Source code for scripts.commands.tradecommands

PokeGambler - A Pokemon themed gambling bot for Discord.
Copyright (C) 2021 Harshith Thota

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.

Trade Commands Module

# pylint: disable=too-many-locals, too-many-lines
# pylint: disable=unused-argument

from __future__ import annotations
import asyncio
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from typing import (
    List, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING, Tuple,
    Type, Union, Dict
import re

from bson import ObjectId
import discord

from ..base.enums import CurrencyExchange
from ..base.handlers import CustomInteraction
from ..base.items import Item, Chest, Lootbag, Rewardbox
from ..base.modals import EmbedReplyModal
from ..base.models import (
    Blacklist, Exchanges, Inventory, Loots,
    Profiles, Trades, Transactions
from import (
    BoostItem, PremiumBoostItem,
    PremiumShop, Shop, Title
from ..base.views import (
    CallbackButton, CallbackButtonView, ConfirmView, ConfirmOrCancelView,
    LinkView, SelectConfirmView

from ..helpers.utils import (
    EmbedFieldsConfig, dedent, dm_send,
    get_embed, get_formatted_time, get_modules,
    is_admin, is_owner
from ..helpers.validators import HexValidator, MinMaxValidator

from .basecommand import (
    Commands, alias, check_completion,
    dealer_only, defer, ensure_item, model, os_only, suggest_actions

    from discord import Embed, Message, Member

[docs]class TradeCommands(Commands): """ Commands that deal with the trade system of PokeGambler. Shop related commands fall under this category as well. """ verbose_names: Dict[str, str] = { 'Rewardbox': 'Reward Boxe', 'Giftbox': 'Gift Boxe' }
[docs] @defer @model([Profiles, Loots, Inventory]) async def cmd_buy( self, message: Message, itemid: str, quantity: Optional[int] = 1, **kwargs ): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` :param itemid: The ID of the item to buy. :type itemid: str :param quantity: The quantity of the item to buy. :type quantity: Optional[int] :min_value quantity: 1 :default quantity: 1 .. meta:: :description: Buy an item from the Shop. .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /buy itemid:Id [quantity:number] .. rubric:: Description Buys an item from the Shop. You can provide a quantity to buy multiple items. To see the list of purchasable items, check the :class:``. .. rubric:: Examples * To buy a Loot boost with ID boost_lt .. code:: coffee :force: /buy itemid:boost_lt * To buy 10 items with ID 0000FFFF .. code:: coffee :force: /buy itemid:0000FFFF quantity:10 """ shop, item = await self.__buy_get_item(message, itemid.lower()) if item is None: return status = shop.validate(, item, quantity) if status != "proceed": await message.reply( embed=get_embed( status, embed_type="error", title="Unable to Purchase item." ) ) return success = await self.__buy_perform(message, quantity, item) if not success: return spent = item.price * quantity if item.__class__ in [BoostItem, PremiumBoostItem]: tier = Loots( spent *= (10 ** (tier - 1)) curr = self.chip_emoji if item.premium: spent //= 10 curr = self.bond_emoji ftr_txt = None if isinstance(item, Title): ftr_txt = "Your nickname might've not changed " + \ "if it's too long.\nBut the role has been " + \ "assigned succesfully." quant_str = f"x {quantity}" if quantity > 1 else '' await message.reply( embed=get_embed( f"Successfully purchased **{item}**{quant_str}.\n" "Your account has been debited: " f"**{spent}** {curr}", title="Success", footer=ftr_txt, color=Profiles('embed_color') ) )
[docs] @os_only @check_completion @model(Profiles) @alias("cashin") async def cmd_deposit( self, message: Message, **kwargs ): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` .. meta:: :description: Deposit other pokebot credits. :aliases: deposit .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /deposit .. rubric:: Description Deposit other currencies to exchange them for Pokechips. """ pokebot, quantity = await self.__get_inputs(message) if pokebot is None: return req_msg, admin = await self.__admin_accept( message, pokebot, quantity ) if admin is None: return chips = CurrencyExchange[].value * quantity thread = await self.__get_thread(message, pokebot, req_msg) await self.__handle_transaction( message, thread, admin, pokebot, chips )
[docs] @model(Item) @ensure_item @alias(['item', 'detail']) async def cmd_details( # pylint: disable=no-self-use self, message: Message, itemid: str, **kwargs ): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` :param itemid: The ID of the item to get details for. :type itemid: str .. meta:: :description: Check the details of an Item. :aliases: item, detail .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /details itemid:Id .. rubric:: Description Check the details of a PokeGambler item, like * Description * Price * Category .. rubric:: Examples * To check the details of an Item with ID 0000FFFF .. code:: coffee :force: /details itemid:0000FFFF """ item = kwargs["item"] await message.reply(embed=item.details)
[docs] @alias("rates") async def cmd_exchange_rates( # pylint: disable=no-self-use self, message: Message, pokebot: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs ): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` :param pokebot: The name of the Pokebot to get the rates for. :type pokebot: Optional[str] .. meta:: :description: Check the exchange rates of pokebot credits. :aliases: rates .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /exchange_rates [pokebot:Name] .. rubric:: Description Check the exchange rates for different pokebot credits. .. rubric:: Examples * To check the exchange rates for all the bots .. code:: coffee :force: /exchange_rates * To check the exchange rates for PokeTwo .. code:: coffee :force: /rates pokebot:pokétwo """ enums = CurrencyExchange if pokebot: res = enums[pokebot] if res is not enums.DEFAULT: enums = [res] rates_str = '\n'.join( f"```fix\n1 {} Credit = {bot.value} Pokechips\n```" for bot in enums if bot is not CurrencyExchange.DEFAULT ) await message.reply( embed=get_embed( rates_str, title="Exchange Rates" ) )
[docs] @dealer_only @model([Profiles, Trades]) @alias(["transfer", "pay"]) async def cmd_give( self, message: Message, chips: int, user: discord.Member, **kwargs ): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` :param chips: The amount of chips to transfer. :type chips: int :min_value chips: 10 :param user: The user to transfer the chips to. :type user: :class:`discord.Member` .. meta:: :description: Transfer credits to other users. :aliases: transfer, pay .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /give chips:Amount user:@User .. rubric:: Description Transfer some of your own {pokechip_emoji} to another user. .. warning:: If you're being generous, we respect you. But if found abusing it, you will be blacklisted. .. rubric:: Examples * To give user ABCD#1234 500 chips .. code:: coffee :force: /give chips:500 user:ABCD#1234 """ if error_tuple := self.__give_santize(message, user, chips): await message.reply( embed=get_embed( error_tuple[1], embed_type="error", title=error_tuple[0] ) ) return author_prof = Profiles( mention_prof = Profiles(user) if author_prof.get("balance") < chips: await self.handle_low_balance(message, author_prof) return author_prof.debit(chips) Trades(, user, chips ).save() await message.reply( embed=get_embed( f"chips transferred: **{chips}** {self.chip_emoji}" f"\nRecipient: **{user}**", title="Transaction Successful", color=author_prof.get('embed_color') ) )
[docs] @model(Inventory) async def cmd_ids( self, message: Message, item_name: str, **kwargs ): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` :param item_name: The name of the item to get IDs for. :type item_name: str .. meta:: :description: Check IDs of your items. .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /ids item_name:Name .. rubric:: Description Get a list of IDs of an item you own using its name. .. rubric:: Examples * To get the list of IDs for the Common Chest .. code:: coffee :force: /ids item_name:Common Chest """ ids = Inventory( ).from_name(item_name.title()) if not ids: await message.reply( embed=get_embed( f'**{item_name}**\nYou have **0** of those.', title=f"{}'s Item IDs", color=Profiles('embed_color') ) ) return embeds = self.__ids_get_embeds(message, item_name, ids) await self.paginate(message, embeds)
[docs] @model(Inventory) @alias('inv') async def cmd_inventory(self, message: Message, **kwargs): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` .. meta:: :description: Check your inventory. :aliases: inv .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /inventory .. rubric:: Description Check your inventory for collected Chests, Treasures, etc. """ inv = Inventory( catog_dict, net_worth = inv.get() emb = get_embed( "Your personal inventory categorized according to item type.\n" "You can get the list of IDs for an item using " f"`/ids item_name`.\n" "\n> Your inventory's net worth, excluding Chests, is " f"**{net_worth}** {self.chip_emoji}.", title=f"{}'s Inventory", color=Profiles('embed_color') ) for idx, (catog, items) in enumerate(catog_dict.items()): catog_name = self.verbose_names.get(catog, catog) unique_items = [] for item in items: if item['name'] not in ( itm['name'] for itm in unique_items ): item['count'] = [ itm['name'] for itm in items ].count(item['name']) unique_items.append(item) unique_str = "\n".join( f"『{item['emoji']}』 **{item['name']}** x{item['count']}" for item in unique_items ) emb.add_field( name=f"**{catog_name}s** ({len(items)})", value=unique_str, inline=True ) if idx % 2 == 0: emb.add_field( name="\u200B", value="\u200B", inline=True ) await message.reply(embed=emb)
[docs] @model([Loots, Profiles, Chest, Inventory]) @suggest_actions([ ("profilecommands", "loot"), ("profilecommands", "daily") ]) async def cmd_open( self, message: Message, itemid: Optional[str] = None, item_name: Optional[str] = None, quantity: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs ): # pylint: disable=no-member """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` :param itemid: The ID of the item to open. :type itemid: Optional[str] :param item_name: The name of the item to open. :type item_name: Optional[str] :param quantity: The number of items to open. :type quantity: Optional[int] :min_value quantity: 1 .. meta:: :description: Open a Treasure Chest, Lootbag or Reward Box. .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /open (itemid:Id or item_name:Name) [quantity:Number] .. rubric:: Description Opens any of these that you own * Treasure :class:`~scripts.base.items.Chest` * :class:`~scripts.base.items.Lootbag` * :class:`~scripts.base.items.Rewardbox` There are 3 different chests and scale with your tier. Here's a drop table .. code:: py ╔════╦═════════╦═════════╦════════════╗ ║Tier║  Chest  ║Drop Rate║ Pokechips  ║ ╠════╬═════════╬═════════╬════════════╣ ║  1 ║ Common  ║   66%   ║  34 - 191  ║ ║  2 ║  Gold   ║   25%   ║ 192 - 1110 ║ ║  3 ║Legendary║    9%   ║1111 - 10000║ ╚════╩═════════╩═════════╩════════════╝ Lootbags are similar to Chests but they will contain items for sure. They can either be Normal or Premium. Premium Lootbag will contain a guaranteed Premium Item. All the items will be of a separate category. Reward Boxes are similar to Lootbags but the items are fixed. .. rubric:: Examples * To open all Common Chests .. code:: coffee :force: /open item_name:common chest * To open 3 Gold Chests .. code:: coffee :force: /open item_name:gold chest quantity:3 * To open a lootbag/reward box with ID 0000AAAA .. code:: coffee :force: /open itemid:0000AAAA """ openables = self.__open_get_openables( message, itemid, item_name, quantity ) if not openables: await message.reply( embed=get_embed( "Make sure you actually own this Item.", embed_type="error", title="Invalid Chest/Lootbag ID" ), view=kwargs.get('view') ) return await self.__open_handle_rewards(message, openables)
[docs] @model([Transactions, Inventory, Profiles]) async def cmd_redeem( self, message: Message, code: str, **kwargs ): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` :param code: The code to redeem. :type code: str .. meta:: :description: Redeem the webshop code for rewards. .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee :force: /redeem code:Code .. rubric:: Description Redeem the webshop code for rewards. .. rubric:: Examples * To redeem the code `0000AAAA` .. code:: coffee :force: /redeem code:0000AAAA """ transaction = await self.__redeem_get_transaction(message, code) if not transaction: return emb = self.__redeem_get_embed(transaction) confirm_view = self.__redeem_get_confirm_view(message, transaction) await message.reply( embed=emb, view=confirm_view )
[docs] @model(Profiles) async def cmd_redeem_chips( self, message: Message, chips: int, **kwargs ): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` :param chips: The chips of chips to redeem. :type chips: int :min_value chips: 10 .. meta:: :description: Convert pokebonds to pokechips. .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /redeem_chips chips:amount .. rubric:: Description Redeem your pokebonds as x10 pokechips. .. rubric:: Examples * To redeem 500 pokechips .. code:: coffee :force: /redeem_chips chips:500 """ if chips % 10 != 0: await message.reply( embed=get_embed( "The number of chips must be a multiple of 10.", embed_type="error", title="Invalid chips" ) ) return profile = Profiles( if profile.get("pokebonds") < chips // 10: await message.reply( embed=get_embed( f"You cannot afford that many chips.\n" f"You'll need {chips // 10} {self.bond_emoji} for that.", embed_type="error", title="Insufficient Balance" ) ) return profile.debit(chips // 10, bonds=True) await message.reply( embed=get_embed( f"Succesfully converted **{chips // 10}** {self.bond_emoji}" f" into **{chips}** {self.chip_emoji}", title="Redeem Succesfull", color=profile.get('embed_color') ) )
[docs] @model([Profiles, Item, Inventory]) async def cmd_sell( self, message: Message, itemid: Optional[str] = None, item_name: Optional[str] = None, quantity: Optional[int] = 1, **kwargs ): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` :param itemid: The ID of the item to sell. :type itemid: Optional[str] :param item_name: The name of the item to sell. :type item_name: Optional[str] :param quantity: The quantity of the item to sell. :type quantity: Optional[int] :min_value quantity: 1 :default quantity: 1 .. meta:: :description: Sells item from inventory. .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /sell (itemid:Id or item_name:Name) [quantity:value] .. rubric:: Description Sells a :class:`~scripts.base.items.Tradable` from your inventory to the PokeGambler Shop. You can either provide a name or an itemid. If name is provided, you can sell multiples by specifying quantity. .. note:: :class:`~scripts.base.items.Tradable` items aren't yet implemented. .. note:: Quantity option is ignored if itemid is provided. Only one is sold. .. rubric:: Examples * To sell an item with ID 0000FFFF .. code:: coffee :force: /sell itemid:0000FFFF * To sell 10 Gears (Tradables) .. code:: coffee :force: /sell item_name:Gear quantity:10 """ # pylint: disable=no-member inventory = Inventory( if itemid is None: item = inventory.from_id(itemid) if not item: await message.reply( embed=get_embed( "You do not possess that Item.", embed_type="error", title="Invalid Item ID" ) ) return new_item = Item.from_id(itemid) if not new_item.sellable: await message.reply( embed=get_embed( "You cannot sell that Item.", embed_type="error", title="Invalid Item type" ) ) return deleted = inventory.delete(itemid, 1) elif item_name is None: new_item = Item.from_name(item_name) deleted = inventory.delete( item_name, quantity, is_name=True ) else: await message.reply( embed=get_embed( "You should mention either an Item ID or a name.", embed_type="error", title="Invalid Item" ) ) return if deleted == 0: await message.reply( embed=get_embed( "Couldn't sell anything cause no items were found.", embed_type="warning", title="No Items sold" ) ) return bonds = False curr = self.chip_emoji gained = new_item.price * quantity if new_item.premium: gained //= 10 curr = self.bond_emoji bonds = True profile = Profiles( gained, bonds=bonds ) Shop.refresh_tradables() await message.reply( embed=get_embed( f"Succesfully sold `{deleted}` of your listed item(s).\n" "Your account has been credited: " f"**{gained}** {curr}", title="Item(s) Sold", color=profile.get('embed_color') ) )
[docs] @defer @model([Item, Profiles]) @suggest_actions([ ("tradecommands", "shop") ]) async def cmd_shop( self, message: Message, category: Optional[str] = None, premium: Optional[bool] = False, **kwargs ): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` :param category: The category of items to display. :type category: Optional[str] :param premium: Whether to display premium items. :type premium: Optional[bool] :default premium: False .. meta:: :description: Access the PokeGambler Shop. .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /shop [category:Name] [premium:True/False] .. rubric:: Description Used to access the PokeGambler :class:``. If a category is provided, list of items will be shown. Otherwise a list of categories will be displayed. To access the secret shop, use the Premium option. .. note:: You need to own PokeBonds to access the Premium Shop. .. rubric:: Examples * To view the shop categoies .. code:: coffee :force: /shop * To view the shop for Titles .. code:: coffee :force: /shop category:Titles * To view the Premium shop for Gladiators .. code:: coffee :force: /shop category:Gladiators premium:True """ shop = Shop profile = Profiles( if premium: shop = PremiumShop if profile.get("pokebonds") == 0: await message.reply( embed=get_embed( "This option is available only to users" " who purchased PokeBonds.", embed_type="error", title="Premium Only" ), view=LinkView( url="", label="Buy Pokebonds", emoji=self.bond_emoji ) ) return shop.refresh_tradables() categories = shop.categories shop_alias = shop.alias_map if category and category.title() not in shop_alias: cat_str = "\n".join( f"+ {catog}" if shop.categories[catog].items else f"- {catog} (To Be Implemented)" for catog in sorted( categories, key=lambda x: -len(shop.categories[x].items) ) ) await message.reply( embed=get_embed( "That category does not exist. " f"Try one of these:\n```diff\n{cat_str}\n```", embed_type="error", title="Invalid Category" ), view=kwargs.get("view") ) return if not category: embeds = self.__shop_get_catogs(shop, profile) else: emb = self.__shop_get_page( shop, category.title(), ) embeds = [emb] if kwargs.get("premium"): for emb in embeds: emb.set_image( url="" "874623706339618827/874627340523700234/pokebond.png" ) await self.paginate(message, embeds)
[docs] @model([Inventory, Item]) async def cmd_use( self, message: Message, ticket: str, **kwargs ): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` :param ticket: The ID of the ticket to use. :type ticket: str .. meta:: :description: Use a consumable ticket. .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /use ticket:id .. rubric:: Description Use a consumable ticket and trigger it's related command. .. rubric:: Examples * To use the Background Change ticket with ID FFF000 .. code:: coffee :force: /use ticket:FFF000 """ valid = await HexValidator( message=message, on_error={ 'title': "Invalid Ticket ID", 'description': "You need to enter a valid ticket ID." }, on_null={ 'title': "No Ticket ID specified", 'description': "You need to enter a ticket ID." } ).validate(ticket) if not valid: return ticket = Inventory( # pylint: disable=no-member if ( not ticket or "Change" not in ): if ticket is None: content = "You don't have that ticket." else: content = "That is not a valid ticket." await dm_send( message,, embed=get_embed( content, embed_type="error", title="Invalid Ticket" ) ) return for module in get_modules(self.ctx): for cmd in dir(module): command = getattr(module, cmd) if hasattr(command, "__dict__") and command.__dict__.get( "ticket" ) == await command(message, **kwargs) return await dm_send( message,, embed=get_embed( "This ticket cannot be used yet.\n" "Stay tuned for future updates.", embed_type="warning", title="Not Yet Usable" ) )
[docs] @os_only @check_completion @model(Profiles) @alias("cashout") async def cmd_withdraw( self, message: Message, **kwargs ): """ :param message: The message which triggered this command. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` .. meta:: :description: Withdraw other pokebot credits. .. rubric:: Syntax .. code:: coffee /withdraw .. rubric:: Description Exchange Pokechips as other pokemon bot credits. """ pokebot, quantity = await self.__get_inputs( message, mode="withdraw" ) if pokebot is None: return req_msg, admin = await self.__admin_accept( message, pokebot, quantity, mode="withdraw" ) if admin is None: return thread = await self.__get_thread(message, pokebot, req_msg) await self.__handle_transaction( message, thread, admin, pokebot, quantity, mode="withdraw" )
async def __admin_accept( self, message, pokebot, quantity, mode="deposit" ): admins = discord.utils.get(message.guild.roles, name="Admins") confirm_view = ConfirmView( check=lambda intcn: any([ is_admin(intcn.user), is_owner(self.ctx, intcn.user) ]), timeout=600 ) req_msg = await content=admins.mention, embed=get_embed( title=f"New {mode.title()} Request", content=f"**{}** has requested to {mode} " f"**{quantity:,}**『{}』credits." ), view=confirm_view ) await confirm_view.dispatch(self) if confirm_view.value is None: if confirm_view.notify: await dm_send( message,, embed=get_embed( "Looks like none of our Admins are free.\n" "Please try again later.", embed_type="warning", title="Unable to Start Transaction." ) ) return req_msg, None return req_msg, confirm_view.user async def __get_inputs(self, message, mode="deposit"): def get_rate(bot: Member) -> int: rate = CurrencyExchange[].value return f"Exchange Rate: x{rate} Pokechips" already_exchanged = Exchanges( ).get_daily_exchanges(mode.title()) bounds = (1000, 2_500_000 - already_exchanged) if mode == "withdraw": bounds = (10000, 250_000 - already_exchanged) if bounds[1] < bounds[0]: remaining = ( ( hour=0, minute=0, second=0, ) + timedelta(days=1)) - ).total_seconds() rem_str = get_formatted_time(remaining) await dm_send( message,, embed=get_embed( "You have maxed out for today.\n" f"Try again after {rem_str}.", embed_type="warning", title="Unable to Start Transaction." ) ) return None, None async def create_modal(view, interaction): if view.value is None: return pokename = str(view.value).split('#', maxsplit=1)[0] amount_modal = EmbedReplyModal( title=f"Exchange Amount for {pokename} Credits", timeout=120, embed=get_embed( content="Our admins have been notified.\n" "Please wait till one of them accepts" " or retry after 10 minutes.", title="Request Registered." ) ) amount_modal.add_short( f"How much do you want to {mode}?", placeholder=f"Min: {bounds[0]:,}, Max: {bounds[1]:,}" ) await interaction.response.send_modal( amount_modal ) await amount_modal.wait() return amount_modal.results[0] pokebots = discord.utils.get( message.guild.roles, name="Pokebot" ).members choices_view = SelectConfirmView( placeholder="Choose the Pokebot from this list", options={ bot: get_rate(bot) for bot in pokebots }, check=lambda x: ==, callback=create_modal ) await dm_send( message,, content="Which pokemon themed bot's credits" " do you want to exchange?", view=choices_view ) await choices_view.dispatch(self) pokebot = choices_view.value if not pokebot or not choices_view.callback_result: return None, None proceed = await MinMaxValidator( *bounds, message=message, dm_user=True ).validate(choices_view.callback_result) if not proceed: return None, None quantity = int(choices_view.callback_result.replace(',', '')) return pokebot, quantity # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments async def __handle_transaction( self, message, thread, admin, pokebot, chips, mode="deposit" ): confirm_or_cancel = ConfirmOrCancelView(timeout=None) await thread.send( embed=get_embed( title="Starting the transaction." ), content=f"**User**: {}\n" f"**Admin**: {admin.mention}", view=confirm_or_cancel ) await confirm_or_cancel.dispatch(self) if confirm_or_cancel.value: content = None if mode == "deposit": content = f"{}, check your balance" + \ " using the `/balance` command." getattr( Profiles(, "credit" if mode == "deposit" else "debit" )(chips) Profiles(admin).credit(int(chips * 0.1)) Exchanges(, admin, pokebot, chips, mode.title() ).save() await dm_send( message, admin, embed=get_embed( title=f"Credited {int(chips * 0.1):,} chips to" " your account." ) ) else: content = "Transaction cancelled." await thread.send( content=content, embed=get_embed( title=f"Closing the transaction for {}." ) ) await thread.edit( archived=True, locked=True ) @staticmethod async def __get_thread(message, pokebot, req_msg): tname = f"Transaction for {}" thread = await name=tname, message=req_msg ) await req_msg.delete() await thread.add_user( await thread.add_user(pokebot) return thread async def __buy_get_item( self, message, itemid ) -> Tuple[Shop, Item]: shop = Shop shop.refresh_tradables() try: item = shop.get_item(itemid, force_new=True) if not item: shop = PremiumShop shop.refresh_tradables() item = shop.get_item(itemid, force_new=True) if not item: await message.reply( embed=get_embed( "This item was not found in the Shop.\n" "Since the Shop is dynamic, maybe it's too late.", embed_type="error", title="Item not in Shop" ) ) return shop, None if all([ isinstance(item, Title), != self.ctx.official_server ]): official_server = self.ctx.get_guild(self.ctx.official_server) await message.reply( embed=get_embed( f"You can buy titles only in [『{official_server}』]" "(", embed_type="error", title="Cannot buy Titles here." ) ) return shop, None return shop, item except (ValueError, ZeroDivisionError): await message.reply( embed=get_embed( "The provided ID seems to be of wrong format.\n", embed_type="error", title="Invalid Item ID" ) ) return shop, None async def __buy_perform(self, message, quantity, item): task = message=message, quantity=quantity, ctx=self.ctx ) res = (await task) if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction( ) else task if res != "success": await message.reply( embed=get_embed( f"{res}\nYour account has not been charged.", embed_type="error", title="Purchase failed" ) ) return False return True @staticmethod def __give_santize(message, user, chips): error_tuple = () if not user: error_tuple = ( "No user mentioned.", "Please mention whom you want to give it to." ) elif not chips: error_tuple = ( "Invalid amount.", "Please provide a valid amount. (Min 10 chips)" ) elif == error_tuple = ( "Invalid user.", "Nice try mate, but it wouldn't have made a difference." ) elif error_tuple = ( "Bot account found.", "We don't allow shady deals with bots." ) elif Blacklist.is_blacklisted(str( error_tuple = ( "Blacklisted user.", "That user is blacklisted and cannot receive any chips." ) return error_tuple @staticmethod def __ids_get_embeds(message, item_name, ids): embeds = [] for idx in range(0, len(ids), 10): cnt_str = f'{idx + 1} - {min(idx + 11, len(ids))} / {len(ids)}' emb = get_embed( f'**{item_name}**『{cnt_str}』', title=f"{}'s Item IDs", footer="Use 『/details itemid』" "for detailed view.", color=Profiles('embed_color') ) for id_ in ids[idx:idx+10]: emb.add_field( name="\u200B", value=f"**{id_}**", inline=False ) embeds.append(emb) return embeds @staticmethod def __open_get_openables( message: Message, itemid: str, item_name: str, quantity: int ) -> List[Item]: if itemid is not None: openable = Inventory( ).from_id(itemid) return [openable] if openable else [] if item_name is None: return [] lb_name = item_name.title() chest_name = lb_name.replace( 'Chest', '' ).strip() chest_patt = re.compile( fr"{chest_name}.*Chest", re.IGNORECASE ) if any( chest_patt.match(chest.__name__) for chest in Chest.__subclasses__() ): chests = Inventory( ).from_name(fr"{chest_name}.*Chest") if not chests: return [] openables = [ Item.from_id(itemid) for itemid in chests ] else: bags = Inventory( ).from_name(lb_name) openables = [ Item.from_id(itemid) for itemid in bags ] if not openables or openables[0].category not in ( "Rewardbox", "Lootbag" ): return [] return ( openables[:quantity] if quantity is not None else openables ) async def __open_handle_rewards( self, message: Message, openables: List[Union[Chest, Lootbag, Rewardbox]] ) -> str: chips = sum( openable.chips for openable in openables ) profile = Profiles( loot_model = Loots( earned = loot_model.get("earned") loot_model.update( earned=(earned + chips) ) content = f"You have recieved **{chips}** {self.chip_emoji}." items = [] for openable in openables: item = None if == "Legendary Chest": item = openable.get_random_collectible() elif openable.category == 'Lootbag': item = openable.get_random_items() elif openable.category == 'Rewardbox': item = Rewardbox.get_items(openable.itemid) if item: items.extend(item) if items: item_str = '\n'.join( f"**『{item.emoji}{item} x{items.count(item)}**" for item in set(items) ) content += f"\nAnd woah, you also got:\n{item_str}" inv = Inventory( for item in items: inv.delete([ openable.itemid for openable in openables ]) quant_str = f"x{len(openables)} " if len(openables) > 1 else '' await message.reply( embed=get_embed( content, title=f"Opened {quant_str}{openables[0].name}", color=profile.get('embed_color') ) ) def __redeem_get_confirm_view(self, message, transaction): async def claim_callback(view, intcn, **kwargs): async def balance_callback(view, intcn, **kwargs): await self.ctx.profilecommands.cmd_balance( CustomInteraction(intcn) ) async def inventory_callback(view, intcn, **kwargs): await self.ctx.tradecommands.cmd_inventory( CustomInteraction(intcn) ) buttons = [] checklist = [] if transaction.webitem.meta.get('has_currency'): profile = Profiles( # pylint: disable=no-member won_chips = profile.won_chips pokebonds = profile.pokebonds balance = profile.balance profile.update( won_chips=won_chips + ( transaction.webitem.reward_pokechips * transaction.quantity ), pokebonds=pokebonds + ( transaction.webitem.reward_pokebonds * transaction.quantity ), balance=( balance + ( transaction.webitem.reward_pokechips * transaction.quantity ) + ( transaction.webitem.reward_pokebonds * transaction.quantity * 10 ) ) ) buttons.append( CallbackButton( callback=balance_callback, label="Check Balance" ) ) checklist.append('`Balance`') if transaction.webitem.meta.get('is_bundle'): inventory = Inventory( inventory.bulk_insert([ item['item'].itemid for item in transaction.webitem.reward_items for _ in range(item['quantity']) for _ in range(transaction.quantity) ]) buttons.append( CallbackButton( callback=inventory_callback, label="Open Inventory" ) ) checklist.append('`Inventory`') transaction.redeem() btn_view = CallbackButtonView( buttons=buttons, check=lambda intcn: ==, ) check_msg = ( checklist[0] if len(checklist) == 1 else ' and '.join(checklist) ) await CustomInteraction(intcn).reply( embed=get_embed( content="You have successfully claimed your rewards.\n" f"Check your {check_msg}.", ), view=btn_view ) confirm_view = CallbackButtonView( buttons=[ CallbackButton( callback=claim_callback, label="Claim", ) ], check=lambda intcn: == ) return confirm_view @staticmethod def __redeem_get_embed(transaction): fields = {} emb_config_map = {} webitem = transaction.webitem if webitem.meta['has_currency']: if pokechips := webitem.reward_pokechips: fields['Pokechips'] = pokechips * transaction.quantity emb_config_map['Pokechips'] = { 'highlight_lang': 'py' } if pokebonds := webitem.reward_pokebonds: fields['Pokebonds'] = pokebonds * transaction.quantity emb_config_map['Pokebonds'] = { 'highlight_lang': 'py' } if webitem.meta['is_bundle']: fields['Items'] = '\n'.join( f"【{item['item'].name}】 x {item['quantity'] * transaction.quantity}" for item in webitem.reward_items ) emb_config_map['Items'] = { 'inline': False, 'highlight': True, 'highlight_lang': 'py' } name = f'【{}】' if transaction.quantity > 1: name += f'x {transaction.quantity}' emb = get_embed( title=f"{name} - Claim Your Rewards", content="You can claim all these items.", # image=webitem.image, fields=fields, fields_config=EmbedFieldsConfig( highlight=True, field_config_map=emb_config_map ) ) return emb async def __redeem_get_transaction(self, message, code): valid = await HexValidator( message=message, on_error={ 'title': "Invalid Claim Code", 'description': "You need to enter a valid claim code." }, on_null={ 'title': "No Claim Code specified", 'description': "You need to enter a claim code." } ).validate(code) if not valid: return transaction = Transactions( _id=ObjectId(code) )[0] if transaction.redeemed: await message.reply( embed=get_embed( content="This claim code has already been redeemed.", embed_type='error' ), view=LinkView( url="", label="Visit Store", emoji=self.bond_emoji ) ) return return transaction @staticmethod def __shop_get_catogs(shop, profile): categories = { key: catog for key, catog in sorted( shop.categories.items(), key=lambda x: len(x[1].items), reverse=True ) if catog.items } catogs = list(categories.values()) embeds = [] for i in range(0, len(catogs), 3): emb = get_embed( "**To view the items in a specific category:**\n" "**`/shop category`**", title="PokeGambler Shop", footer="All purchases except Tradables " "are non-refundable.", color=profile.get('embed_color') ) for catog in catogs[i:i+3]: emb.add_field( name=str(catog), value=f"```diff\n{dedent(catog.description)}\n" "To view the items:\n" f"/shop {}\n```", inline=False ) embeds.append(emb) return embeds def __shop_get_page( self, shop: Type[Shop], catog_str: str, user: Member ) -> Embed: shopname = re.sub('([A-Z]+)', r' \1', shop.__name__).strip() categories = shop.categories catog = categories[shop.alias_map[catog_str]] user_tier = Loots(user).tier if shop.alias_map[catog_str] in [ "Tradables", "Consumables", "Gladiators" ]: shop.refresh_tradables() if len(catog.items) < 1: emb = get_embed( f"`{} {shopname}` seems to be empty right now.\n" "Please try again later.", embed_type="warning", title="No items found", thumbnail="" f"twemoji/master/assets/72x72/{ord(catog.emoji):x}.png" ) else: profile = Profiles(user) balance = ( f"`{profile.get('pokebonds'):,}` {self.bond_emoji}" if shop is PremiumShop else f"`{profile.get('won_chips'):,}` {self.chip_emoji}" ) emb = get_embed( f"**To buy any item, use `/buy itemid`**" f"\n**You currently have: {balance}**", title=f"{catog} {shopname}", no_icon=True, color=profile.get('embed_color') ) for item in catog.items: itemid = f"{item.itemid:0>8X}" if isinstance( item.itemid, int ) else item.itemid price = item.price curr = self.chip_emoji if item.premium: price //= 10 curr = self.bond_emoji if shop.alias_map[catog_str] == "Boosts": price *= (10 ** (user_tier - 1)) emb.add_field( name=f"『{itemid}』 _{item}_ " f"{price:,} {curr}", value=f"```\n{item.description}\n```", inline=False ) # pylint: disable=undefined-loop-variable emb.set_footer(text=f"Example:『/buy {itemid}』") return emb