Source code for scripts.commands.profilecommands

PokeGambler - A Pokemon themed gambling bot for Discord.
Copyright (C) 2021 Harshith Thota

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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Profile Commands Module

# pylint: disable=unused-argument
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals, too-many-lines

from __future__ import annotations
import random
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from io import BytesIO
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING, Tuple, Union

from PIL import Image
import discord

from ..base.items import Chest
from ..base.models import (
    Blacklist, Boosts, CommandData, Inventory, Loots,
    Matches, Minigame, Profiles, Votes
from import BoostItem
from ..base.views import CallbackButton, LinkView, SelectView
from ..base.modals import BaseModal

from ..helpers.checks import user_check
from ..helpers.imageclasses import (
    BadgeGenerator, LeaderBoardGenerator,
    ProfileCardGenerator, WalletGenerator
from ..helpers.unicodex import UnicodeProgressBar, Unicodex
from ..helpers.utils import (
    LineTimer, dm_send, get_embed, get_formatted_time,
    get_modules, img2file, wait_for
from ..helpers.validators import HexValidator, ImageUrlValidator

from .basecommand import (
    Commands, alias, check_completion, cache_images,
    cooldown, defer, get_commands_btn_view, model, get_profile, needs_ticket

    from discord import Message, Member

[docs]class ProfileCommands(Commands): """ Commands that deal with the profile system of PokeGambler. One of the most feature rich command category. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.pcg = ProfileCardGenerator(self.ctx.assets_path) self.walletgen = WalletGenerator(self.ctx.assets_path) self.lbg = LeaderBoardGenerator(self.ctx.assets_path) self.bdgen = BadgeGenerator(self.ctx.assets_path)
[docs] @needs_ticket("Background Change") @check_completion @model([Profiles, Inventory]) @alias('bg') async def cmd_background(self, message: Message, **kwargs): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` .. meta:: :description: Change profile background. :aliases: bg .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /background .. rubric:: Description Change the background in your Profile card. .. note:: The Background Change ticket can be purchased from the Consumables :class:`` """ profile = Profiles( inp_msg = await dm_send( message,, embed=get_embed( "The image size should be greater than **960x540**.\n" "Make sure it uses the *same aspect ratio* as well.\n" "Supported Extension: `PNG` and `JPEG`\n" "> Will rollback to default background " "if link is not accessible any time.\n" "⚠️Using inappropriate images will get you blacklisted.\n" "**Mention me in the message if you upload the image.**", title="Enter the image url or upload it.", color=profile.get('embed_color') ) ) reply = await wait_for(, self.ctx, init_msg=inp_msg, check=lambda msg: user_check( msg, message, ) and msg.attachments, timeout="inf" ) url = await self.__background_get_url(message, reply) if not url: return profile.update( background=url ) inv = Inventory( tickets = kwargs["tickets"] inv.delete(tickets[0], quantity=1) await dm_send( message,, embed=get_embed( "You can check your profile now.", title="Succesfully updated Profile Background.", color=profile.get('embed_color') ) )
[docs] @alias("bdg") @model(Profiles) @cache_images async def cmd_badges(self, message: Message, **kwargs): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` .. meta:: :description: Check badge progress. :aliases: bdg .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /badges .. rubric:: Description Check the list of available badges and what all you have unlocked. """ profile = await get_profile(self.ctx, message, badges = profile.get_badges() badgestrip = self.bdgen.get(badges) discord_file = img2file(badgestrip, "badges.png", ext="PNG") msg = await message.reply(file=discord_file) self.cmd_badges.__dict__["image_cache"][].register( msg.attachments[0].proxy_url )
[docs] @alias(["bal", "chips"]) @model(Profiles) @cache_images async def cmd_balance(self, message: Message, **kwargs): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` .. meta:: :description: Check balance pokechips. :aliases: bal, chips .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /bal .. rubric:: Description Quickly check how many {pokechip_emoji} you have. """ profile = ( await get_profile(self.ctx, message, ).get() data = { key: ( f"{int(val):,}" if key in [ "won_chips", "pokebonds", "balance" ] else str(val) ) for key, val in profile.items() } wallet = self.walletgen.get(data) discord_file = img2file(wallet, "wallet.png", ext="PNG") msg = await message.reply( file=discord_file ) self.cmd_balance.__dict__["image_cache"][].register( msg.attachments[0].proxy_url )
[docs] @model([Boosts, BoostItem, Profiles]) # pylint: disable=no-self-use async def cmd_boosts(self, message: Message, **kwargs): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` .. meta:: :description: Check active boosts. .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /boosts .. rubric:: Description Check your active purchased boosts. """ def get_desc(boost): prm_bst = perm_boosts[boost['name'].lower().replace(' ', '_')] total = boost['stack'] + prm_bst desc_str = f"{boost['description']}\nStack: {total}" if prm_bst > 0: desc_str += f" ({prm_bst} Permanent)" expires_in = (30 * 60) - ( datetime.utcnow() - boost["added_on"] ).total_seconds() if expires_in > 0 and boost['stack'] > 0: expires_in = get_formatted_time( expires_in, show_hours=False ).replace('**', '') else: expires_in = "Expired / Not Purchased Yet" desc_str += f"\nExpires in: {expires_in}" return f"```css\n{desc_str}\n```" boosts = BoostItem.get_boosts(str( profile = Profiles( perm_boosts = Boosts( perm_boosts.pop('user_id') if not ( boosts or any( bst > 1 for bst in perm_boosts.values() ) ): await message.reply( embed=get_embed( "You don't have any active boosts.", title="No Boosts", color=profile.get('embed_color') ) ) return emb = get_embed( "\u200B", title="Active Boosts", color=profile.get('embed_color') ) if not boosts: boosts = BoostItem.default_boosts() for val in boosts.values(): emb.add_field( name=val["name"], value=get_desc(val), inline=False ) await message.reply(embed=emb)
[docs] @alias(['timers', 'cd', 'cds', 'tm', 'tms']) @cooldown(120) @model([Profiles, Loots, Votes, Boosts, BoostItem]) async def cmd_cooldowns(self, message: Message, **kwargs): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` .. meta:: :description: Check the timers for loot, vote and daily. .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /timers .. rubric:: Description Check the time remaining before you can use the command again for: * Loot * Daily * Vote """ def rand_style(): return random.choice(['squares', 'circles']) def _clean_cmd(cmd): return cmd.__name__.replace('cmd_', '').title() def _get_cmd_cd(cmd, timestamp): return cmd.__dict__['cooldown'] - ( - timestamp ).total_seconds() def _format_cmd_cd(cmd, timestamp): time_remaining = _get_cmd_cd(cmd, timestamp) if time_remaining <= 0: return "**now**." cmd_pb = UnicodeProgressBar(style=rand_style()).get( int( ( ( cmd.__dict__['cooldown'] - time_remaining ) / cmd.__dict__['cooldown'] ) * 5 ) ) return f"in {get_formatted_time(time_remaining)}\n`{cmd_pb}`" def _get_message(key, elapsed, total, show_hours=True): message = "**now**." if elapsed < total: prog_bar = UnicodeProgressBar(style=rand_style()).get( int( (elapsed / total) * 5 ) ) ts_fmt = get_formatted_time( total - elapsed, show_hours=show_hours ) message = f"in {ts_fmt}.\n`{prog_bar}`" return f"You can use {key.title()} again {message}" emb_data = {} loot_elapsed, loot_total = self.__loot_get_cooldown( message, Boosts(, BoostItem.get_boosts(str( ) emb_data['Loot'] = _get_message( 'loot', loot_elapsed, loot_total, show_hours=False ) ( daily_elapsed, daily_base_cd, *_ ) = self.__daily_get_cooldown( Loots( ) emb_data['Daily'] = _get_message('daily', daily_elapsed, daily_base_cd) _, vote_elapsed, vote_total = self.__vote_get_cooldown( Votes( ) emb_data['Vote'] = _get_message('vote', vote_elapsed, vote_total) emb_data.update({ _clean_cmd(cmd): f"You can use **{_clean_cmd(cmd)}** again " f"{_format_cmd_cd(cmd, user_obj[])}" for cmd, user_obj in self.ctx.cooldown_cmds.items() if in user_obj and _get_cmd_cd( cmd, user_obj[] ) > 0 }) emb = get_embed( title='Your cooldowns', color=Profiles('embed_color') ) for key, value in emb_data.items(): emb.add_field(name=key, value=value, inline=False) await dm_send(message,, embed=emb)
[docs] @model([Loots, Profiles, Chest, Inventory]) @alias('dl') async def cmd_daily(self, message: Message, **kwargs): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` .. meta:: :description: Daily source of pokechips. .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /daily .. rubric:: Description Claim free {pokechip_emoji} and a chest everyday. The chips and the chest both scale with Tier. There are 3 tiers * Everyone starts at Tier 1. * Win 25 gamble matches to unlock Tier 2. * Win 100 gamble matches to unlock Tier 3. .. tip:: You can maintain a daily streak. Get more (scalable) chips for every 5 day streak. """ profile = Profiles( loot_model = Loots( boost_model = Boosts( loot_info = loot_model.get() boost_info = boost_model.get() boost = boost_info["lucky_looter"] + 1 earned = loot_info["earned"] tier = loot_info["tier"] daily_streak = loot_info["daily_streak"] ( elapsed_time, cd_time, time_remaining, last_claim ) = self.__daily_get_cooldown(loot_info) if elapsed_time < cd_time: await message.add_reaction("⌛") await message.reply( embed=get_embed( f"Please wait {time_remaining} before claiming Daily.", embed_type="warning", title="Too early" ) ) return if ( - last_claim ).total_seconds() >= (cd_time * 2): # Reset streak on missing by a day daily_streak = 0 else: daily_streak += 1 loot = random.randint(5, 10) * boost * (10 ** tier) if daily_streak % 5 == 0 and daily_streak > 0: loot += 100 * (daily_streak / 5) chest = Chest.get_chest(tier=tier) Inventory( embed = get_embed( f"Here's your daily **{chest}**.\n" f"Claim the chest with `/open {chest.itemid}`.", title="**Daily Chest**", thumbnail=chest.asset_url, footer="You get bonus pokechips for every 5 streak.", color=profile.get('embed_color') ) loot_model.update( earned=(earned + loot), daily_streak=daily_streak, ) stk_name, stk_val = Unicodex.format_streak(daily_streak) embed.add_field( name=stk_name, value=stk_val ) await message.reply( f"**Daily loot of {int(loot)} {self.chip_emoji} " "added to your balance.**", embed=embed )
# pylint: disable=no-self-use
[docs] @needs_ticket("Embed Color Change") @check_completion @model([Profiles, Inventory]) @alias(['embed', 'ec', 'color']) async def cmd_embed_color(self, message: Message, **kwargs): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` .. meta:: :description: Change Embed Color. :aliases: embed, ec, color .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /embed_color .. rubric:: Description Change the color of the embeds you get from PokeGambler. .. note:: The Embed Color Change ticket can be purchased from the secret Consumables :class:`` """ profile = Profiles( modal = BaseModal( "Enter the Color Hexadecimal Code", check=lambda x: == ) modal.add_short("Enter Color Code") await message.response.send_modal(modal) await modal.wait() if not modal.results: return color_hex = modal.results[0] proceed = await HexValidator( message=message, on_error={ "title": "Invalid Hexadecimal Color Code", "description": "You need to enter a valid hex code." }, dm_user=True ).validate(color_hex) if not proceed: return hexcode = color_hex.lstrip('#') profile.update( embed_color=int(hexcode, 16) ) inv = Inventory( tickets = kwargs["tickets"] inv.delete(tickets[0], quantity=1) await dm_send( message,, embed=get_embed( title="Succesfully updated your Embed Color.", color=profile.get('embed_color') ) )
[docs] @defer @model(Profiles) @alias("lb") async def cmd_leaderboard( self, message: Message, sort_by: Optional[str] = "Balance", **kwargs ): # pylint: disable=too-many-locals """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` :param sort_by: The field to sort by. :type sort_by: Optional[str] :choices sort_by: [Balance, Minigame] :default sort_by: Balance .. meta:: :description: Check the global leaderboard. :aliases: lb .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /leaderboard [sort_by:Balance/Minigame] .. rubric:: Description Check the global PokeGambler leaderboard. By default, ranks are sorted according to number of wins. You can also sort it according to balance and any minigame. .. rubric:: Examples * To check the leaderboard .. code:: coffee :force: /leaderboard * To check the leaderboard in terms of balance .. code:: coffee :force: /leaderboard sort_by:Balance * To check the leaderboard for QuickFlip .. code:: coffee :force: /leaderboard sort_by:Minigame """ if sort_by == "Minigame": leaderboard = await self.__lb_handle_mg_input(message) if leaderboard is None: return else: sort_by = [ "num_wins", "num_matches" ] if not sort_by else ["balance"] leaderboard = Profiles.get_leaderboard( sort_by=sort_by ) if not leaderboard: await message.reply( embed=get_embed( "No matches were played yet.", embed_type="warning" ) ) return lbd = [] idx = 0 for data in leaderboard: if not self.ctx.get_user(int(data["user_id"])): continue data["rank"] = idx + 1 data["balance"] = f'{int(data["balance"]):,}' lbd.append(data) idx += 1 embeds = [] files = [] with LineTimer(self.logger, "Create Leaderboard Images"): for i in range(0, len(lbd), 4): batch_4 = lbd[i: i + 4] img = await self.lbg.get(self.ctx, batch_4) lb_fl = img2file(img, f"leaderboard{i}.jpg") emb = discord.Embed( title="", description="", color=discord.Colour.dark_theme() ) embeds.append(emb) files.append(lb_fl) if not embeds: await message.reply( embed=get_embed( "No matches were played yet.", embed_type="warning" ) ) return with LineTimer(self.logger, "Leaderboard Pagination"): await self.paginate(message, embeds, files)
[docs] @model([Loots, Profiles, Chest, Inventory]) @alias('lt') async def cmd_loot(self, message: Message, **kwargs): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` .. meta:: :description: Stable source of Pokechips. :aliases: lt .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /loot .. rubric:: Description Search the void for free {pokechip_emoji}. The number of chips is randomly choosen from 5 to 10. There is a cooldown of 10 minutes between loots. .. tip:: Loot Increase and Cooldown Reduction :class:`~scripts.base.models.Boosts` can be purchased from the :class:``. """ perm_boosts = Boosts( boosts = BoostItem.get_boosts(str( on_cooldown = self.ctx.loot_cd.get(, None) elapsed, total_cd = self.__loot_get_cooldown( message, perm_boosts, boosts ) on_cd = await self.__loot_handle_cd( message, on_cooldown, (total_cd - elapsed) ) if on_cd: return loot_mult = 1 + (perm_boosts["lucky_looter"] * 0.05) tr_mult = 0.1 * (perm_boosts["fortune_burst"] + 1) loot_mult += 0.05 * boosts['boost_lt']['stack'] tr_mult += 0.1 * boosts['boost_tr']['stack'] profile = Profiles( loot_model = Loots( loot_info = loot_model.get() earned = loot_info["earned"] tier = loot_info["tier"] loot = int( random.randint(5, 10) * ( 10 ** (tier - 1) ) * loot_mult ) embed = None if random.uniform(0, 1.0) <= tr_mult: embed = self.__loot_handle_treasure(message, profile, tier) loot_model.update(earned=earned + loot) await message.reply( f"**You found {loot} {self.chip_emoji}! " "Added to your balance.**", embed=embed )
[docs] @model([Profiles, Blacklist]) @alias("pr") @cache_images async def cmd_profile( self, message: Message, user: Optional[discord.Member] = None, **kwargs ): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` :param user: The user to get the profile of. :type user: Optional[:class:`discord.Member`] :default user: Author of the Message .. meta:: :description: Get the profile of a user. :aliases: pr .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /profile [user:@User] .. rubric:: Description Check your or someone's PokeGambler profile. To check someone's profile, provide their ID or mention them. .. rubric:: Examples * To check your own profile .. code:: coffee :force: /profile * To check Alan's profile .. code:: coffee :force: /profile user:@Alan#1234 * To check profile of user with ID 12345 .. code:: coffee :force: /profile user:12345 """ if user is None: user = profile = await get_profile(self.ctx, message, user) if not profile: return badges = profile.get_badges() profile = profile.get() avatar_byio = BytesIO() await user.display_avatar.with_size(512).save(avatar_byio) avatar = name = profile["name"] balance = f'{int(profile["balance"]):,}' num_played = str(profile["num_matches"]) num_won = str(profile["num_wins"]) background = None if profile.get("background", None): background = await self.__profile_get_bg(profile) profilecard = self.pcg.get( name, avatar, balance, num_played, num_won, badges, blacklisted=Blacklist.is_blacklisted( str( ), background=background ) discord_file = img2file(profilecard, "profilecard.jpg") msg = await message.reply(file=discord_file) self.cmd_profile.__dict__["image_cache"][].register( msg.attachments[0].proxy_url )
[docs] @defer @model(Profiles) @alias("#") @cache_images async def cmd_rank(self, message: Message, **kwargs): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` .. meta:: :description: Check user rank. :aliases: # .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /rank .. rubric:: Description Creates your PokeGambler Rank card. Rank is decided based on number of wins. """ with LineTimer(self.logger, "Get Profile"): profile = await get_profile( self.ctx, message, ) rank = profile.get_rank() data = profile.get() data["rank"] = rank or 0 data["balance"] = f'{int(data["balance"]):,}' with LineTimer(self.logger, "Create Rank Image"): img = await self.lbg.get_rankcard(self.ctx, data, heading=True) discord_file = img2file( img, f"rank_{}.png", ext="PNG" ) with LineTimer(self.logger, "Send Rank Image"): msg = await message.reply(file=discord_file) self.cmd_rank.__dict__["image_cache"][].register( msg.attachments[0].proxy_url )
[docs] @model([Minigame, Loots, CommandData]) # pylint: disable=no-self-use async def cmd_stats(self, message: Message, **kwargs): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` .. meta:: :description: Check match and minigame stats. .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /stats .. rubric:: Description Check the number of gamble matches & minigames you've played and won. """ match_stats = Matches( ).get_stats() stat_dict = { "Gambles": f"Played: {match_stats[0]}\n" f"Won: {match_stats[1]}" } for minigame_cls in Minigame.__subclasses__(): minigame = minigame_cls( stat_dict[ minigame_cls.__name__ ] = f"Played: {minigame.num_plays}\n" + \ f"Won: {minigame.num_wins}" loots_earned = Loots( num_cmds = CommandData.num_user_cmds(str( stat_dict["Misc."] = f"Looted: {loots_earned}\n" + \ f"Commands: {num_cmds}" emb = get_embed( "Here's how you've performed till now.", title=f"Statistics for **{}**", color=Profiles('embed_color') ) for idx, (key, val) in enumerate(stat_dict.items()): if idx and (idx % 2 == 0): emb.add_field(name="\u200B", value="\u200B") emb.add_field( name=f"**{key}**", value=f"```rb\n{val}\n```" ) await message.reply(embed=emb)
[docs] @model([Profiles, Votes, Loots, Inventory]) @alias("v") async def cmd_vote(self, message: Message, **kwargs): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` .. meta:: :description: Vote for the bot. :aliases: v .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /vote .. rubric:: Description Vote for the bot on Get 100 chips for every vote. .. tip:: Bonus rewards on every 5 streak. """ user = getattr(message, "author", message.user) votes = Votes(user) streak = votes.vote_streak profile = Profiles(user) emb, elapsed = self.__vote_prep_embed(votes, streak, profile) loot_view = None if not votes.reward_claimed: content = "Thanks for voting, you've been given " + \ f"100 {self.chip_emoji}." if streak % 5 == 0 and votes.vote_streak > 0: tier = Loots(user).tier chest = Chest.get_chest(tier=tier) Inventory(user).save(chest.itemid) content += "\nYou've been given a bonus Chest!\n" + \ f"『{chest.emoji}』**{chest}** - **{chest.itemid}**" cleared_cds = ["Loot"] cleared_cds.extend( cmd.__name__.replace("cmd_", "").title() for cmd in self.ctx.cooldown_cmds if self.ctx.cooldown_cmds[cmd].pop( user, None ) ) self.ctx.loot_cd.pop(user, None) cd_cmd_str = "\n".join( f"{idx + 1}. {cmd}" for idx, cmd in enumerate(cleared_cds) ) content += "\nCooldowns cleared for following commands:" + \ f"\n```md\n{cd_cmd_str}\n```" loot_view = get_commands_btn_view( message, [self.ctx.profilecommands.cmd_loot], [{}] ) votes.update(reward_claimed=True) emb.add_field( name="Rewards Added", value=content, inline=False ) else: emb.add_field( name="Streak Rewards", value="```md\n1. Tier scaled Chest\n" "2. Clears all cooldowns (except daily)\n```", inline=False ) async def retrigger_command(view, interaction): # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from ..base.handlers import CustomInteraction custom_interaction = CustomInteraction(interaction) await self.cmd_vote(custom_interaction) vote_button = LinkView( url=f"{}/vote", label="Vote Now!", check=lambda inctn: == ) if votes.reward_claimed: vote_button.add_item( CallbackButton( callback=retrigger_command, label="Check" ) ) to_send = { "embed": emb } if elapsed >= 12: to_send["view"] = vote_button if loot_view: to_send["view"] = loot_view await message.reply(**to_send)
@staticmethod async def __background_get_url(message, reply): if len(reply.attachments) > 0: if reply.attachments[0].content_type not in ( "image/png", "image/jpeg" ): await dm_send( message,, embed=get_embed( "Please make sure it's a png or a jpeg image.", embed_type="error", title="Invalid Image" ) ) return None return reply.attachments[0].proxy_url proceed = await ImageUrlValidator( message=message, on_error={ "title": "Invalid Image", "description": "Please make sure it's a png or a jpeg image." }, dm_user=True ).validate(reply.content) if not proceed: return None return reply.content @staticmethod def __daily_get_cooldown( loot_info: Union[Dict, Loots] ) -> Tuple[str, int, int, datetime]: """Get a list of time counts for the daily cooldown. :param loot_info: The Loot object for the User. :type loot_info: :class:`~scripts.base.models.Loots` :return: Time remaining till next daily, elapsed time, cd & last claim. :rtype: Tuple[str, int, int, datetime] """ if isinstance(loot_info, Loots): loot_info = loot_info.get() last_claim = loot_info["daily_claimed_on"] if isinstance(last_claim, str): last_claim = datetime.strptime( last_claim, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" ) cd_time = 24 * 60 * 60 elapsed_time = ( - last_claim).total_seconds() time_remaining = get_formatted_time( cd_time - elapsed_time ) return elapsed_time, cd_time, time_remaining, last_claim def __lb_get_minigame_lb(self, mg_name: str, user: Member) -> List[Dict]: def _commands(module): return [ attr.replace("cmd_", "") for attr in dir(module) if all([ attr.startswith("cmd_"), attr not in getattr(module, "alias", []) ]) ] def _aliases(module): return [ alias.replace("cmd_", "") for alias in getattr(module, "alias", []) ] def _get_lb(modules, mg_name, user): leaderboard = None for module in modules: possibilities = _aliases(module) + _commands(module) if any([ mg_name in possibilities, mg_name.rstrip('s') in possibilities ]): command = getattr( module, f"cmd_{mg_name}", getattr(module, f"cmd_{mg_name.rstrip('s')}") ) models = getattr(command, "models", []) if not models: continue for model_ in models: if issubclass(model_, Minigame): leaderboard = model_( user ).get_lb() if leaderboard: return leaderboard return leaderboard modules = get_modules(self.ctx) return _get_lb(modules, mg_name, user) async def __lb_handle_mg_input(self, message): mg_view = SelectView( heading="Choose the Minigame", options={ mg.__name__: "" for mg in Minigame.__subclasses__() }, no_response=True, check=lambda x: == ) await content="Which minigame do you need the Leaderboard for?", view=mg_view ) await mg_view.dispatch(self) if mg_view.result is None: return lbrd = self.__lb_get_minigame_lb( mg_view.result.lower(), ) leaderboard = [] lbrd = [ { "member": ( message.guild.get_member(int(res["_id"])) or self.ctx.get_guild( self.ctx.official_server ).get_member(int(res["_id"])) ), **res, "rank": idx + 1 } for idx, res in enumerate(lbrd) if ( message.guild.get_member(int(res["_id"])) or self.ctx.get_guild( self.ctx.official_server ).get_member(int(res["_id"])) ) ] for res in lbrd: profile = Profiles(res["member"]).get() balance = res.get("earned", 0) or profile["balance"] name = profile["name"] leaderboard.append({ "rank": res["rank"], "user_id": res["_id"], "name": name, "num_matches": res["num_matches"], "num_wins": res["num_wins"], "balance": balance }) return leaderboard def __loot_get_cooldown( self, message: Message, perm_boosts: Union[Dict, Boosts], temp_boosts: Dict ) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Get the loot cooldown for the user. :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` :param perm_boosts: The permanent boosts for the user. :type perm_boosts: Union[Dict, Boosts] :param temp_boosts: The temporary boosts for the user. :type temp_boosts: Dict :return: The time remaining and total cd time in seconds. :rtype: Tuple[int, int] """ if isinstance(perm_boosts, Boosts): perm_boosts = perm_boosts.get() cd_reducer = perm_boosts["loot_lust"] cd_reducer += temp_boosts['boost_lt_cd']['stack'] cd_time = 60 * (10 - cd_reducer) loot_cd = self.ctx.loot_cd.get(, - timedelta(minutes=10) ) elapsed = ( - loot_cd ).total_seconds() return elapsed, cd_time async def __loot_handle_cd(self, message, on_cooldown, time_remaining): if on_cooldown and time_remaining > 0: await message.add_reaction("⌛") remaining = get_formatted_time(time_remaining, show_hours=False) await message.reply( embed=get_embed( f"Please wait {remaining} before looting again.", embed_type="warning", title="On Cooldown" ) ) return True self.ctx.loot_cd[] = return False @staticmethod def __loot_handle_treasure(message, profile, tier): chest = Chest.get_chest(tier=tier) Inventory( return get_embed( f"Woah! You got lucky and found a **{chest}**.\n" "It's been added to your inventory.", title="**FOUND A TREASURE CHEST**", thumbnail=chest.asset_url, footer=f"Chest ID: {chest.itemid}", color=profile.get('embed_color') ) async def __profile_get_bg(self, profile): bg_byio = BytesIO() try: async with self.ctx.sess.get(profile["background"]) as resp: data = await bg_byio.write(data) background =, 540)) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except background = None return background @staticmethod def __vote_get_cooldown(votes: Votes) -> Tuple[str, int, int]: """Get the cooldown for the vote command. :param votes: The votes object for the User. :type votes: :class:`~scripts.base.models.Votes` :return: The cooldown message, elapsed time, base cooldown(12hrs). :rtype: Tuple[str, int, int] """ last_voted = votes.last_voted now = elapsed = (now - last_voted).total_seconds() base_cd = 12 if elapsed // 3600 >= base_cd: cd_msg = "You can vote **now**!" else: ends_on = last_voted + timedelta(hours=base_cd) tot_secs = (ends_on - now).total_seconds() cd_msg = f"You can vote again in {get_formatted_time(tot_secs)}." return cd_msg, elapsed, (base_cd * 3600) def __vote_prep_embed(self, votes, streak, profile): emb = get_embed( title="Vote", content="Vote for the bot on **** to get rewards.\n" f"You'll get **100** {self.chip_emoji} on every vote.\n" "Bonus rewards for every **5** streak.", color=profile.get('embed_color'), footer="Re-use this command after voting " "to autoclaim rewards." ) stk_name, stk_val = Unicodex.format_streak( streak, mode="vote" ) if votes.reward_claimed: stk_val = stk_val.replace("🎁", "") emb.add_field( name=stk_name, value=stk_val ) cd_msg, elapsed, _ = self.__vote_get_cooldown(votes) emb.add_field( name="Vote Cooldown", value=cd_msg, inline=False ) return emb, elapsed