Source code for scripts.commands.admincommands

PokeGambler - A Pokemon themed gambling bot for Discord.
Copyright (C) 2021 Harshith Thota

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.

Administration Commands

# pylint: disable=unused-argument, too-many-lines

from __future__ import annotations
from dataclasses import MISSING, fields
import os
import json
import re
from typing import (
    Dict, Optional,

import discord
from dotenv import load_dotenv

from ..helpers.utils import (
    dedent, get_embed,
    is_admin, is_owner
from ..helpers.validators import (
    HexValidator, ImageUrlValidator, IntegerValidator,
    ItemNameValidator, MinValidator
from ..base.modals import CallbackReplyModal
from ..base.models import Blacklist, Inventory, Model, Profiles
from ..base.items import Item, Tradable, Treasure
from import Shop, PremiumShop
from ..base.views import (
    BaseView, CallbackButton,
from .basecommand import (
    Commands, admin_only, alias,
    check_completion, defer, ensure_item,
    get_profile, model, os_only

    from discord import Message


[docs]class AdminCommands(Commands): """ Commands that deal with the moderation tasks. .. note:: Only Admins and Owners will have access to these. """ # pylint: disable=no-self-use
[docs] @admin_only async def cmd_announce( self, message: Message, ping: Optional[discord.Role] = None, **kwargs ): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` :param ping: The role to ping when the announcement is made. :type ping: Optional[:class:`discord.Role`] .. meta:: :description: Send an announcement. .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /announce .. rubric:: Description ``🛡️ Admin Command`` Make PokeGambler send an announcement in the announcement channel. """ async def callback(modal): content = modal.results[0] if ping: content = f"Hey {ping.mention}\n{content}" chan = message.guild.get_channel( int(os.getenv("ANNOUNCEMENT_CHANNEL")) ) msg = await chan.send(content=content) await msg.publish() return { "embed": get_embed( title="Sent Announcement" ) } modal = CallbackReplyModal( title='Announcement', callback=callback ) modal.add_long( 'Enter the message.', placeholder="Markdown is supported." ) await message.response.send_modal(modal) await modal.wait()
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
[docs] @admin_only @model(Profiles) @alias("chips+") async def cmd_add_chips( self, message: Message, user: discord.User, amount: int, purchased: Optional[bool] = False, deduct: Optional[bool] = False, **kwargs ): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` :param user: The user whom the chips are being added to. :type user: :class:`discord.User` :param amount: The amount of chips to add. :type amount: int :min_value amount: 10 :param purchased: Whether Pokebonds were purchased instead of chips. :type purchased: Optional[bool] :default purchased: False :param deduct: Whether to deduct the amount from the user's balance. :type deduct: Optional[bool] :default deduct: False .. meta:: :description: Add chips to a user's balance. :aliases: chips+ .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /add_chips user:@user amount:chips [purchased:True/False] [deduct:True/False] .. rubric:: Description ``🛡️ Admin Command`` Adds {pokechip_emoji} to a user's account. Use the purchased option in case of Pokebonds. .. rubric:: Examples * To give 50 {pokechip_emoji} to user ABCD#1234 .. code:: coffee :force: /add_chips user:@ABCD#1234 amount:50 * To add 50 exchanged {pokebond_emoji} to user ABCD#1234 .. code:: coffee :force: /add_chips user:ABCD#1234 amount:50 purchased:True * To deduct 500 {pokechip_emoji} from user ABCD#1234 .. code:: coffee :force: /add_chips user:@ABCD#1234 amount:500 deduct:True """ profile = await get_profile(self.ctx, message, user) if not profile: return valid = await MinValidator( min_value=10, message=message, on_null={ "title": "Invalid Amount", "description": "Specify how many chips to add." } ).validate(amount) if not valid: return bonds = purchased and is_owner(self.ctx, if deduct: profile.debit(amount, bonds=bonds) else:, bonds=bonds) await message.add_reaction("👍")
[docs] @admin_only @os_only @model([Blacklist, Profiles]) @alias("bl") async def cmd_blacklist_user( self, message: Message, user: discord.Member, reason: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs ): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` :param user: The user to blacklist. :type user: :class:`discord.Member` :param reason: The reason for blacklisting the user. :type reason: Optional[str] .. meta:: :description: Blacklist a user from using PokeGambler. :aliases: bl .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /blacklist_user user:@user [reason:reason] .. rubric:: Description ``🛡️ Admin Command`` Blacklists a user from using PokeGambler until pardoned. Use the Reason option to provide a reason for the blacklist. .. rubric:: Examples * To blacklist user ABCD#1234 from using PokeGambler .. code:: coffee :force: /blacklist_user user:@ABCD#1234 * To blacklist user ABCD#1234 from using PokeGambler for spamming .. code:: coffee :force: /blacklist_user user:@ABCD#1234 reason:Spamming """ if any([ is_admin(user), is_owner(self.ctx, user) ]): await embed=get_embed( "You cannot blacklist owners and admins!", embed_type="error", title="Invalid User" ) ) return await Blacklist( user,, reason=reason ).save() await message.add_reaction("👍")
[docs] @admin_only @model(Profiles) @alias("usr_pr") async def cmd_user_profile( # pylint: disable=no-self-use self, message: Message, user: discord.User, **kwargs ): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` :param user: The user whose profile is being requested. :type user: :class:`discord.User` .. meta:: :description: Get the complete profile of a user. :aliases: usr_pr .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /user_profile user:@user .. rubric:: Description ``🛡️ Admin Command`` Get the complete profile of a user, including their loot information. .. rubric:: Examples * To get the complete profile of user ABCD#1234 .. code:: coffee :force: /user_profile user:@ABCD#1234 """ profile = await get_profile(self.ctx, message, user) if not profile: return data = profile.full_info if not data: return content = f'```json\n{json.dumps(data, indent=3, default=str)}\n```' await
[docs] @admin_only @os_only @model([Blacklist, Profiles]) @alias("pardon") async def cmd_pardon_user( self, message: Message, user: discord.Member, **kwargs ): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` :param user: The user to pardon. :type user: :class:`discord.Member` .. meta:: :description: Pardons a blacklisted user. :aliases: pardon .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /pardon_user user:@user .. rubric:: Description ``🛡️ Admin Command`` Pardons a blacklisted user so that they can use PokeGambler again. .. rubric:: Examples * To pardon user ABCD#1234 .. code:: coffee :force: /pardon user:@ABCD#1234 """ if any([ is_admin(user), is_owner(self.ctx, user) ]): await embed=get_embed( "Owners and Admins are never blacklisted.", embed_type="error", title="Invalid User" ) ) return if not Blacklist.is_blacklisted(str( await embed=get_embed( "User is not blacklisted.", embed_type="error", title="Invalid User" ) ) return Blacklist(user, await message.add_reaction("👍")
[docs] @admin_only @os_only @model(Profiles) @alias("rst_usr") async def cmd_reset_user( # pylint: disable=no-self-use self, message: Message, user: discord.User, **kwargs ): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` :param user: The user whose profile is being reset. :type user: :class:`discord.User` .. meta:: :description: Completely resets a user's profile. :aliases: rst_usr .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /reset_user user:@user .. rubric:: Description ``🛡️ Admin Command`` Completely resets a user's profile to the starting stage. .. rubric:: Examples * To reset user ABCD#1234 .. code:: coffee :force: /reset_user user:@ABCD#1234 """ profile = await get_profile(self.ctx, message, user) if not profile: return profile.reset() await message.add_reaction("👍")
[docs] @admin_only @os_only @model(Profiles) @check_completion @alias("upd_usr") async def cmd_update_user( self, message: Message, user: discord.User, **kwargs ): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` :param user: The user whose profile is being updated. :type user: :class:`discord.User` .. meta:: :description: Updates a user's profile. :aliases: upd_usr .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /update_user user:@user .. rubric:: Description ``🛡️ Admin Command`` Updates a user's profile. .. rubric:: Examples * To update user ABCD#1234 .. code:: coffee :force: /update_user user:@ABCD#1234 """ profile = await get_profile(self.ctx, message, user) if not profile: return async def oneshotview(view, interaction): chosen = None for child in view.children: if child.custom_id == 'custom_id', None ): chosen = child child.disabled = True await interaction.message.edit(view=view) if chosen is None: await interaction.response.send_message( embed=get_embed( "You need to choose an option.", embed_type="error", title="Invalid Choice" ) ) return modal = CallbackReplyModal( title="Update User" ) field_dict = self.__upd_usr_field_dict(message) chosen_fields = field_dict[chosen.label] for field_name in chosen_fields: modal.add_short( text=field_name, required=False ) async def modal_callback(modal): to_update = {} updates = [] for child in modal.children: if child.value: validator = chosen_fields[child.label][1] if validator is not None: validator.error_embed_title = \ f"Invalid Value for {child.label}" cleaned = await validator.cleaned( child.value ) if cleaned is None: continue to_update[chosen_fields[child.label][0]] = cleaned else: to_update[chosen_fields[child.label][0]] = child.value updates.append(f"**{child.label}**") if chosen.label == "Currency": curr_bal = profile.balance if increment := int(to_update.get("won_chips", 0)) + ( int(to_update.get("pokebonds", 0)) * 10 ): new_bal = curr_bal + increment to_update["balance"] = new_bal profile.update(**to_update) field_str = ", ".join(updates) return { "embed": get_embed( f"Succesfully updated the fields: {field_str}.", ) if field_str else get_embed( "No fields were updated.", embed_type="warning" ) } modal.add_callback(modal_callback) await interaction.response.send_modal(modal) return btn_view = await self.__upd_usr_send_buttons(message, oneshotview) await btn_view.dispatch(self) return
[docs] @admin_only @os_only @model(Model) @defer async def cmd_censor_uids( self, message, user: discord.User, **kwargs ): """Censor the IDs of a user from the database. Replaces the user ID with "REDACTED". :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` :param user: The user whose IDs need to be censord. :type user: :class:`discord.User` .. meta:: :description: Censor a user by their ID :aliases: del_uids .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /censor_uids user:@User .. rubric:: Description ``👑 Owner Command`` Censors the IDs of a user from the database. .. rubric:: Examples * To censor a user ABC#1234: .. code:: coffee :force: /censor_uids user:@ABC#1234 """ if num_censored := Model.censor_uids(user): await message.reply( embed=get_embed( content=f"Censord {num_censored} IDs" ) ) else: await message.reply( embed=get_embed( content="No IDs to censor" ) )
[docs] @check_completion @admin_only @os_only @model(Item) @alias("item+") async def cmd_create_item( self, message: Message, premium: Optional[bool] = False, **kwargs ): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` :param premium: Whether or not the item is premium. :type premium: Optional[bool] :default premium: False .. meta:: :description: Creates a PokeGambler world [Item] \ and saves it in the database. :aliases: item+ .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /create_item [premium:True/False] .. rubric:: Description ``🛡️ Admin Command`` Creates a PokeGambler world Item and saves it in the database. .. seealso:: :class:`~scripts.base.items.Item` .. note:: * Chests cannot be created using this. * RewardBoxes and Lootbags are yet to be implemented. * Owner(s) can create Premium items using the Premium option. .. rubric:: Examples * To create a non premium item .. code:: coffee :force: /create_item * To create a premium item .. code:: coffee :force: /create_item premium:True """ def get_desc(cls): cls_patt = re.compile(r':class:`(.+)`') cleaned_doc = dedent(cls_patt.sub(r'\1', cls.__doc__)) first_sentence = cleaned_doc.split('.', maxsplit=1)[0] return f"{first_sentence[:49]}." if premium and not is_owner(self.ctx, await message.reply( embed=get_embed( "You need to be an owner to create a premium item.", embed_type="error", title="Premium Item Creation" ) ) return categories = {} self.__create_item_populate_categories(Item, categories, curr_recc=0) async def callback(view, interaction): catogclass = categories[view.value] labels = self.__item_get_labels(message, catogclass) if premium and "price" in labels: labels["price (pokebonds)"] = labels.pop("price") elif "price" in labels: labels["price (pokechips)"] = labels.pop("price") async def modal_callback(modal): details = await self.__item_get_details(modal, labels) if details is None: return { "embed": get_embed( "All fields must be filled out correctly.", embed_type="error" ) } if premium: details["premium"] = True if "price (pokebonds)" in details: details["price"] = details.pop("price (pokebonds)") if "price (pokechips)" in details: details["price"] = details.pop("price (pokechips)") item = self.__create_item__item_factory( category=catogclass, **details ) # pylint: disable=no-member return { "embed": get_embed( f"Item **{}** with ID `{item.itemid}` has been " "created succesfully.", title="Succesfully Created" ) } modal = CallbackReplyModal( title="Create Item", callback=modal_callback ) for label in labels: modal.add_short( text=label, required=True ) await interaction.response.send_modal(modal) choice_view = SelectConfirmView( placeholder="Choose the Item Category", options={ catog: get_desc(cls) for catog, cls in sorted(categories.items()) }, check=lambda x: ==, callback=callback ) await message.reply( content="What Item would you like to create?", view=choice_view ) await choice_view.dispatch(self)
[docs] @admin_only @os_only @ensure_item @model([Item, Tradable]) @alias("upd_itm") async def cmd_update_item( self, message: Message, itemid: str, modify_all: Optional[bool] = False, **kwargs ): """ :param message: The message which triggered the command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` :param itemid: The ID of the item to update. :type itemid: str :param modify_all: Whether or not to modify all copies of the item. :type modify_all: Optional[bool] :default modify_all: False .. meta:: :description: Updates an existing Item in the database. :aliases: upd_itm .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /update_item itemid:Id [modify_all:True/False] .. rubric:: Description ``🛡️ Admin Command`` Updates an existing Item/all copies of the Item in the database. .. tip:: Check :class:`~scripts.base.items.Item` for available parameters. .. note:: Category & Premium status change is not yet supported. .. rubric:: Examples * To update a Golden Cigar with ID 0000FFFF .. code:: coffee :force: /update_item itemid:0000FFFF * To update all copies of the item with ID 0000FFFF .. code:: coffee :force: /update_item itemid:0000FFFF modify_all:True """ item: Item = kwargs.get("item") if not item: return labels = self.__item_get_labels(message, item.category_class) async def modal_callback(modal): details = await self.__item_get_details(modal, labels) if details is None: return { "embed": get_embed( "All fields must be filled out correctly.", embed_type="error" ) } item.update( **details, modify_all=modify_all ) if issubclass(item.__class__, Tradable): Shop.refresh_tradables() PremiumShop.refresh_tradables() return { "embed": get_embed( f"Item **{}** with ID `{item.itemid}` has been " "updated succesfully.", title="Succesfully Updated" ) } modal = CallbackReplyModal( title="Update Item", callback=modal_callback ) for label in labels: placeholder = str(getattr(item, label, 'Enter a value...')) if len(placeholder) > 100: placeholder = 'Enter a value...' modal.add_short( text=label, required=False, placeholder=placeholder ) await message.response.send_modal(modal)
[docs] @admin_only @os_only @ensure_item @model(Item) @alias("item-") async def cmd_delete_item( self, message: Message, itemid: str, **kwargs ): """ :param message: The message which triggered the command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` :param itemid: The item ID to delete. :type itemid: str .. meta:: :description: Deletes an Item from the database. :aliases: item- .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /delete_item itemid:Id .. rubric:: Description ``🛡️ Admin Command`` Delete an item from the database. If the item was in anyone\'s inventory, it will be gone. .. rubric:: Examples * To delete a Golden Cigar with ID 0000FFFF .. code:: coffee :force: /delete_item itemid:0000FFFF """ item: Item = kwargs.get("item") if item.premium and not is_owner(self.ctx, await embed=get_embed( "Only owners can delete a premium item.", embed_type="error", title="Forbidden" ) ) return item.delete() await message.add_reaction("👍")
[docs] @admin_only @os_only @ensure_item @model([Inventory, Item, Profiles]) @alias("item_all") async def cmd_distribute_item( self, message: Message, itemid: str, **kwargs ): """ :param message: The message which triggered the command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` :param itemid: The item ID to distribute. :type itemid: str .. meta:: :description: Distributes an item to everyone. :aliases: item_all .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /distribute_item itemid:Id .. rubric:: Description ``🛡️ Admin Command`` Distributes an item to everyone who is not blacklisted. .. rubric:: Examples * To distribute a Golden Cigar with ID 0000FFFF .. code:: coffee :force: /distribute_item itemid:0000FFFF """ item: Item = kwargs["item"] if item.premium and not is_owner(self.ctx, await embed=get_embed( "Only the owners can give Premium Items.", embed_type="error", title="Forbidden" ) ) return ids = Profiles.get_all(ids_only=True) official_guild = self.ctx.get_guild( int(self.ctx.official_server) ) count = 0 for uid in ids: if not uid: continue user = official_guild.get_member(int(uid)) if not user: continue Inventory(user).save(item.itemid) count += 1 await message.reply( embed=get_embed( f"{count} users have been given the item **{}**.", title="Succesfully Distributed" ) )
[docs] @admin_only @os_only @model([Inventory, Item]) @alias("usr_itm") async def cmd_give_item( self, message: Message, user: discord.User, itemid: str, **kwargs ): """ :param message: The message which triggered the command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` :param user: The user to give the item to. :type user: :class:`discord.User` :param itemid: The ID of the item to give. :type itemid: str .. meta:: :description: Gives an item to a user. :aliases: usr_itm .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /give_item user:@User itemid:Id .. rubric:: Description ``🛡️ Admin Command`` Gives an item to a user. .. note:: Creates a new copy of existing item before giving it to the user. .. rubric:: Examples * To give a Golden Cigar with ID 0000FFFF to ABCD#1234 .. code:: coffee :force: /give_item user:ABCD#1234 itemid:0000FFFF """ if not Item.get(itemid): await embed=get_embed( "Make sure those IDs are correct.", embed_type="error", title="Invalid Input" ) ) return item = Item.from_id(itemid, force_new=True) # pylint: disable=no-member if ( item.premium and not is_owner(self.ctx, ): await embed=get_embed( "Only the owners can give Premium Items.", embed_type="error", title="Forbidden" ) ) return inv = Inventory(user) await message.add_reaction("👍")
@staticmethod def __create_item__item_factory( category: Type[Item], name: str, **kwargs ) -> Item: cls_name = ''.join( word.title() for word in name.split(' ') ) item_cls = type(cls_name, (category, ), kwargs) return item_cls(**kwargs) def __create_item_populate_categories( self, catog: Type[Item], categories: Dict, curr_recc: int ): for subcatog in catog.__subclasses__(): if all([ subcatog.__name__ != 'Treasure', not issubclass(subcatog, Treasure), getattr( subcatog, '__module__', None ) == "scripts.base.items" ]): categories[subcatog.__name__] = subcatog curr_recc += 1 self.__create_item_populate_categories( subcatog, categories, curr_recc ) @staticmethod async def __item_get_details(modal, labels): details = {} for child in modal.children: validator = labels[child.label]['validator'] if validator and child.value: value = await validator.cleaned(child.value) if not value: return None details[child.label] = value elif child.value: details[child.label] = child.value return details @staticmethod def __item_get_labels(message, catogclass): labels = { "name": { "validator": ItemNameValidator(message=message) } } | { { "validator": None } for field in fields(catogclass) if all([ field.default is MISSING, != 'category' ]) } labels['asset_url']['validator'] = ImageUrlValidator(message=message) if issubclass(catogclass, Tradable): labels["price"] = { "validator": MinValidator( message=message, min_value=1 ) } for key, value in labels.items(): if value['validator']: value['validator'].error_embed_title = \ f"Invalid Input for {key.title()}." return labels def __upd_usr_field_dict(self, message): field_dict = { "Currency": { "Pokechips": ( "won_chips", IntegerValidator( message=message, ) ) }, "Other": { "Name": ("name", None), "Matches Won": ( "num_wins", IntegerValidator( message=message ) ), "Matches Played": ( "num_matches", IntegerValidator( message=message ) ), "Background": ( "background", ImageUrlValidator( message=message ) ), "Embed Color": ( "embed_color", HexValidator( message=message ) ) } } if is_owner(self.ctx, field_dict["Currency"]["Pokebonds"] = ( "pokebonds", IntegerValidator( message=message ) ) return field_dict async def __upd_usr_send_buttons(self, message, callback): btn_view = BaseView( check=lambda intcrn: == ) btn_view.add_item( CallbackButton( label='Currency', style=discord.ButtonStyle.primary, callback=callback ) ) btn_view.add_item( CallbackButton( label="Other", style=discord.ButtonStyle.secondary, callback=callback ) ) await message.reply( embed=get_embed( "Which field would you like to update?", title="Update User" ), view=btn_view ) return btn_view