InteractionType.application_command, InteractionType.autocomplete ): return if interaction.type is InteractionType.autocomplete: await self.autocompleter.parse(interaction) return if not interaction.guild or self.__bl_wl_check(interaction): return if'type') == 1: method, kwargs = await self.slasher.parse_response(interaction) if not (method and kwargs): return await self.__exec_command(method, kwargs, is_interaction=True) elif'type') in (2, 3): await self.ctx_cmds.execute(interaction)
# Connectors
[docs] def run(self, *args, **kwargs): """A blocking call that abstracts away the event loop initialisation from you. If you want more control over the event loop then this function should not be used. Use :meth:`discord.Client.start` coroutine or :meth:`discord.Client.connect` + :meth:`discord.Client.login`. Roughly Equivalent to: :: try: loop.run_until_complete(start(*args, **kwargs)) except KeyboardInterrupt: loop.run_until_complete(close()) # cancel all tasks lingering finally: loop.close() .. warning:: This function must be the last function to call due to the fact that it is blocking. That means that registration of events or anything being called after this function call will not execute until it returns. """ super().run(os.getenv('TOKEN'), *args, **kwargs)
[docs] async def on_guild_join(self, guild: discord.Guild): """Called when a :class:`discord.Guild` is either created by the :class:`PokeGambler` or when :class:`PokeGambler` joins a guild. .. note:: This requires :attr:`discord.Intents.guilds` to be enabled. :param guild: The guild which added PokeGambler. :type guild: :class:`discord.Guild` """ await self.__handle_guild_change("join", guild)
[docs] async def on_guild_remove(self, guild: discord.Guild): """Called when a :class:`discord.Guild` is removed from the :class:`PokeGambler`. This happens through, but not limited to, these circumstances: - The client got banned. - The client got kicked. - The client left the guild. - The client or the guild owner deleted the guild. In order for this event to be invoked, :class:`PokeGambler` must have been part of the guild to begin with. (i.e. it is part of :class:`PokeGambler`.guilds) .. note:: This requires :attr:`discord.Intents.guilds` to be enabled. :param guild: The guild which was removed from PokeGambler. :type guild: :class:`discord.Guild` """ await self.__handle_guild_change("leave", guild)
[docs] async def on_ready(self): """Called when the client is done preparing the data received from Discord. Usually after login is successful and the :class:`PokeGambler`.guilds and co. are filled up. .. warning:: This function is not guaranteed to be the first event called. Likewise, this function is **not** guaranteed to only be called once. This library implements reconnection logic and thus will end up calling this event whenever a RESUME request fails. """ if not getattr(self, "owner", False): self.owner = self.get_user(self.owner_id) headers = get_rand_headers() self.sess = aiohttp.ClientSession(loop=self.loop, headers=headers) self.__pprinter() self.ready = True Shop.refresh_tradables() PremiumShop.refresh_tradables() with suppress(topgg.ServerError): await self.topgg.post_guild_count() await self.slash_sync() await online_now(self) game = discord.Game( "with the strings of fate. | Check: /info" ) await self.change_presence(activity=game) self.__reward_nitro_boosters.start() self.__create_checkpoint.start()
[docs] async def slash_sync(self): """Synchronizes the slash commands.""" if not any([ self.is_prod, self.is_local ]): return self.logger.pprint( "Syncing up the slash commands now.", color='blue' ) kwargs = {} if self.is_local: kwargs["guild_id"] = self.whitelist_guilds[0] elif self.is_prod: kwargs["guild_id"] = self.official_server await self.slasher.add_slash_commands(**kwargs) self.logger.pprint( "Registering the context menu commands now.", color='blue' ) await self.ctx_cmds.register_all()
[docs] def load_commands( self, module_type: str, reload_module: bool = False ): """Hot Module Import for Commands. :param module_type: The module type to load. :type module_type: str :param reload_module: Whether the module is preloaded. :type reload_module: bool :return: The loaded module. :rtype: :class:`~scripts.commands.basecommand.Commands` """ if reload_module: module = importlib.reload( sys.modules.get(f"scripts.commands.{module_type}commands") ) else: module = importlib.import_module( f"scripts.commands.{module_type}commands" ) cmd_class = getattr(module, f"{module_type.title()}Commands") if cmd_class.__name__ not in self.views: self.views[cmd_class.__name__] = [] for view in self.views[cmd_class.__name__]: if not view.is_finished(): view.notify = False view.stop() for locked_cmd in list(self.pending_cmds): if locked_cmd in dir(cmd_class): self.pending_cmds.pop(locked_cmd) cmd_obj = cmd_class(ctx=self) setattr(self, f"{module_type}commands", cmd_obj) for attr in dir(cmd_obj): attr_obj = getattr(cmd_obj, attr) if 'autocomplete' in dir(attr_obj): self.autocompleter.register( attr_obj, getattr(attr_obj, 'autocomplete') ) return cmd_obj
# Private Methods def __bl_wl_check(self, message: Message): blacklist_checks = [ self.channel_mode == "blacklist", in getattr(self, "blacklist_channels") ] whitelist_checks = [ self.channel_mode == "whitelist", not in getattr(self, "whitelist_channels") ] blackguild_checks = [ self.guild_mode == "blacklist", in getattr(self, "blacklist_guilds") ] whiteguild_checks = [ self.guild_mode == "whitelist", not in getattr(self, "whitelist_guilds") ] return_checks = [ all(blacklist_checks), all(whitelist_checks), all(blackguild_checks), all(whiteguild_checks) ] return any(return_checks) async def __exec_command(self, method, kwargs, is_interaction=False): try: message = kwargs["message"] opts = { key: val for key, val in kwargs.items() if key not in ("message", "args") } cmd_name = method.__name__.replace("cmd_", "") if "no_log" not in dir(method) or not self.is_local: cmd_data = CommandData(, message, is_interaction, cmd_name, hasattr(method, "admin_only"), kwargs["args"], opts ) if task := method(**kwargs): await task except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except await self.__handle_error( message=kwargs["message"], command=method.__name__.replace("cmd_", "") ) def __get_method(self, message: Message): cleaned_content = message.clean_content for user in message.mentions: cleaned_content = cleaned_content.replace( f" @{}", "" ) cleaned_content = cleaned_content.replace( f" @{user.nick}", "" ) parsed = parse_command( self.prefix, cleaned_content ) cmd = f'cmd_{parsed["Command"]}' args = parsed["Args"] option_dict = parsed["Kwargs"] method = None all_cmds = [] all_aliases = [] for com in get_modules(self): if com.enabled: method = getattr(com, cmd, None) if method: return method, cmd, args, option_dict, cmd all_cmds.extend([ cmd_name.replace(self.prefix, '') for cmd_name in get_commands( self,, com ).splitlines() ]) all_aliases.extend([ alias.replace("cmd_", "") for alias in com.alias ]) all_cmd_names = all_cmds + all_aliases closest = difflib.get_close_matches( cmd.replace('cmd_', ''), all_cmd_names, n=1 ) closest = closest[0] if closest else None return method, cmd, args, option_dict, closest async def __no_dm_cmds(self, message: Message): if message.content.lower().startswith( self.prefix.lower() ): with suppress(discord.Forbidden): await embed=get_embed( "I currently do not support commands in the DMs.\n" "Please use the command in a server.", embed_type="warning", title="No Commands in DMs" ) ) async def __handle_cd(self, message: Message): if is_owner(self, return False on_cooldown = self.cooldown_users.get(, None) if on_cooldown and ( - self.cooldown_users[] ).total_seconds() < self.cooldown_time: await message.add_reaction("⌛") return True self.cooldown_users[] = async def __handle_cmd_cd( self, message: Message, method: Callable, cooldown: int ) -> bool: self.cooldown_cmds[method] = self.cooldown_cmds.get(method, {}) if not in self.cooldown_cmds[method]: self.cooldown_cmds[method][] = else: elapsed = ( - self.cooldown_cmds[method][] ).total_seconds() if elapsed < cooldown: await message.add_reaction("⌛") rem_time = get_formatted_time(cooldown - elapsed) await dm_send( message,, embed=get_embed( f"You need to wait {rem_time}" " before reusing that command.", embed_type="error", title="Command On Cooldown" ) ) return True self.cooldown_cmds[method].pop( return False # region Tasks @tasks.loop(hours=24) async def __reward_nitro_boosters(self): if all([ ( datetime.utcnow() - Nitro.get_last_rewarded() ).days >= 30, datetime.utcnow().day == 5, not self.is_local, self.is_prod ]): DummyMessage = namedtuple('Message', ['channel']) official_server = self.get_guild(self.official_server) boosters = official_server.premium_subscribers rewarded = [] rewardboxes = [] for booster in boosters: profile = Profiles(booster) nitro_box = Item.from_name( "Nitro Booster Reward Box", force_new=True ) Inventory(booster).save(nitro_box.itemid) chan = discord.utils.get( official_server.channels, name='general', category__name='PokéGambler' ) message = DummyMessage(channel=chan) await dm_send( message, booster, content=f"Hey {},", embed=get_embed( f"Thanks for Boosting『**{official_server}**』this month" f"!\nA『**{nitro_box}**』is added to your inventory.", title="Monthly Server Booster Reward", footer=f"ItemID: {nitro_box.itemid}", image=nitro_box.asset_url, color=profile.get('embed_color') ) ) rewarded.append(booster) rewardboxes.append(nitro_box.itemid) Nitro(rewarded, rewardboxes).save() # pylint: disable=no-self-use @tasks.loop(hours=24) async def __create_checkpoint(self): last_checkpoint = Checkpoints.latest() checks = [self.is_prod] if last_checkpoint: checks.append( ( datetime.utcnow() - last_checkpoint[0]["created_on"] ).days >= 1 ) else: checks.append(True) if not all(checks): return Checkpoints(self).save() # endregion def __pprinter(self): pretty = { itbl: prettify_discord( self, **{ "iterable": getattr(self, itbl), "mode": itbl.split("_")[1].rstrip("s") } ) for itbl in [ "blacklist_channels", "whitelist_channels", "blacklist_guilds", "whitelist_guilds" ] } ver_ascii = get_ascii(self.version) self.logger.pprint( """ \t██████╗ █████╗ ██╗ ██╗███████╗ \t██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██║ ██╔╝██╔════╝ \t██████╔╝██║ ██║█████═╝ █████╗ \t██╔═══╝ ██║ ██║██╔═██╗ ██╔══╝ \t██║ ╚█████╔╝██║ ╚██╗███████╗ \t╚═╝ ╚════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚══════╝ """, color=["yellow", "bold"], timestamp=False ) self.logger.pprint( """ ██████╗ █████╗ ███╗ ███╗██████╗ ██╗ ███████╗██████╗ ██╔════╝ ██╔══██╗████╗ ████║██╔══██╗██║ ██╔════╝██╔══██╗ ██║ ██╗ ███████║██╔████╔██║██████╦╝██║ █████╗ ██████╔╝ ██║ ╚██╗██╔══██║██║╚██╔╝██║██╔══██╗██║ ██╔══╝ ██╔══██╗ ╚██████╔╝██║ ██║██║ ╚═╝ ██║██████╦╝███████╗███████╗██║ ██║ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═════╝ ╚══════╝╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝ """, color=["red"], timestamp=False ) self.logger.pprint( f"\n{ver_ascii}\n", color=["green", "bold"], timestamp=False ) print( f"\t{self.logger.wrap('Owner:', color='blue')} " f"{self.owner} ({self.owner_id})\n\n" f"\t{self.logger.wrap('Bot Name:', color='blue')} {self.user}\n\n" f"\t{self.logger.wrap('Command Prefix:', color='blue')} " f"{self.prefix}\n\n" f"\t{self.logger.wrap('Blacklisted Channels', color='blue')}\n" "\t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n" f"\t{pretty['blacklist_channels']}\n\n" f"\t{self.logger.wrap('Whitelisted Channels', color='blue')}\n" "\t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n" f"\t{pretty['whitelist_channels']}\n\n" f"\t{self.logger.wrap('Blacklisted Servers', color='blue')}\n" "\t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n" f"\t{pretty['blacklist_guilds']}\n\n" f"\t{self.logger.wrap('Whitelisted Servers', color='blue')}\n" "\t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n" f"\t{pretty['whitelist_guilds']}\n\n" f"\t{self.logger.wrap('Default Channel Mode:', color='blue')} " f"{self.channel_mode}\n\n" f"\t{self.logger.wrap('Default Guild Mode:', color='blue')} " f"{self.guild_mode}\n\n" ) async def __pre_command_checks(self, message): on_cooldown = await self.__handle_cd(message) if on_cooldown: return False if Blacklist.is_blacklisted( str( ) or await message.add_reaction("🚫") return False if self.owner_mode and not is_owner(self, await embed=get_embed( "PokeGambler is currently in **owner mode**.\n" "Only the bot owner can use the commands.\n" "Please try again later.", embed_type="warning", title="Owner Mode is active." ) ) return False return True def __update_configs(self): """ For dynamic config updates. """ self.guild_mode = os.getenv( "DEFAULT_GUILDMODE", "blacklist" ) self.channel_mode = os.getenv( "DEFAULT_CHANNELMODE", "blacklist" ) self.prefix = os.getenv('COMMAND_PREFIX', '->') self.cooldown_time = int(os.getenv('COOLDOWN_TIME', "5")) self.is_prod = os.getenv('IS_PROD', "False") == "True" self.is_local = os.getenv('IS_LOCAL', "False") == "True" for cfg_id in ( "discord_webhook_token", "discord_webhook_channel" ): setattr(self, cfg_id, os.getenv(cfg_id.upper())) for cfg_id in ( "owner_id", "official_server", "admin_cmd_log_channel", "img_upload_channel", "error_log_channel" ): setattr(self, cfg_id, int(os.getenv(cfg_id.upper()))) for itbl in ( "blacklist_guilds", "whitelist_guilds", "blacklist_channels", "whitelist_channels", "allowed_users" ): val = [] if os.getenv(itbl.upper(), None): val = [ int(itbl_id.strip()) for itbl_id in os.environ[itbl.upper()].split(', ') ] setattr(self, itbl, val) async def __handle_error(self, message, command): tb_obj = sys.exc_info()[2] tb_obj = traceback.format_exc() self.logger.pprint( tb_obj, timestamp=True, color="red" ) err_emb = get_embed( embed_type="error", title="An error has occured." ) err_meta = { "Command": command, "User": f"{} ({})", "Channel": f"{} ({})" } if message.guild: err_meta["Guild"] = f"{message.guild} ({})" err_meta["Timestamp"] ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") for key, val in err_meta.items(): err_emb.add_field(name=key, value=val) err_msg = f"```py\n{tb_obj}\n```" if len(err_msg) <= 1024: err_emb.add_field(name="Traceback", value=err_msg, inline=False) err_fl = None else: err_fl = discord.File( BytesIO(str(tb_obj).encode()), filename="" ) error_log_channel = self.get_channel( self.error_log_channel ) err_report_msg = await error_log_channel.send(embed=err_emb) if err_fl: await err_report_msg.reply(file=err_fl) async def __handle_guild_change(self, event, guild): if not or guild.unavailable: return await self.topgg.post_guild_count() image = None if guild.banner: image = guild.banner.url elif guild.splash: image = guild.splash.url elif guild.icon: image = guild.icon.url action = 'Added to' if event == 'join' else 'Left' emb = get_embed( embed_type="info", title=f"{action} {guild}{}】", image=image, color=( discord.Color.dark_red() if event != 'join' else None ) ) for attr in ( "description", "owner", "member_count", "created_at" ): emb.add_field( name=attr.replace("_", " ").title(), value=str(getattr(guild, attr)) ) if guild.large: emb.color = jq_log_channel = discord.utils.get( self.get_guild( self.official_server ).text_channels, name="joined_guilds_log" ) await jq_log_channel.send(embed=emb) if event == "join": if chan := guild.system_channel or discord.utils.get( guild.text_channels, name="general" ): with suppress(discord.Forbidden, discord.HTTPException): await chan.send( embed=get_embed( title="Thanks for adding me!", content="See `/info` to get started.", image="" "874623706339618827/874628993939308554/pg_banner.png" "?width=640&height=360" ) ) else: count = CommandData.clean_guild( self.logger.pprint( f"Cleaned {count} command records from guild " f"{} ({})", color="green" )