Source code for scripts.helpers.utils

PokeGambler - A Pokemon themed gambling bot for Discord.
Copyright (C) 2021 Harshith Thota

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.

Compilation of Utility Functions

from __future__ import annotations
import asyncio
import cProfile
from datetime import date, datetime
from io import BytesIO
import json
import os
import random
import re
import time
from typing import (
    Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Literal,
    Optional, TYPE_CHECKING, Tuple, Union
from cachetools import Cache, TTLCache

import discord

    from discord import (
        Embed, File, Message,
        TextChannel, Member
    from PIL.Image import Image
    from bot import PokeGambler
    # pylint: disable=cyclic-import
    from ..commands.basecommand import Commands
    from .logger import CustomLogger

[docs]class LineTimer: """A Context Manager to profile a set of lines of code. :param logger: The logger to use. :type logger: CustomLogger :param message: Prefix to add to the profile output. :type message: Optional[str] :param profile_it: Verbose profiling? :type profile_it: Optional[bool] """ def __init__( self, logger: CustomLogger, message: Optional[str] = None, profile_it: Optional[bool] = False ): self.profile_it = profile_it self.logger = logger if profile_it: self.profiler = cProfile.Profile( subcalls=False, builtins=False ) else: self.start_time = None self.message = message or '' if self.message: self.message = f"{self.message}: " def __enter__(self): if self.profile_it: self.profiler.enable() else: self.start_time = time.time() # pylint: disable=unused-argument def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): if self.profile_it: self.profiler.disable() self.profiler.print_stats(sort='cumtime') else: elapsed = time.time() - self.start_time self.logger.pprint( f"{self.message}{elapsed: 2.2f} secs\n", color="yellow" )
[docs]class ImageCacher: """ A TTL Cache for images created in a command for a user. :param user: The user to cache images for. :type user: :class:`discord.Member` :param kwargs: Additional Keyword Arguments. :type kwargs: Dict[str, Any] """ def __init__(self, user: discord.Member, **kwargs): self.cache = TTLCache(maxsize=1, ttl=60) self.user = user self.kwargs = kwargs @property def keys(self) -> Tuple[str, Tuple[str, Any]]: """Returns a hashable key for the cache. :return: Hashable Key :rtype: Tuple[str, Tuple[str, Any]] """ kwgs = tuple({ key: val for key, val in self.kwargs.items() if key not in ["args", "mentions", "selected_user"] }) return (, kwgs)
[docs] def expire(self): """ Expire the cache. """ Cache.clear(self.cache)
[docs] def register(self, img_url: str): """Registers the image url to the cache. :param img_url: The image url to register. :type img_url: str """ self.cache[self.keys] = img_url
@property def cached(self) -> Optional[str]: """Returns the cached image URL if it exists. :return: The cached image URL. :rtype: Optional[str] """ return self.cache.get(self.keys)
# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
[docs]class EmbedFieldsConfig: """ A config class for :meth:`get_embed`. """
[docs] class FieldConfig: """ Config for single Embed Field. """ def __init__( self, parent: EmbedFieldsConfig, inline: bool = None, highlight: bool = None, highlight_lang: str = "" ): #: The parent EmbedFieldsConfig self.parent = parent #: Whether the field is inline or not. self.inline = inline #: Whether to wrap the field in a code block. self.highlight = highlight #: The language to highlight the field in. self.highlight_lang = highlight_lang
[docs] def get(self, attr: str) -> Any: """ Returns the value of the attribute. Checks for master overrides in the parent. """ if attr == "highlight_lang": return self.highlight_lang if attr in {"inline", "highlight"}: field_attr = getattr(self, attr) if field_attr is None: return getattr(self.parent, attr) return field_attr return None
def __init__( self, field_config_map: Dict[ str, Literal["inline", "highlight", "highlight_lang"] ] = None, highlight: bool = False, inline: bool = True ): #: Whether to wrap the fields in a codeblock. self.highlight = highlight #: Whether to display the fields inline. self.inline = inline #: A mapping of field names to FieldConfig objects. self.field_config_map = { key: self.FieldConfig(self, **val) for key, val in (field_config_map or {}).items() }
[docs] def get(self, key: str) -> Union[bool, FieldConfig]: """Returns the config for a field. :param key: The key to get the value of. :type key: str :return: The value of the key. :rtype: Union[bool, :class:`EmbedFieldsConfig.FieldConfig`] """ if key in {"inline", "highlight"}: return getattr(self, key) return self.field_config_map.get(key, self.FieldConfig(self))
[docs]def dedent(message: str) -> str: """Strips whitespaces from the left of every line. :param message: The message to dedent. :type message: str :return: The dedented message. :rtype: str """ return '\n'.join( line.lstrip() for line in message.splitlines() )
[docs]async def dm_send( message: Message, user: Member, content: Optional[str] = None, embed: Optional[Embed] = None, **kwargs ) -> Message: """Attempts to send message to the User's DM. In case of fallback, sends in the original channel. :param message: The message to send. :type message: :class:`discord.Message` :param user: The user to send the message to. :type user: :class:`discord.Member` :param content: The content of the message. :type content: Optional[str] :param embed: The embed to send. :type embed: Optional[:class:`discord.Embed`] :param kwargs: Additional Keyword Arguments. :type kwargs: Dict[str, Any] :return: The message sent. :rtype: :class:`discord.Message` """ # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel, cyclic-import from ..base.handlers import CustomInteraction try: if isinstance(message, CustomInteraction): msg = await message.reply( content=content, embed=embed, **kwargs ) else: msg = await user.send( content=content, embed=embed, **kwargs ) except discord.Forbidden: msg = await message.reply( content=f"{content or ''}", embed=embed, **kwargs ) return msg
[docs]def get_ascii(msg: str) -> str: """Returns the ascii art for a text. :param msg: The message to convert to ascii art. :type msg: str :return: The ascii art. :rtype: str """ artmap = { "0": ".█████╗.\n██╔══██╗\n██║..██║\n██║..██║\n╚█████╔╝\n.╚════╝.", "1": "..███╗..\n.████║..\n██╔██║..\n╚═╝██║..\n███████╗\n╚══════╝", "2": "██████╗.\n╚════██╗\n..███╔═╝\n██╔══╝..\n███████╗\n╚══════╝", "3": "██████╗.\n╚════██╗\n.█████╔╝\n.╚═══██╗\n██████╔╝\n╚═════╝.", "4": "..██╗██╗\n.██╔╝██║\n██╔╝.██║\n███████║\n╚════██║\n.....╚═╝", "5": "███████╗\n██╔════╝\n██████╗.\n╚════██╗\n██████╔╝\n╚═════╝.", "6": ".█████╗.\n██╔═══╝.\n██████╗.\n██╔══██╗\n╚█████╔╝\n.╚════╝.", "7": "███████╗\n╚════██║\n....██╔╝\n...██╔╝.\n..██╔╝..\n..╚═╝...", "8": ".█████╗.\n██╔══██╗\n╚█████╔╝\n██╔══██╗\n╚█████╔╝\n.╚════╝.", "9": ".█████╗.\n██╔══██╗\n╚██████║\n.╚═══██║\n.█████╔╝\n.╚════╝.", "v": "██╗...██╗\n██║...██║\n╚██╗.██╔╝\n.╚████╔╝.\n..╚██╔╝..\n...╚═╝...", # noqa ".": "...\n...\n...\n...\n██╗\n╚═╝" } mapping = [artmap[ch] for ch in msg] art = '\n'.join( ''.join(var.split('\n')[i].replace(' ', '', 1) for var in mapping) for i in range(6) ) art = '\t\t\t' + art.replace('\n', '\n\t\t\t') return art
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
[docs]def get_embed( content: Optional[str] = "", embed_type: Optional[str] = "info", title: Optional[str] = None, footer: Optional[str] = None, image: Optional[str] = None, thumbnail: Optional[str] = None, color: Optional[int] = None, no_icon: Optional[bool] = False, fields: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, fields_config: Optional[EmbedFieldsConfig] = None ) -> Embed: """Creates a Discord Embed with appropriate color, \ title and description. :param content: The content of the embed. :type content: Optional[str] :param embed_type: The type of embed., default is info. :type embed_type: Optional[str] :param title: The title of the embed. :type title: Optional[str] :param footer: The footer of the embed. :type footer: Optional[str] :param image: The image url for the embed. :type image: Optional[str] :param thumbnail: The thumbnail url for the embed. :type thumbnail: Optional[str] :param color: The color of the embed. :type color: Optional[int] :param no_icon: If True, no icon will be shown. :type no_icon: Optional[bool] :param fields: The fields of the embed. :type fields: Optional[Dict[str, str]] :param fields_config: The fields config of the embed. :type fields_config: Optional[:class:`EmbedFieldsConfig`] :return: The embed :rtype: :class:`discord.Embed` """ def handle_fields(emb): def date_serializer(obj): if isinstance(obj, (datetime, date)): return obj.isoformat() raise TypeError(f"Type {type(obj)} not serializable") for key, value in fields.items(): hl_rule = fields_config.get(key) lang = hl_rule.get('highlight_lang') highlight = hl_rule.get('highlight') if isinstance(value, (dict, list)): dumped = json.dumps( value, indent=3, default=date_serializer ) val = f"```json\n{dumped}\n```" elif highlight: val = f"```{lang}\n{value}\n```" else: val = value emb.add_field( name=key.title(), value=val, inline=( not isinstance(value, (dict, list)) and hl_rule.get('inline') ) ) embed_params = { "info": { "name": "INFORMATION", "icon": ":information_source:", "color": ( color if color is not None else 11068923 ) }, "warning": { "name": "WARNING", "icon": ":warning:", "color": 16763904 }, "error": { "name": "ERROR", "icon": "❌", "color": 11272192 } } params = embed_params[embed_type] if no_icon: title = f"{title or params['name']}" else: title = f"{params['icon']} {title or params['name']}" emb = discord.Embed( title=title, description=content, color=params['color'] ) if footer: emb.set_footer(text=footer) if image: emb.set_image(url=image) if thumbnail: emb.set_thumbnail(url=thumbnail) if color: emb.color = color if fields: handle_fields(emb) return emb
[docs]def get_enum_embed( iterable: Iterable, embed_type: str = "info", title: Optional[str] = None, custom_ext: bool = False, color: Optional[int] = None ) -> Embed: """Creates a Discord Embed with prettified iterable as description. :param iterable: The iterable to be used as description. :type iterable: Iterable :param embed_type: The type of embed., default is info. :type embed_type: str :param title: The title of the embed. :type title: Optional[str] :param custom_ext: If True, won\'t be wrapped in Markdown codeblock. :type custom_ext: bool :param color: The color of the embed. :type color: Optional[int] :return: The embed :rtype: :class:`discord.Embed` """ enum_str = '\n'.join( f"{i + 1}. {name}" for i, name in enumerate(iterable) ) if not custom_ext: enum_str = f"```md\n{enum_str}\n```" return get_embed( enum_str, embed_type=embed_type, title=title, color=color )
[docs]def get_formatted_time( tot_secs: int, show_hours: bool = True, show_mins: bool = True ) -> str: """Converts total seconds into a human readable format. :param tot_secs: The total seconds to be converted. :type tot_secs: int :param show_hours: If True, hours will be shown. :type show_hours: bool :param show_mins: If True, minutes will be shown. :type show_mins: bool :return: The formatted time. :rtype: str """ hours = divmod(tot_secs, 3600) minutes = divmod(hours[1], 60) seconds = divmod(minutes[1], 1) disp_tm = f"**{int(seconds[0]):02d} seconds**" if show_mins: disp_tm = f'**{int(minutes[0]):02d} minutes** and {disp_tm}' if show_hours: disp_tm = f'**{int(hours[0]):02d} hours**, {disp_tm}' return disp_tm
[docs]def get_modules(ctx: PokeGambler) -> List[Commands]: """Returns a list of all the :class:`~scripts.commands.basecommand.Commands` Modules. :param ctx: The PokeGambler client object. :type ctx: :class:`bot.PokeGambler` :return: A list of all the command modules. :rtype: List[:class:`~scripts.commands.basecommand.Commands`] """ yield from ( getattr(ctx, comtype) for comtype in dir(ctx) if all([ not comtype.startswith("_"), comtype.endswith('commands'), comtype != "load_commands" ]) )
[docs]def get_rand_headers() -> Dict: """Generates a random header for the aiohttp session. .. warning:: Will be deprecated in the future. :return: A header with a random User-Agent. :rtype: Dict """ browsers = [ "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64)", "AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)", "discord/0.0.306", "Chrome/80.0.3987.132", "Discord/1.6.15", "Safari/537.36", "Electron/7.1.11" ] return { "User-Agent": ' '.join( set( random.choices( browsers, k=random.randint(1, len(browsers)) ) ) ), "Referer": "", "Origin": "" }
[docs]def is_admin(user: Member) -> bool: """Checks if user is an admin in the official server. :param user: The user to be checked. :type user: :class:`discord.Member` :return: True if the user is an admin. :rtype: bool """ roles = [ for role in user.roles ] return all([ "admins" in roles, == int(os.getenv('OFFICIAL_SERVER')) ])
[docs]def is_dealer(user: Member) -> bool: """Checks if user is a PokeGambler Dealer. :param user: The user to be checked. :type user: :class:`discord.Member` :return: True if the user is a PokeGambler Dealer. :rtype: bool """ roles = [ for role in user.roles ] return all([ "dealers" in roles, == int(os.getenv('OFFICIAL_SERVER')) ])
[docs]def is_owner(ctx: PokeGambler, user: Member) -> bool: """Checks if the user is an owner of PokeGambler. :param ctx: The PokeGambler client object. :type ctx: :class:`bot.PokeGambler` :param user: The user to be checked. :type user: :class:`discord.Member` :return: True if the user is an owner of PokeGambler. :rtype: bool """ return in ( ctx.allowed_users, ctx.owner_id )
[docs]def img2file( img: Image, fname: str, ext: str = "JPEG" ) -> File: """Convert a PIL Image into a discord File. :param img: The PIL Image to be converted. :type img: :class:`PIL.Image.Image` :param fname: The filename of the file. :type fname: str :param ext: The extension of the file. :type ext: str :return: The discord File object. :rtype: :class:`discord.File` """ byio = BytesIO(), ext) return discord.File(byio, fname)
[docs]async def online_now(ctx: PokeGambler): """Notifies on Discord, that PokeGambler is ready. :param ctx: The PokeGambler client object. :type ctx: :class:`bot.PokeGambler` """ secret = ctx.discord_webhook_token channel = ctx.discord_webhook_channel url = f"{channel}/{secret}" body = { "username": "PokeGambler Status Monitor", "content": "\n".join([ "<:online:874626019607334922>\t**Online**", "PokeGambler is back online, you can use commands again.", "\u200B\n\u200B\n" ]) } ctx.logger.pprint( "Sending online notification to webhook.\n", color="blue" ) try: await, data=body) ctx.logger.pprint( "Online notification sent.\n", color="green" ) except Exception as error: # pylint: disable=broad-except ctx.logger.pprint( error, color="red" )
[docs]def parse_command(prefix: str, msg: str) -> Dict: """Parses a message to obtain the command, args and kwargs. :param prefix: The prefix of the command. :type prefix: str :param msg: The message to be parsed. :type msg: str :return: A dictionary with the command, args and kwargs. :rtype: Dict """ def is_digit(word, check_float=False): symbols = ['+', '-'] if check_float: if word.count('.') != 1: return False symbols.append('.') for sym in symbols: if sym in word: word = word.replace(sym, '') return word.isdigit() def purify_kwarg(kwarg): key = kwarg.split(' ')[0] val = ' '.join(kwarg.split(' ')[1:]) if len(kwarg.split(' ')) == 1: val = True elif val in [ "true", "True", "false", "False" ]: val = val in ["true", "True"] elif is_digit(val): val = int(val) elif is_digit(val, check_float=True): val = float(val) return key, val parsed = { "Command": "", "Args": [], "Kwargs": {} } non_kwarg_str, *kwarg_str = msg.partition('--') main_sep_patt = ( re.escape(prefix) + r'(?:(?P<Command>\S+)\s?)' + r'(?:(?P<Args>.+)\s?)*' ) main_parsed_dict = main_sep_patt, non_kwarg_str, re.IGNORECASE ).groupdict() if kwarg_str: main_parsed_dict["Kwargs"] = ''.join(kwarg_str) parsed["Command"] = main_parsed_dict["Command"].lower() if main_parsed_dict["Args"]: parsed["Args"] = [ arg for arg in main_parsed_dict["Args"].rstrip(' ').split(' ') if arg ] if main_parsed_dict.get("Kwargs", None): kwargs = main_parsed_dict["Kwargs"].split(' --') kwargs[0] = kwargs[0].lstrip('-') kwarg_dict = {} for kwarg in kwargs: key, val = purify_kwarg(kwarg) kwarg_dict[key] = val parsed["Kwargs"] = kwarg_dict return parsed
[docs]def prettify_discord( ctx: PokeGambler, iterable: List[str], mode: str = "guild" ) -> str: """Prettification for iterables like guilds and channels. :param ctx: The PokeGambler client object. :type ctx: :class:`bot.PokeGambler` :param iterable: The iterable to be prettified. :type iterable: List[str] :param mode: Guild or Channel? :type mode: str :return: The prettified string. :rtype: str """ func = getattr(ctx, f"get_{mode}") return '\n\t'.join( ', '.join( f"{func(elem)} ({elem})" for elem in iterable[i: i + 2] ) for i in range(0, len(iterable), 2) )
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
[docs]def showable_command( ctx: PokeGambler, cmd: Callable, user: Member ): """Checks if a command is accessible to a user based on roles. :param ctx: The PokeGambler client object. :type ctx: :class:`bot.PokeGambler` :param cmd: The command to be checked. :type cmd: Callable :param user: The user to check the command for. :type user: :class:`discord.Member` :return: True if the command is accessible, False otherwise. :rtype: bool """ def has_access(cmd, user): if is_owner(ctx, user): return True if is_admin(user): return not getattr(cmd, "owner_only", False) if is_dealer(user): return not any([ getattr(cmd, "owner_only", False), getattr(cmd, "admin_only", False) ]) return not any([ getattr(cmd, "owner_only", False), getattr(cmd, "admin_only", False), getattr(cmd, "dealer_only", False) ]) return all([ cmd.__doc__, not getattr(cmd, "disabled", False), has_access(cmd, user) ])
[docs]def get_commands( ctx: PokeGambler, user: Member, module: Commands, roles: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> str: """Get a list of all showable commands for a given Module. :param ctx: The PokeGambler client object. :type ctx: :class:`bot.PokeGambler` :param user: The user to check the commands for. :type user: :class:`discord.Member` :param module: The module to get the commands from. :type module: :class:`~scripts.commands.basecommand.Commands` :param roles: The roles to check the commands for. :type roles: Optional[List[str]] :return: A list of all showable commands. :rtype: str """ role = roles[0] if roles else None return '\n'.join( sorted( [ cmd.replace("cmd_", "/") for cmd in dir(module) if all([ cmd.startswith("cmd_"), showable_command( ctx, getattr(module, cmd), user ), cmd not in getattr(module, "alias", []), any([ role is None, role is not None and getattr( getattr(module, cmd), f"{role.lower().rstrip('s')}_only", False ) ]) ]) ], key=len ) )
[docs]async def wait_for( chan: TextChannel, ctx: PokeGambler, event: str = "message", init_msg: Optional[Message] = None, check: Optional[Callable] = None, timeout: Optional[Union[float, str]] = None ) -> Message: """Modified version of :meth:`discord.Client.wait_for`. Checks the history once upon timeout. :param chan: The channel to wait for messages in. :type chan: :class:`discord.TextChannel` :param ctx: The PokeGambler client object. :type ctx: :class:`bot.PokeGambler` :param event: The event to wait for., defaults to message. :type event: str :param init_msg: Checks history after this message. :type init_msg: Optional[:class:`discord.Message`] :param check: Checks the message against this function. :type check: Optional[Callable] :param timeout: The timeout to wait for. :type timeout: Optional[Union[float, str]] :return: The message that was received. :rtype: :class:`discord.Message` """ if not timeout: timeout = 5.0 elif timeout == "inf": timeout = None try: reply = await ctx.wait_for( event, check=check, timeout=timeout ) return reply except asyncio.TimeoutError: history = chan.history(limit=10, after=init_msg) reply = await history.find(predicate=check) return reply